Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: One heart

The misfortune came out of her mouth, which was Granny Gu's evaluation of Director Yan, and Zhang Zi'an agreed.

He stepped out of the office of the street office and looked at the worms that crawled on the ground. Some worms had a natural protective color, and the colored outline stared at him like an eye.

He suddenly remembered the chat with Vladimir before-if the caterpillar had some kind of group wisdom, would he be willing to be destroyed like this?

If they are not willing, will they produce some kind of resentment?

And ... who does resentment point to?

This is not a matter of hundreds or thousands of bugs. I am afraid that there are tens or even hundreds of millions of caterpillars in the entire coastal city.

So, he just put forward a plan to eliminate caterpillars, will it be the same ... Woe come out of the mouth?

Zhang Zi'an: "..."

"Probably not ..."

He whispered, comforting himself.

Anyway, even if the caterpillar is so troubled, even if the caterpillar has a huge grudge, the spearhead should be directed to the city leader who is in charge of extermination work, not him. The main offender, in the principle of dying and not dying, is willing to give this credit to the city leaders.

"What are you afraid of? Ants and Huaihuai exaggerate the country and shake the tree to talk about how easy it is!"

He thought for a while and straightened his waist again.

Even if the caterpillars have grudges? Everything that stands in his way of making money will be destroyed!

Regardless of your grievances!

No problem!

However, the caterpillar invasion this time is somewhat strange.

Just now, he deliberately ignored Grandma Gu's question. Where did so many caterpillars come from?

Because he didn't know the answer.

The caterpillar invasion is not new at home or abroad. It is just because it will not cause too bad an impact, so it has always been out of the mainstream news.

But in general, there is only one type of caterpillar invading a place, and Binhai City is almost like being stabbed by the Allied Forces of the Eight Kingdoms ... No, the Eight Kingdoms say less, and the Eighties are almost the same, basically every kind of It is not unusual to think that caterpillars have been found in different areas of Binhai.

So in the face of Grandma Gu's question, he couldn't answer it, because it was unreasonable.

For those who don't understand, his method is not to think about it, why waste his brain and leave them to smart people to think, and he only needs to think about how to make money.

In the next few days, with the successive incubation of caterpillar eggs, the entire disaster in Binhai City reached a new height, and people's daily lives were severely affected, especially in Dongcheng District where Qiyuan Pet Store is located. In the hardest hit area of ​​the insect disaster, most of the strange and difficult to kill caterpillars are concentrated in this area.

For example, the oak-lined moth larvae pointed out by Zhang Zi'an, this caterpillar is simply blasting, and 63,000 poisonous hairs on each body are blown down by the wind, and it is difficult for anyone passing by.

Although if the caterpillar is not directly touched, the poisonous hair cannot penetrate the skin and will not be poisoned, but the poisonous hair itself contains a sensitizing protein called thaumetopoein, which does not need to penetrate the skin, as long as it falls on the skin, it can be Causes allergic reactions and rashes.

The flying poisonous hair falls into the eyes and is sucked into the lungs, causing more unbearable pain, which can lead to asthma and blindness, and even severe allergies may even die.

People who are not bad money think that if they hide at home without going to work, they will not be affected? But they are wrong, because they always have to buy food and cook? Just go out for shopping.

Even if it ’s take-away food, the take-out brothers are severely downsized under the poisonous fur offensive flying all over the sky. A take-out at noon may not be delivered at night-it is important to make money, but it cannot be traded for life.

The same goes for the express brothers.

All major hospitals and community health centers are full, much more severe than in any major flu outbreak, patients who were stung by caterpillars or caused allergies, and people who were injured in a car accident or accident due to caterpillars. And people who suffer heart attacks and miscarriages because of caterpillar scares ... Doctors and nurses have all canceled their vacations and have a 24-hour continuous rotation. Even this can't satisfy patients who are constantly pouring into the hospital.

There are still many people who bring their own mouths to avoid shelter from the storm. This may be the best solution, but not everyone has this condition.

Except for the persistence of the important departments of maintaining the national economy and people's livelihood, the entire city of Binhai was almost completely paralyzed.

It is an artificial forest near the landfill site. Because the efficacy of pesticides has not completely subsided, stray dogs have maintained a normal pace of scavenging, and because the old men and old ladies who turned empty bins in the city to pick up empty bottles are unable to Normal work led to a large outbreak of empty bottles and cans in the landfill. Stray dogs were almost unable to pick them up. The number of bottles collected every day was several times the usual number ... the only benefit from the disaster. group.

It was also because the noise was so loud that it finally attracted enough attention from superiors.

The city leaders issued a TV speech. Binhai City went up and down, led by various enterprises and institutions, and various private and private enterprises responded to the call. The university organized volunteers to help the most affected areas. The neighborhood committees knocked door to door. Residents contribute a force ... The entire coastal city has launched a vigorous action to control the pest disaster.

It is no exaggeration to say that the characteristics of socialist countries' concentrated efforts to handle major events are vividly reflected in this event.

The Department of Chemistry of Binhai University came up with a new type of insecticide in the laboratory stage. The biological department of Wei Kang proposed a biological control method for killing caterpillars with pathogenic microorganisms carried by smoke. Other scientific research institutes have also provided suggestions and provided Various ways to deal with caterpillars.

All garrisons and armed police soldiers in Binhai City dispatched ~ ~ to spray pesticides and pesticides in dense forests around Binhai City. At this time, no one cares about the impact of pesticides on the human body. Anyone who opposes spraying pesticides will become the target of thousands.

Brother cities sent experts to support, and the municipal government also hired foreign experts with experience in pest control to come to Binhai City to assist the work.

Various reporters who came for the purpose of hunting also visited Binhai.

The key word of "Binhai City Disaster" even became a hot search on Weibo.

Because of the strong recommendation of the Sub-district Office, Zhang Zi'an participated in several expert meetings organized by the municipal government, and put forward his opinions at the meeting. He also met Professor Wei Kang, an old acquaintance in the meeting, as Wei Kang was on his trip to Egypt. Fruitful results, and finally it is expected to remove the "ad" from the title.

All people share the same idea-the further deterioration of the pest must be prevented.

The caterpillars that have become overwhelmingly overwhelming, if they are allowed to reproduce, the consequences will be disastrous.

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