Pet King

Chapter 1226: Gobi and Sand Sea

Instead of hiding secrets, Nabari did not shy away from Zhang Zi'an and Lippit, as well as others, even let them record the GPS coordinates of the marks when imparting experience to Salem, which made them somewhat embarrassed.

How can they know where the mark is? Give up the comfortable life in a large foreign city, give up your previous work, and come to the desert to grab the guide's rice bowl with the Bedouins? Obviously impossible.

Li Pitt looked at the time, and it was 15 minutes, and said through the walkie-talkie: "The personnel of each unit returned to the car, ready to move on."

Zhang Zi'an also returned to his car and saw the elves also returning. He asked, "The road is still long. Does anyone want to go back to the phone? I will let you out when I camp at night. "

The journey was very boring and boring. The scenery of Gobi remained the same. No matter how fast the car drove, it seemed to be stationary, and once it entered the sandy sea, the car undulated up and down like a trembling boat in the waves.

Although it is already afternoon in the west of the sun, the temperature in the desert still exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, the temperature at noon is as high as 55 degrees Celsius, and the surface temperature exceeds 80 degrees Celsius, which can easily steam the eggs. Wearing thick desert combat boots stepped on the ground, and within half a minute, the heat would be transmitted to the soles of the feet through the soles, and the shoes were hot and wet, as if stepping on the melted cream.

The smell from the diesel engine sickened the savvy elves.

Sunlight reflects the dazzling flashes on the hood. If you don't wear sunglasses, human eyes will soon be irreversibly damaged.

The most troublesome is that at such high temperatures, the cooling capacity of the air conditioner becomes weak, and it cannot be left on all the time, otherwise the temperature of the water tank will rise sharply and the power of the engine will drop. It can only be turned on for a while when it is too hot. Cool down and close again.

As long as the air conditioner stops, it is full of big men.

Humans have a very good ability to sweat and cool down, but pets covered with hair are uncomfortable.

The freshness of Vladimir, Xinghai and Old Tea has passed, and they are planning to return to their phones and rest peacefully.

π originally wanted to write a novel on the road while holding a laptop computer, but it was too difficult to type while driving. There was no road on the ground. Whether it was rolling tires over stones or pits, it would shock its body. It almost came out several times, so it gave up and asked to return to the phone.

Zhang Zi'an also wants to drive more stably, but no, the sun shines strongly on the bare Gobi, and the details of the terrain are not clear at a distance, if not, Nabari reminds some big pits that need to be avoided from time to time. , The bumps will be even more severe, it is also possible to hit a big rock and break down.

At this time he realized why Nabari was at most a middle-aged man with vision loss. He often led the team into the desert, staring at the reflective sand and Gobi all day, and his eyes could hold up to now.

As for Fina and Feimas, the two of them are not unwilling, but they cannot return to their mobile phones. In the event of an emergency and temporary parking, everyone finds that they are missing, and they will definitely be uproar.

Zhang Zi'an wanted to take Richard back to his mobile phone most. This cheap bird was really annoying, and it wasn't very afraid. He had two claws to firmly hook the clothes on his shoulders. Life and death were unwilling to go back. When he pointed the camera at it, he turned his head and even covered his head with his wings, which made him helpless.

If it were possible, he really wanted to put all the elves in his phone, so that he could use the water bottle Dafa in a grand manner ...

The elves were resettled, the space in the car became more spacious, and the team continued to move forward.

Opened for more than an hour.

The monotonous scenery is particularly tiring.

The good news is that the sun is approaching the horizon and the heat is fading.

Zhang Zi'an opened the window and let the cool wind pass through the car. Even if there was fine sand in the wind, he couldn't care about it, and it finally cooled down.

The disappearance of the bad is that everyone complains that the continuous Gobi has come to an end, and in front of it is the vast sea of ​​sand.

Everyone couldn't help but have the same thoughts-or we could camp here today and wait until tomorrow to really enter the desert.

But the public channel of the walkie-talkie was quiet and there was no order for parking. It seems that Li Pitt and Wei Kang meant to take advantage of the evening's coolness to rush as much as possible.

"Vehicles slow down, get closer, prepare to enter the desert, and drive carefully," Lippit said through the intercom.

There is no clear dividing line between the Gobi and the desert, and the tactile feedback from the car tires gradually changes from hard to soft, indicating that they have entered the desert.

The front, left, and right are rolling sand dunes. It is impossible to keep any signs here ~ ~ But Nabari ’s car is still moving forward smoothly, and occasionally the sound is also heard through the chest. Give everyone a little peace of mind.

Each dune is shaped like a ridge, and is blown by the wind to form a **** on both sides of the middle. When it is on one side, the situation on the other side is completely unknown. After turning over, it may be another higher dune or it may be A huge sand valley.

The most troublesome is that the height, **** and softness and hardness of each dune are different, and it is difficult for the driver to accurately grasp the size and speed of the throttle.

If the throttle is too large, it will cause the speed to be too fast when crossing the sand ridge. The car will take off as soon as it can land safely. If the **** on the other side of the dune is too steep or the drop is too large, the entire car may turn over. The bottom is facing the sky; the throttle is too small, the speed is not enough, the car cannot climb the sandy ridge, it may slide down the original road, roll over, hit the car behind, or get stuck in the sand.

This kind of thing is based on experience, and it can only be understood that it can't be said. Even Nabari can only give simple tips of high dunes, middle dunes, and short dunes. But what are the criteria for high, medium, and short dunes? How much throttle should I give? How much throttle do you want to give?

It had already cooled down, but every driver in the car was sweating because of tension. It was like trying to cross over each dune. I wonder if it would be safe after rushing up.

Desperately, there are hundreds or thousands of such dunes on the road ahead.

Salim, who was sitting in the lead car, held his arm tightly and held his body pale, and he seemed to understand why Uncle Nabari said he believed in camels more than off-road vehicles-because the camels walked slowly, but passed over. The dunes run flat.

"Stop! Stop! All parking! Car 10 broke down!"

An emergency call came from a public channel.

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