Pet King

Chapter 1210: Escape

Under the siege of the desert mosquito army, don't look at Fina always being domineering, old tea always light and light, Feimas always calm and calm, Vladimir always talked bluntly, at this time all lost The rituals of the past, harassed by the army of mosquitoes, were exhausted!

At first they would echo, but later they didn't even dare to open their mouths, and one mouth might get into hundreds of mosquitoes.

Not only did they dare not open their mouths, and even their eyes could be squinted, because these mosquitoes were also drilling into the eyelids and falling on the eyeballs!

Even the invisible Richard was spotted by a small group of mosquitoes, and all warm-blooded animals seemed to escape the mosquito's blood-sucking radar.

Richard flutters his wings desperately trying to hide, but it emits more flavor, especially because it always pulls bird feces and does not rub the buttocks. It also makes the mosquitoes clear the target of attack, while it flutters its wings towards it The underarm is drilled because the feathers there are sparse and suitable for sucking blood.

"Quack! Quack! Do you think bullying is bullying? Uncle has always been vegetarian and doesn't mind opening today!"

Richard yelled fiercely, opened his beak and pecked at the mosquitoes hovering beside his head-not to mention, it really killed a few of them, after all, the mosquitoes were too dense, but it also Out of stealth due to the attack action, more mosquitoes came towards it.

Fina, Lao Cha, Feimas, and Vladimir had a good ability, but they were almost as embarrassed as Richard, and that was the answer-cannons hit mosquitoes, and they had nowhere to go.

No matter how they drive away with their claws, the mosquitoes will make a comeback in the next second. They may be able to kill a dozen mosquitoes with one paw, but compared to tens of thousands of mosquitoes, they may be a waste of money. Before killing all the mosquitoes, they may have exhausted themselves and then sucked into cats. Dog dry bird dry ...

They must not breathe for a moment, because these desert mosquitoes are too powerful, if there is no good mouth, they will even fall on their hair, and desperately squeeze into the hair until the mouth can pierce their skin to **** blood.

Xinghai is the best among the elves. The pride of the other elves made them choose not to give way when they faced a small number of mosquitoes at first, but attacked with their claws. run.

"Meow ~ Meow ~"

It sprinted around the circle at a galloping speed, responding to that sentence as long as the mosquito could not catch up with me as long as I ran fast enough.

In the midst of chaos, Zhang Zi'an froze like a wooden sculpture.

He does n’t have the lush hair guard like the elves, and his blood and fangs are the favorite food choice for mosquitoes. He should have been bitten the most. The mosquito army did target him at first, but it ’s strange. Yes, when the army of mosquitoes flew to him like a tide on a reef, they automatically made a point to the left and right, circled from his sides, and attacked the elves.

How is this going?

Why don't mosquitoes bite me?

Is it ... afraid of golden fingers like the ancient dragon blood or the peerless martial art soul hidden in my body?

How else to explain?

The violent sun had oiled his skin, and the sweat on his forehead ran down. He wiped it off with a scent of mint on the back of his hand.

It's been almost half an hour since he finished applying the cold oil, and he forgot about it. At this time, he thought carefully. Could it be that the explosion-proof cold oil of the Xixi version has a mosquito repellent effect?

This amazingly cheap copycat with unknown ingredients still has this wonderful effect? It seems to be far more powerful than the genuine mosquito repellent. God knows what's in it!

Seeing that the elves had left and right, he could not think too much, and took out the box of cold oil that had just opened from his pocket, and smeared all the exposed skin on his body.

He yelled, "Let go of the elves, come to me!" Then he dared to rush into the mosquito pile!

If he guesses wrong and angers the mosquitoes, he feeds them.

A miracle happened, where he rushed, where the mosquitoes dispersed like ebb tide.

At first sight, he was so effective that he put his heart back in his belly and danced to drive away mosquitoes, just like the superman with a thousand enemies in the novel.

"Come to me!"

He fights and retreats, killing a path in the mosquito army, retreating to the SUV, pulling the car door, signalling the elves to rush into the car to take refuge, and smearing the cold oil around the car door to prevent mosquitoes from chasing .

The elves have been fighting with the mosquitoes, and are confused. Although it is not clear how he did it, they are all refreshed.

"You retreat first! Behind the old palace!"

The old tea let the other elves go first, stay behind, and use the front paw to make a quick stroke in the sand, setting off a sand wall to stop the mosquito pursuit.

At this time, there was no time to be modest. Besides, the old tea wore a bucket and a robe, and it had a layer of protection against mosquito attacks, which was better than other elves.

The other elves rushed to the door and rushed in.

The old tea jumped into the car last.

Zhang Zi'an had set the engine on fire, closed the door quickly, and stepped on the accelerator to escape the area as fast as possible-no matter how powerful the desert mosquitoes were, they could not catch up with the car.

The stunned elves were all gray-faced and panting.

"How many old winds and waves have passed, and today I almost overturned in this ditch ..." Lao Chaxin said with a bit of embarrassment.

"My cat!" Vladimir looked into the rearview mirror. "I didn't think I had strayed into the encirclement of the devils. When I join the stray cats in Egypt in the future, I will kill them back here and destroy all the cats!"

"Quack! Why aren't you an idiot afraid of mosquitoes?" Richard fluttered his wings and landed on his shoulder ~ ~ Zhang Zi'an glanced sideways, "I depend! Who are you? Where is the phoenix? A parrot? "

A big bag was bitten on Richard's forehead, and the feathers of his brain were exploded in chaos. It is similar to the Antarctic fairy in the New Year's painting. At first glance, it looks like an African gray parrot, but it looks like a blue-eyed phoenix. Head parrot.

"Shut up! You idiot is watching the road, don't look at your uncle!" Richard lifted a bird's claw and pressed it on his cheek, forcing his head forward.

Feimas sucked his nose, and his scent was as sensitive as it had already smelled the extremely strong smell of cold oil on Zhang Zi'an. He said suddenly, "Is that the previous ..."


Zhang Zi'an pulled out a few boxes of cool oil from his pants pocket and threw them into the glove box in front of the co-pilot.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful. It was originally intended to be dealt with at a low price. It seems that after entering the desert, it may be a strange commodity!"

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