Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: 2 military confrontation

? Some of these stray dogs were driven away from the dog market by stray cats, and some were born and raised in a landfill. How long haven't you tasted the delicious and juicy chicken drumsticks?

Not rancid, rotten chicken legs, but fragrant, warm, roasted chicken legs with honey. The skin is attractively caramelized. The tender but tender chicken legs have been fully marinated and flavored, and thick and sticky honey runs down the chicken legs. Bone slowly flowing down ...

Suddenly, almost all the stray dogs rushed forward together, there was nothing else in their eyes, and even Xiao Bai's order and scolding could not be heard.

Zhang Zi's peace of mind said pills! He did not expect that the temptation of roast chicken legs to stray dogs was so great. He deliberately waited for the stray dogs to fill up their stomachs with dog food before taking them out, but they did not expect them to be red-eyed like hungry ghosts.

Just then, Vladimir pushed out the window, jumped to the roof, and shouted, "Comrade meow! Come on!"

Suddenly, a large number of stray cats emerged from the surrounding area. Many of them were familiar with Zhang Zi'an. They did not know when they arrived, and while the stray dogs' attention was focused on dog food and Zhang Zi'an, they quietly ambushed nearby, only Wait for Vladimir to order.

The stray dogs had won a battle before, but the shadow of being bullied by stray cats has not completely dissipated. At present, the enemy is temporarily disregarding the problem of chicken legs, and they are all on guard.

Stray dogs and stray cats each have their own side, and may at any time start a scuffle in this wilderness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaobai taught the dogs who had disrupted the order just now, and finally held his ground.

On the other hand, stray cats have been orderly and forbidden from the beginning of the fight.

To tell the difference, although stray cats are headed by Vladimir, the core that unites them is Vladimir's flashing thoughts, while stray dogs are now purely relying on white individuals authority.

The two contrasted and stood up.

This should not be too demanding, after all, stray dogs are still in the stage of struggling to solve food and clothing, and stray cats in the city never lack food.

Vladimir had a clear advantage in this invisible contest.

However, the flat terrain of this wilderness is not good for stray cats that are good at three-dimensional maneuvering. In addition, there is no overwhelming advantage. Once there is a conflict, stray cats will definitely suffer.

"Calm down everyone!"

Zhang Zi'an, who was standing with a chicken leg in the middle, was under great pressure.

He was very grateful to Vladimir. If it had not been laid out in advance, something big would happen today, but at this time, it is necessary to mediate as much as possible.

The stray dog ​​has calmed down. He winked at Xiao Bai Nunu, handed it to the chicken leg, put it in the food bowl, and enjoyed by the stray dog ​​who picked up the most bottles.

They ate deliciously. They ate up the chicken with three mouthfuls, and they even chewed up the bones with their bones quaking.

Dogs with fewer bottles drool, and some are not convinced. Why do those dogs have chicken legs to eat?

Xiaobai lowered their dog's head with their front legs, and let them take a closer look at the bottles they picked up, and then look at the bottles they picked up. How much did they understand that the number of empty bottles was equal to chicken legs?

This is exactly what Zhang Zi'an expects to improve the working enthusiasm of stray dogs through rewards.

Picking up waste is a technical activity, even an industrial chain.

The garbage mountain in the eyes of ordinary people is a treasure mountain in the eyes of professional scavengers.

There is a place in China called Lengshui Village, where there are hundreds of villagers, all of whom are professional households who pick up waste. On average, each person can earn 3,000 to 5,000 a month by picking up waste. With hundreds of thousands of income, it is more than enough to support himself.

Three or five thousand may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of white-collar workers in big cities, but if you look at the whole of China, the monthly income of three or five thousand has actually exceeded half of the Chinese, although the money was exchanged for hard work and health.

The scrap purchase station contacted by Zhang Zi'an is actually just a middleman. The district-level purchase waste is sold to the city level, and the city level is sold to the regional level, and the regional level is sold to the provincial level. Earn the price difference, and are not willing to be exploited and ambitious scavengers, they may choose to start their own business, become a scrap purchaser, and then smelt the acquired cans into valuable aluminum ingots and sell them to the factory, which is equivalent to using raw materials The place of origin has become a deep processing export.

Although Zhang Zi'an does not have this ambition, and he is separated from each other, he can try to find a nearby melting plant, discuss the price directly with the factory, and then send the cans. The price will definitely be much higher than the purchase price. Put the difference in your pocket.

As long as the amount is large enough, there is bargaining power, but this is something to consider later.

Everything is to keep stray dogs in the suburbs to live and work in peace, instead of rushing into the city to cause trouble, which is not good for anyone.

What's so good in town? Traffic congestion, poor air quality, expensive house prices, you have to look coldly everywhere when you do something ...

Peasant woman, mountain spring, a little field, this is the ultimate dream of a man!

In a blink of an eye, the boxes of chicken legs he had brought were completely eaten, and there were not even a few of the complete bones left.

The dog that ate the chicken leg licked his tongue and stared at him stubbornly. Most of his fierce eyes had dissipated, and some even shook his tail flatly, more like ordinary dogs at home begging.

Dogs that did n’t eat the chicken legs turned around anxiously, their saliva was tempted by the scent, they could n’t eat the chicken legs, they robbed them of the remaining chicken bones, and even wanted to lick the chicken legs Foam Incubator-Incubators will be used often in the future, but you can't let their dirty tongues lick.

Even ordinary dog ​​food,, is much stronger than the rancid food they usually eat.

Zhang Zi'an believes that, at this time, with a little white order, the dogs will definitely rush to the garbage dump, and pick up all the cans and empty beverage bottles they can find ...

Not only dogs, but even the stray cats that Vladimir brought to the battle are crying.

Zhang Zi'an lifted the empty dog ​​food bag and shook, and turned the empty foam box over to let them see, indicating that they were all eaten up and there was nothing left.

The stray dogs can hardly hide their disappointment, and their spirits have weakened a lot. They were full of dog food and soon felt thirsty and wanted to drink water. They looked back at the artificial forest and licked their thirsty lips with their tongues.

Xiaobai did not order them to drink water. It was not that he intentionally abused them, but that there was something really difficult.

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