Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Play big chess

? After returning from Egypt, Vladimir was in a good mood, because this trip can be said to spread the tinder of meowing to remote areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America, although there is no obvious domestic meowing cause in a short time. Benefits and help, but can look forward to the day of Tinder Hagiwara.

Egypt is the bridgehead of Africa. With it as a fulcrum, Egypt can pry the whole of Africa and spread to West Asia and Southern Europe.

This is like a go-no-go, seemingly dull, silent, but people with real strategic vision can listen to thunder in a silent place.

Regardless of the gains and losses of one cell and one child, play the big game with an eye on the overall situation!

However, this so-called "one cell and one child" does not include Binhai City.

Although it is not the original birthplace of meowing here, meowing is really on the right track here. It is a base that has been established with painstaking effort and can never give up lightly.

Vladimir had long thought that the stray cats that have just undergone the meow baptism in Binhai City are not mature enough. After it leaves, it may be a little confused and may encounter problems such as these and be affected by stray dogs. The harassment is also expected, after all, the food in the city is richer and fresher, and the stray dogs are definitely more willing to pick it up in the city.

Before it left, it told the tangerines that they had nothing in detail, and told them to keep their positions, not to venture in. If the pressure was too great, they could contract strategically. The lost positions would not be recaptured later.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Even Vladimir did not expect that this trip to Egypt would be so long. There were many twists and turns in the middle, and it was almost impossible to return. After it returned to Binhai City, it found out ... It's changed.

After leaving the pet store in the morning, he soon noticed something strange. The stray cats wandering on the street seemed to have lost the awareness of meowism. Instead of monitoring the pedestrians in three steps, one post and five posts, as before, Only crickets can't live all day long. When they see it, they don't know the secrets, and some of them still have injuries.

Taking a closer look, it was found that most of these stray cats were wandering in the center of the city, that is, they instinctively believed that the area in the center of the city was safer, like a group of deserters who lost the battle and lost their will to fight. All I knew was running away blindly in a direction away from the battlefield.

This is no longer a strategic contraction, but an unprecedented defeat!

Vladimir stopped a few stray cats and wanted to ask them clearly, but these stray cats seemed to be stupid. They either turned a blind eye to its inquiries, bypassed silently, or panicked their gestures.

The unexplained rout caused chaos in a rare place in Vladimir. It went around the green space behind the pet shop, because there are usually many stray cats there. How many sensible people?

What's more unexpected about it was that there were no cats left in the green space, but there were buzzing mosquitoes and various caterpillars that crackled.

No way, Vladimir had to bring a few cats he met with him, and then gathered the stubs along the way to find a few commanders of the Wildcats, hoping they were safe.

He ran to the beach first, asked about stray cats he met on the road, and finally found a big orange near a seaside beach.

There are many injuries on Daju's body. She hid in a cave covered by wild grass, licked her wound, and tried to heal the pain. He heard movement outside, thinking that the stray dogs chased after him. It would rather be jade broken than tile full, and a sharp roar came out of the cave to fight the stray dog ​​outside.

"Orange! You ..."

Vladimir saw the tangerine with scaly body all over his heart, and he trembled and said, "You ... how can you make this ghost look? Doesn't it make you retreat if you can't beat you?"

When Orange saw Vladimir, it was like seeing the main bones. The tense nerves finally relaxed, and his footsteps almost collapsed. Vladimir and the stray cats brought by it helped him.

He gestured, intermittently explaining to Vladimir.

In the first few days after Vladimir's departure from Marina City, the life of stray cats was as usual, but one day, when the situation changed suddenly, the big oranges and the stray cats suddenly found a variety of stray dogs around. With fierce red eyes, he quickly surrounded the stray cat.

In the offensive launched by stray dogs, stray cats caught off guard, the situation was extremely passive, and they might encounter the devastation of being wiped out.

Big Orange has always been the most brave stray cat. It can obviously run away first, and one or two stray dogs can't stop it at all, but in order to cover the stray cats who retreat, it chooses to stay and break. Fighting bloodlessly with the stray dog's forward, he finally successfully covered the breakout of the large army, and his whole body was scarred and his hair was caught a lot.

After breaking through, Big Orange saw that his party was defeated, and almost every cat was wounded, unable to regain lost ground. It knew that the dog's sense of smell was too sensitive. If the stray cats got together, they would surely be caught up by the stray dogs and be surrounded again, so it ordered the army to turn to zero and find a safe place to live.

In order to allow other stray cats to escape safely, he intentionally left his urine along the road, chose to expose himself, protect his companions, and tried to lead the stray dog ​​to the beach.

It was ready to sacrifice itself. For the former orange, it was simply unthinkable, but now it has volunteered to do so, since it has known Vladimir and was deeply conscious of it. As a result, the entire cat life has sublimated to a higher level. It chooses to follow Vladimir's footsteps firmly, and is willing to sacrifice the ego and achieve the great self for meowism ~ ~ Orange ... You are so stupid! "

It was learned that Vladimir was choking with speechless words, and Tangerine smiled broadly, as if he was doing what he deserves.

Injured, the big orange hiding in the cave has almost lost its ability to move. It has not been eating for several days. It only depends on the rainwater accumulated between the reefs to maintain its life. Fortunately, it is fat and strong. The cat probably can't hold it anymore. If Vladimir arrives a day or two later, he may only see the body of the orange.

Vladimir asked other stray cats to hold the big orange up. He couldn't leave the seriously injured one here to die, and he must find a way to save it.

After much deliberation, only Zhang Zi'an can help it.

As for Vladimir himself, he has to find the whereabouts of other stray cat commanders.

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