Pet King

Chapter 1243: Full load

The black light is blind, and Zhang Zi'an can only see a small area covered by the flashlight through the flashlight. The strong contrast between light and dark makes him unable to see the darkness outside the light.

He was quite wrong. In order to blind as many aurora foxes as possible, he shook his flashlight, and it was inevitable that the light occasionally swept Fina and Feimas, after all, he couldn't see them in the dark.

Feimas can understand, and the night vision of the dog is not as good as that of the cat. It is far away, and only a short shadow appears in front of it, but Fina can't bear it.

"I didn't mean it!"

Zhang Zi'an repeatedly yelled at his grievances. This pair of jeans, which had been mature and stable, has almost become rags, and even the most basic sun protection ability is left. It looks quite tide, but it is unsuitable in the desert.

"Do you dare to quibble? Can you come up with a ghost idea? Couldn't you say it in advance? So that this palace almost bumped into a stinking fox, and now things are still vague!"

Fina was full of resentment, blinking and rubbing her eyes.

"What? Didn't you see your eyes when you shot?"

Zhang Zi'an was so frightened that he thought it was Fina's mercy, so he didn't leave a few bloodstains on his thigh. I didn't expect that his vision hadn't recovered, but he just waved his claws in an angry way and couldn't talk about his claw Show mercy ...

"Why does the palace need to see clearly before shooting?" Fina said as a matter of course, blinking, her vision recovered more.

Zhang Zi'an: "..." You make good sense, so I want to stay away from you.

He quietly moved his steps to distance himself from Fina, lest it be out of rage again.

The auricle fox in the mobile phone is not needed for the time being. The auricle fox covered by the jacket is constantly struggling and screaming in a squeak, but they are closer to the flashlight and their vision is far from being restored.

Zhang Zi'an left the tent under the pretext of convenience. He has not been back for a long time now. Even if he is constipated, he has left for too long. If he does not return, he may cause the night watchman to worry. In case he thinks he is missing or encounters Unexpectedly, it would be troublesome to wake up the entire staff to find him.

"The ones that run away can't chase?" Feimas asked.

Although a few escaped, they may be reluctant to leave the family and collective, did not run too far, but hovered a little far away, after turning off the flashlight, you can see their eyes flicker.

If you want to chase them, they may lose their heads and the six gods have no master.

"Forget it, it's too long to leave. Let's go back to the camp first. Those that run away run away. It doesn't matter." Zhang Zi'an made the operation across the coat as fierce as a tiger, and put a few auricle foxes under the coat. Squeeze into the sleeves of the coat, anyway, they are small, then fasten the cuffs, and carry the coat on the shoulder like a sack.

Probably because of blindness, the auricle fox in the jacket did not release odor, otherwise he would have to wear an extra jacket in addition to losing a pair of jeans, which would be a loss.

As soon as he returned to the camp, a flashlight flashed at him from afar. The night watchman is probably in a hurry, and will really go to him if he doesn't come back.

He waved to the flashlight with regret, meaning he was fine.

The flashlight went out.

There was no way to keep the auricle fox in his jacket. He didn't enter the tent, went to his car, opened the trunk, and took out several folded wire cages from the inside.

In order to capture primitive Egyptian cats and other valuable animals encountered along the road, the expedition team purchased wire cages in Egypt and folded them when not in use, taking up little space.

Zhang Zi'an first put the auricle fox in the jacket into the cage, and released the auricle fox in the mobile phone against the empty cage. Two or three auricle foxes shared the same cage, anyway, they were small and lived together for a long time. Animals don't matter.

When they came to a strange environment, the timid auricle foxes whispered uneasily, and exposed their sharp teeth to bite the cage, trying to bite the wire and escape.

Zhang Zi'an asked Fina and Feimas to go back to sleep in the tent, and took out a small saucer or bowl lid, poured some water, and sent it to the cage.

When the cage door was opened, he also prevented the auricle fox from escaping from the cage door, but they all retracted into the corner until he closed the cage door, and they carefully approached the clear water. First, they sniffed, maybe they smelled him. The smell of odor seemed to be a little scared, but the thirst for clear water quickly overwhelmed the fear, and licked the water around the clear water, and then licked a dish of water.

Auricular foxes often find it difficult to find a clean source of water. Generally, they rely on the water in their food to maintain their lives, plus their body's ability to preserve water to maintain a balance.

The clear water in the other cages was also drunk, and Zhang Zi'an poured some clear water again, and was quickly licked.

At this point, their vision had returned to normal, and they licked their lips, staring at him endlessly.

It is not good to drink too much water at once, after all, they have adapted to the drought, which may cause them to have diarrhea. Instead of adding water, he tore the electric grilled chicken breast for Fina into pieces and put them in small dishes.

Like cats, auricle foxes drink less water and urinate less. Excessive salt in food can damage their kidneys, so they cannot eat foods high in salt.

Where did the auricular fox ever see such soft and tender meat, exuding a fragrant fragrance, there is no annoying hard shell or rough skin, and there are no shortcomings except that it is too dry. Besides, they have just drank water and dried the food. It's fine.

Although the chicken smelled of Zhang Zi'an ~ ~, they could not resist the temptation of delicious food at all, and after a little hesitation, they scrambled to eat up the chicken, and even produced some for the food. It doesn't have small friction, it doesn't bite the skin by pushing and biting each other.

Zhang Zi'an tore off some chicken **** and put them into the cage. Basically, Fina could fill the belly of two or three auricle foxes. After the idea came to mind, he quickly glanced at the tent. Worried that Fina jumped out again and said that he had slandered it ...

Fina didn't show up, she was probably asleep, or she was too lazy to jump out to blame him, and might as well give him a paw when she returned to the tent.

After eating the chicken **** for the second time, the auricle foxes were no longer afraid of him. They even gathered here at the cage door, staring at his chicken-stained hands, waiting for him to put in a few more pieces of chicken.

Wild animals rarely encounter enough food. Once they encounter it, they will eat it. They do not know how to control it. Zhang Zi'an estimated that they had eaten 80% full, so they did not feed them.

He struggled for a long time, and he was sleepy. When people saw the sudden appearance of auricle foxes tomorrow morning, they would be very surprised.

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