Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: Where life doesn't meet

The new library of Binhai City is shaped like a horizontal bookshelf, and the panes of different sizes are like a book opened, surrounded by a small fountain square, surrounded by a circle of benches for people to rest.

When I saw the new library, Zhang Zi'an felt a little familiar. The shape was very novel, but it seemed to be seen somewhere. He stopped for a while and thought about the library with such distinctive features. If he had seen it, he would not easily forget it, but he could not remember it.

He decided he didn't want to, and drove the car into the parking lot to find an empty space to stop.

Entering the library, he first applied for a borrowing card at the front desk, and then walked to the guide card to observe the layout of the library.

The first basement is the Rare Books Museum of Ancient Books, and the first floor is mainly the children's reading room. The former of these two places needs a letter of introduction and other supporting documents, while the latter has too many ages, and it can't even get into the room.

In addition, the second floor is the Chinese library area, the third floor is mainly foreign language original books and photocopy books, the fourth floor is the Chinese and foreign periodical literature area, and it also provides miniature literature reading, and the fifth floor is the digital reading exchange area.

He is here today to pass the time. When he is deep in his heart, he always feels uncomfortable and uneasy, so he ca n’t hesitate to learn professional books, and even do n’t want to read large sections of text. What about full-color printed atlases or illustrated books, such as travel photography collections or popular science atlases, such as national geography, history of science, astronomy and astronautics, and biological sciences? Feeling, let alone learn a variety of miscellaneous knowledge that may be used at some point.

So go to the second or third floor?

The Chinese books on the second floor are more convenient to read, but the foreign books on the third floor are definitely stronger in this respect, and have better timeliness and can learn the latest knowledge. If you wait for a foreign language atlas, please ask professionals Translated into Chinese, and then issued for publication, may be outdated.

He was thinking in front of the tour guide card, and he heard someone say, "Comrade, there is some trouble on the fifth floor. Could you please deal with it?"

Zhang Zi'an looked sideways, and saw an elderly man in his 70s and 80s standing at the front desk, holding a cane, his hair was grey but neatly groomed, and although his clothes were old, he was clean and clean, giving people The feeling of righteousness is a kind of righteousness, like the kind of person who likes to study.

Someone messed up?

Trouble in the library?

Zhang Zi'an listened for a while. All the people who came to the library were cultural people. They came because of the thirst for knowledge. People from mixed society generally don't come to places like the library. So who is making trouble? A child?

The staff at the help desk was embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Sorry, the relevant situation has been reported to us. After investigation, someone should have hacked into our system, but today is the golden week. The technical staff is on holiday. And the network in the museum is closed to the outside and cannot be connected remotely ... We are already trying to figure out a way, please be patient. "

The old man with a cane apparently did not understand words such as external closure and remote connection, but he was sincere in seeing the employee's apology and did not blame too much. He just shook his head and sighed, and entered the barrier-free elevator tremblingly. .

Someone hacked into the library's network?

Are you too busy?

It is estimated that the little boy was embarrassed after learning network hacking skills by himself, so take the library's network practice.

Zhang Zi'an didn't care too much. In the end, he decided to go to the foreign language book area on the third floor. In addition to the previous considerations, the other reason was that the third floor must be less than the second floor. Since it is reading, it must be quieter and better.

Up to the third floor, it turned out that most of the seats were empty, but there were also many people charging during the Golden Week, old, middle and young, and a few teenage children also held thick foreign languages. The book is dying. As long as you see this scene, you will feel the urgency of "one inch of time and one inch of gold."

He decided to select a book before finding a seat.

Since there was no specific goal, he chose books randomly, walked between the bookshelf and the sea of ​​books, and his nose was filled with the fresh ink fragrance unique to paper books. With several albums in it, I walked to the borrowing area of ​​the reference book unknowingly.

It makes sense that the reference book did not include his borrowing options at all, but came inadvertently. After all, it is easy to faint between bookshelves.

There are enough books on hand, and it may not be finished in the morning. It's like eating a buffet. He always has big eyes and a small belly, so he plans to go to a table and sit down.

As he turned around, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes glanced at a certain row on the east side of the bookshelf, as if there was a book there, but it was pulled away, leaving a narrow gap. .

Or ... there is an invisible book there.

He didn't know why he suddenly came up with this weird idea behind him, probably because the books there were taken away, but the left and right of the Spanish Royal Academy Dictionary and McMillan English-English Dictionary did not lean towards the middle. It seems that there is still an invisible book occupying the space, but it is just invisible to ordinary people.

This kind of absurd idea is obviously untenable, because the reference books here are thick and heavy tombs, with solid front and back covers, and stand on the bookshelf very stably, even if the next book is Taken away, they do not necessarily fall, unlike those thin ordinary books.

Someone actually borrowed this reference book ...

This row of bookshelves is full of English-English dictionaries. I am afraid that only readers with a master's degree in English literature or above will have relevant needs.

But ... it may be obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he doesn't verify whether an invisible book is stuck in the empty space, he feels uneasy in his heart.

The verification method is very simple ~ ~ Just reach into the empty space and touch it.

Raising your hand can solve OCD, why not?

So he reached out ...

Just when the finger was about to touch the empty space, the McMillan English-English Dictionary next to the empty space was suddenly taken away, of course not by him, but by someone standing on the other side of the row of bookshelves. .

And his hand stopped subconsciously.

With two books missing, the vacancy became larger, and on the other side of the vacancy were a pair of impressive, cutting-water pupils who impressed him.

Even if he could only see part of his face, he recognized it, and he would never recognize it wrong—Zhuang Xiaodie.

Coincidentally, she is actually in the library?

She also stared at him from the empty space across the bookshelf.

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