Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: return

After meeting with the scientific expedition team, the rest is much easier to handle. Zhang Zi'an and Wei Kang came to He Ho's parents, watched the old couple tearfully take He Ho, and took her back to the country for mental treatment. I just hoped that she had not gone deep into the magic and could save her.

Before leaving, they thanked the Bedouins, thanked them for taking care of them, and asked the Bedouins to complete their unfinished work—converging the bone in the desert, and looking for someone who could prove the identity of the bone. thing.

They said goodbye to Nabari and Salem, and sincerely invited their uncles and nephews to have the opportunity to come to China as a guest-Nabari is probably unlikely and has no interest, but Salim is still young and will have opportunities in the future.

Zhang Zi'an also deliberately pulled Salem aside and put a note in his hand, which contained a few mysterious numbers. Even though Salem repeatedly asked what it was, Zhang Zi'an always laughed and Don't answer, let him find the answer by himself.

Next, they drove back to Cairo.

Wei Kang and three male disciples took the data and video data of this scientific examination to go to Cairo University to have an in-depth academic exchange with their peers, and commissioned their colleagues to go to the desert one year later to pick up the GPS neck ring of the auricle fox. The peers spoke highly of Wei Kang's achievements.

Zhang Zi'an drove the family recreational vehicle that Lazat lent to him, washed the car and filled it with fuel, handed it back to Lazate, and thanked Lazate for his generosity and the many help from his brother and sister. He also invited them Have a chance to play in China.

Lazart has created their custom jewelry and handed it to Zhang Zi'an to transfer it to others.

After doing this, there is basically no regret in this trip to Egypt, and the remaining regrets cannot be easily resolved. After all, it cannot be postponed in Egypt forever, funds are not allowed, and there are many things waiting at home.

On the plane, when the Great Pyramid was passing by under his feet again, Zhang Zi'an's heart poured out reluctantly. Although there were many places worth speaking about in Egypt, this experience still left a deep impression. This is probably the common feeling of most tourists.

He completed the main task, leaving the statue of the cat **** in the golden pyramid and coexisting with the statues and bronze statues of many animal gods in the tower. Presumably it would not be happy, and it would be impossible to do it again, even the golden pyramid itself. It also sinks to the ground and will no longer be easily found and opened.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that there were still many light sticks and cartridge cases left in the tower. I wonder how archaeologists would enter the pyramid hundreds of years later when they saw the light sticks and cartridge cases ...

Fina had fallen asleep on the seat next to her. For leaving Egypt, it is more open than Zhang Zi'an imagined. Maybe it fulfilled its wish in Egypt, or at least kept its wish and hope.

Wei Kang tapped the detailed report of the scientific investigation on his laptop and submitted it to the school when he returned.

Although he completed the scientific research mission and was praised by his counterparts in Egypt, Wei Kang did not seem very happy. He was sorry for He Ho and her parents, and offered to take responsibility, but He Ho ’s parents wanted him not to speak up, and only wrote in the report that she became ill because of soil and water dissatisfaction, because mental problems are still being affected With colored glasses, they worry that it will affect her future study and life.

The three brothers Gao Ke, Xiao Tianyu and Du Xuetao have disappeared from the desert. Only when writing a report will they maintain the minimum cooperation and communication. Presumably, they will inevitably be embarrassed when they meet in the laboratory later .

Lippet did not show up, and they did not know if they had successfully escaped the desert. This time they suffered huge setbacks, but they may not be taught by the theory of the magic stick. If they are still alive, they will definitely persist in searching for the next secret place that contains pure cosmic energy, and they will definitely try to More people spread their fallacies and heresies, but this has nothing to do with Zhang Zi'an. After all, their main activities are abroad, and domestic laws do not control them.

Soon after take-off, the land of Egypt disappeared from the porthole, and Zhang Zi'an couldn't hold back the sleepiness of the attack, and fell asleep.

As soon as he woke up, the plane had landed on the land of China. He was too tired, too deep to sleep, and was shaken by Wei Kang.

Next was a connection, a domestic flight to Binhai City, and other people at Binhai Airport cherished each other—although some people didn't hope so, and then parted ways.

A taxi arrives at the pet shop.

After paying the fare, Zhang Zi'an stopped and got out of the car. He watched the customers keep going in and out of the pet shop and aquarium, and went in empty-handed, holding the pet food or closing the pet's flight case. There is no big difference from his time, and I can't help but smile with relief-it seems that it is not far from the grand goal of making money by lying in the hands of a shopkeeper ~ ~ some regular customers recognize him, but more The regular customer did not recognize him, but first recognized Fina and Feimas, and then guessed his identity.

As for the reason ...

When he stepped into the pet store, Wang, who was sitting on a mobile phone, looked up at him lazily and asked casually, "What do you want to see, this big brother?"

That's right, although he tried to wear a baseball cap or a fisherman's hat when he went out in Egypt, and he also applied sunscreen, it was unavoidably tanned, and the sun was red and different from the others.

The biggest lesson of taking an inventory is not to go to Egypt in the summer.

You should know that he used to be called "Jade Face Scholar", but now it has become a black whirlwind. No wonder many familiar customers don't recognize it.

Zhang Zi'an bent his knuckles, severely cracked Wang Gan's chestnut, then picked up the remote control and turned off the air conditioner.

"Master, you are back! You want to die for us! That ... why do you turn off the air conditioner as soon as you come back? How hot is the weather!" Li Kun saw the wind to make the rudder, although he did not recognize Zhang the first time Zi'an, but Nima's habitual nagging is easier to identify than skin color.

"Hot a wool! How cool is the air conditioner? It's not your electricity!" Zhang Zi'an raised his face and refused to accept the argument.


Wang Qian and Li Kun looked at each other. The temperature was in their early 30s. Is it cool? How many degrees is that hot?

In the northern hemisphere, of course, Binhai has also entered the summer. In June, the deep-sea city has begun to exert its power.

"It's so cool! Little wind is blowing ~"

Zhang Zi'an closed his eyes and praised him sincerely.

Wang Qian and Li Kun were indifferent to each other. They seemed to have a certain hunch. I'm afraid it will be difficult this summer ...

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