Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: metamorphosis

?the next day.

Early in the morning, when Zhang Zi'an opened the shutter door, the clerks saw more than a dozen stray cats lying horizontally or lying down or lying in various poses, and each part of the cat was covered with thick bandages and immediately caught it. .

"Master, these cats are ..." Wang Gan asked wonderingly.

Zhang Zi'an explained that when she heard cats wailing outside last night, as if they were injured, she went out and looked. Sure enough, she saw a group of stray cats. If they were left unattended, they would definitely die. A simple dressing was performed.

"Did ... someone abused the cat again?" Lu Yiyun held Jasmine tightly and asked uneasily.

"This isn't ... they seem to be fighting with stray dogs, being bruised by bites or being shoved," Zhang Zi'an explained.

"Stray dogs? Fighting with stray cats? Is it to fight for territory?" Li Kun asked.

"It may be, fighting for land, grabbing food, and so on." Zhang Zi'an was not a random answer. No matter what Vladimir's theory was, it was a fight for territory in form.

"Speaking of stray dogs ..." Jiang Feifei interjected: "A few days ago, near our shop, I saw several very large stray dogs, all dirty, with saliva dripping between the teeth, like It was so vicious that it scared me away. "

"When you encounter a stray dog, if you are far away, it is best to find a place to hide. If you encounter a stray dog ​​near you, you should not run, because the stray dog ​​thinks you are weak and deceiveable as soon as you run , May be chasing you, so you should slowly retreat calmly and find a place to hide. "Zhang Zi'an warned, in fact, this is also the general rule to encounter beasts in the wild.

It is estimated that the time when Jiang Feifei met the stray dog ​​was the time when the stray cat was attacked.

Lu Yiyun also thoughtfully said: "I seem to have heard from customers, saying that stray dogs seem to be very stingy recently, although there is no record of hurting people for the time being, but this is not the way to go ... It seems that some people have already planned on stray dogs. Hands on ... "

Zhang Zi'an knew that the so-called "hands-on" was probably the release of poisonous dog drugs such as isoniazid. Although most clamorers just typed on the Internet, there will always be people who will put it into practice.

Modern Chinese society is a legal society. At least it is trying to build a legal society. Revenge is not worth promoting. American heroes such as Punisher and Batman should only exist in comics and movies. Superheroes all claim to be in Uphold justice, but justice should exist in the code and not be defined by individuals.

Poisoning dogs for the purpose of venting their anger will not only injure innocent dogs by mistake, but may also put the druggiver behind bars, after all, surveillance is now everywhere in big cities.

In January 2019, a person who put poisonous sausages in the community in Shenzhen was arrested on the spot. He left the case to divulge his indignation, affecting further studies and employment, and he regretted himself a few years later.

In short, the conflict between people and dogs in the city is getting worse now. Stray dogs choose to engage in things at this time, which is tantamount to playing with fire.

Zhang Zi'an asked the clerks to clean up after a while, borrowed a trolley, packed these injured stray cats in a cage, and sent them to Sun Xiaomeng's pet clinic, asking her to give them rabies vaccine. He had to go out on his own affairs, maybe later come back.

As for why you should borrow a trolley instead of sending it with Wuling Shenguang, of course, because you are afraid of the remaining fleas to settle in Wuling Shenguang.

The shop assistants have long been used to the situation that Zhang Zi'an is not in the store. At most, some difficult business cannot be done. The others have no effect. It is not their money that is lost anyway ...

While cleaning, Zhang Zi'an accidentally glanced outside the shop and saw a familiar figure passing slowly.

Isn't this the chubby mound that was stung by a caterpillar yesterday?

Xiaofeidun's sting is not completely good, but it's more of a topical exercise, humming all the way forward, grunting forward, probably begging his parents at home to say that the back pain will not go to school, but was Dismissed, so a bitter face like eating a fly.

"Zhuangzhuang, right? Let's go, don't be late for school. You thought you were late late, your parents would sympathize with you? Be careful about a few more shoe marks on your **** ... may also include high heel marks, alas."

Zhang Zi'an walked out of the store and deliberately joked.

Speaking of today is Monday, writing Monday, read as hell.

Almost every student and office worker hates Monday, but Zhang Zi'an, a social idler, doesn't matter.

After hearing his voice, Xiaofeidun broke his mind, looked up at him, immediately recognized his face, glared at him with a hate, ignored him, and went on.

"By the way, is your moth observation report finished? In fact, I will tell you that the abnormal development of moths and butterflies is similar. You can refer to that one ..."

Zhang Zi'an looked to the side, and accidentally found that the larva of the swallowtail butterfly was still lying on the glass door of the nearby shop.

"You can refer to that swallowtail butterfly," he said.

"Metamorphosis ... metamorphosis?"

Xiaopengdun was struck by this novel word. To be precise, he was struck by the word "pervert".

"Ha ha."

When Xiaopengdun wanted to know the following, Zhang Zi'an just laughed without saying a word, and was too lazy to explain to him what is abnormal development.

Xiaofeidun wants to know, because this may be useful for writing his own observation report, but he doesn't want to ask, and can only stare at Zhang Zi'an with big eyes.

Zhang Zi'an has time, but he doesn't need to go to school anyway.

"Yeah! Good morning, brother brother!"

Xiao Celery, who had not been seen for a while, saw Zhang Zi'an standing in front of the shop and whispered in surprise.

"Yo, it's little celery, it's been a long time! Good morning! Come and give a high-five!"

Zhang Zi'an stooped and stretched out a slap, while Xiao Celery took a trot and took a hilarious jump, and gave him a clear palm.

"Brother-in-law, listen to the brothers and sisters in the store, are you going to Egypt?" She asked with eyes wide open.

"Yes, I went to Egypt."

Zhang Zi'an asked Xiao Celery to wait a moment ~ ~ He took the handbag from the house and handed it to her.

"Let ’s check it out. This is a gift I brought back from Egypt."

Xiao Celery hesitated because her mother would not let her take things from strangers, but the manager's brother was obviously not a stranger, so she was happy to take the handbag.

"Thank you, the elder brother! Wow! What is this? Jujube?"

She opened the bag and squeezed out a date to look at it.

"Well, taste the authentic Egyptian dates." Zhang Zi'an said.

Little celery chewed a piece of date in her mouth, and the cheek exclaimed, "It's delicious! It's crispy and sweet!"

The fat pier next door cried.

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