Pet King

Chapter 1187: Siwa Oasis

In history, there are several ox-fork characters who died early. One of them was Alexander the Great. He studied under Aristotle and was one of the greatest military commanders in world history.

That year, after Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire and entered ancient Egypt, in order to become a pharaoh recognized by the ancient Egyptians, he personally led an army into the western desert to visit the temple of Amon in the oasis of Siwa.

Prior to this, the Persians had also been troubled by this matter. Although they occupied ancient Egypt for two hundred years, the ancient Egyptians did not recognize the legitimacy of their rule, did not recognize the Persians as their own pharaohs, and resisted for two hundred years.

To solve this problem, long before Alexander the Great, the Persians sent an army of up to 50,000 into the western desert. They also wanted to find the temple of Amon in Siwa Oasis. The temple was flattened.

The straight line distance of Alexandria from Siwa Oasis is about 500 kilometers, which is not far from today's perspective, but in the hundreds of years BC, this road was completely sinister and barren.

It is said that after the Persian army entered the western desert, it encountered a terrible storm. All 50,000 people were buried in the yellow sand. None of them went out of the desert alive ... It sounded like a Mongolian army's expedition to Fusang. The plot annihilated by Kamikaze's entire army.

The mighty Alexander the Great knows the lessons of the Persians, but he embarks on this path again.

His army also lost his way in the desert, but he seemed to be really favored by the Egyptian gods. Two crows appeared in front of him, guiding him, and experiencing a fantasy journey full of myths. He finally arrived In the oasis of Siwa, he received the revelation in front of the statue of Amon, and was recognized by the temple priests as the son of Amon, the son of the sun god, and officially became the pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

Why is the status of Amon Temple so high? Because the deities of the Temple of Amon are very accurate, it is a pity that it is not known whether God of Amon foresees the future of Alexander the Great's early death.

The road from Maheru to Siwa Oasis is boring and boring, with only endless deserts and low bushes in sight.

At the end of the monotonous desert, lush green began to appear. The tall coconut palms produced green fruits. It would take about two months to mature, slowly turning from green to pink to yellow, and finally floating. Winey reddish brown.

The calm lakes reflected the dazzling white light in the sunlight. The white flowers around the lake were like frost and snow, which were the salts that evaporated from the water.

The Siwa Oasis is here.

In just a few hours, Zhang Zi'an crossed the desert in which Persian 50,000 troops were buried and Alexander the Great was almost buried.

However, this is also the end of the road.

From here to the west and to the south, there is no road, at least there is no flat road, only the endless Sahara desert.

There was gradual movement on the road. Apart from the buses that occasionally passed tourists, the most common was a donkey cart. The Berber men living in this oasis are sitting on a two-wheeler and throwing their whip to drive the donkey.

When Zhang Zi'an slowed down and cast a curious look, a middle-aged man of a specific age could not see a wry smile, desperately beating the poor donkey in order to hide his shyness in front of strangers.

If there are still a small number of tourists heading for the beautiful beach and heading to the port of Maheru, then the number of tourists coming here is extremely rare. After all, the straight line from here is more than 700 kilometers away and it is close to the Libyan border.

However, this does not mean that there is no place to visit. On the contrary, Siwa Oasis ranks 17th among the 50 natural wonders of the world selected by CNN, and is also the highest ranked place in Egypt.

Due to the low number of tourists, the indigenous Berbers here are not as slick as the Egyptians in Cairo and Alexandria, retaining most of the simplicity.

A sudden hill is located next to the oasis. When Zhang Zi'an drove past, he noticed that the surface of the hill was covered with insect-like caves. This is the famous "Mountain of the Dead". There are many tombs from the Ptolemy period to the Roman period. .

The Siwa Oasis is about ten kilometers long and six to eight kilometers wide. It has a population of about 20,000 residents, and in the winter, rich people from Europe come here to spend their winter holidays.

Next to the highway is a yellow mud-tile house with black lettering on the wall: Welcome to Siwa Oasis.

There are no tall buildings in the town, and the tallest building is about four stories, all of them look ashamed.

In the current off-season, there are not many people on the streets, and most of the hotels are empty. Donkey carts, motorcycles, tricycles, buses, pickups and even convertibles are walking on the street. This chaotic traffic situation knew that he had not left Egypt.

Salem parked in front, got off and asked Zhang Zi'an if he wanted to go sightseeing here ~ ~ He was very familiar with this place and volunteered as a tour guide.

Zhang Zi'an also deliberately visited the Siwa Oasis to see what is commendable in a place that can be evaluated by CNN so high, but he has a mission today, first go to the Bedouin tribe to get in touch with the desert Guide, and later visit Siwa if you have time.

Salim said he understood, and chanted the good things he had said before, returned to the car and continued to drive forward.

Passing through the town, this deserted area that you really entered this time.

There is no serious road ahead, the vast desert is unobstructed in front of you, and there are countless inches of grassy hills in the desert. The two cars rushed up the sandy mountain and slipped down the sandy valley, similar to surfing in the sandy sea. The back of each car raised long dust, like a tornado.

Zhang Zi'an, who was wearing a seat belt, was okay. The elves in the car didn't wear a seat belt.

I don't know how long he has been driving in the desert and Gobi. Zhang Zi'an has lost his way because the surroundings are all the same. It is impossible to tell the difference between hills and sand dunes. I just hope that Salem will not lose the Bedouin's wayfinding instinct Don't lead everyone into the depths of the desert.

Salim's car slowed down slowly, and he pulled his arm out of the window, saying he was about to reach his destination.

A row of low shacks appeared in front of him. Bedouin with his camels slowly walked in robes. The camel bells rang like a return to the world of a thousand and one nights.

Zhang Zi'an and Salem stopped one after the other.

In addition, there are several off-road vehicles parked near the entrance to the village. Are other tourists visiting this Bedouin settlement?

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