Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1380: World loophole

A kitten that understands humans is rare.

Cats must have a certain level of intelligence, but can they reach a level where they can understand humans? This ... this is incredible.

"Why not go back and see again? Do you know Wuyin Tea House and Binhai City Library?" He asked.

"Meow ~"

The kitten nodded.



"Should I go there again? I always feel that there is something good ... I missed it, such as a wallet ..." He said, but he still knew that the kitten could understand him Doubtful.

He said this more because he needed to find an object to tell.

It shook his head.

He was silent for a while, and laughed: "It is also true that once something is missed, it will not come back."

The black and white kitten neither nodded nor shook his head.

It couldn't speak, he couldn't tell him-he didn't miss anything.

Even if he stays in the Wuyin Tea House for more than half a day, even if he reaches out to touch the empty space on the bookshelf, nothing will happen, because this is a world where there is no "Pet Hunter" game, and there is no Elf ... maybe except Outside that butterfly elf.

As for the kitten itself, it is a foreign body that forcibly invades this world, and of course it will be suppressed and repelled by the power of this world.

This is a world where old tea and π do not exist.

Even if he decides to stay in Wuyin Tea House for a longer time to find the source of cat hair, he will not find old tea, and may only find a stray old cat with brownish hair on the top of the mountain.

Even if his finger touches the empty space, he will only find that it is really empty, there is no so-called invisible book, and the digital reading area on the fifth floor is really a little fart child who is a beginner to network hacker technology.

The Butterfly Elf didn't worry that he would stay in Wuyin Tea House, nor did he worry that he would reach out and touch the vacant seat, because it didn't make any sense. Otherwise, if she was worried, why did she venture to set the date in Wuyin Tea House? Why didn't he make puppets before he entered the library?

On the contrary, she wanted him to arrive at Wuyin Tea House and wanted him to enter the library.

Her power blocked his related memories, but the memories still existed, which was obviously a hidden danger.

These memories are very precious to him in the bottom of his heart-he encountered old tea in Wuyin Tea House and π in the library, these memories did not exist in her.

So in order to eliminate hidden dangers, she has to create new memories to replace the old ones.

In the new memory, she exists, but no elves.

What he encountered in Wuyin Tea House was not old tea, but her.

What he encountered in the library was not π, but her.

So he slowly realized and accepted the fact that he was so impressed with the locations because he met her there.

Who would not be impressed when encountering such a peerless beauty?

The kitten knows what will happen next, and she will go elsewhere with him to complete all the memory changes.

She and he will go to the capital and visit the Forbidden City in the autumn wind of Xiao Shou;

She and he will go to the United States to take photos with Hollywood stars in the wax museum;

She and he will go to Germany, applaud the award-winning stars in the auditorium of the Berlin Film Palace, and then barefoot on the beach by the sea, picking up beautiful shells ...

In this series of journeys, he will still find the same, and still have a sense of sight, but no matter what decision he makes, whether he wants to find the truth, as long as he goes to those places with her, the memory will be naturally updated .

She doesn't even have to do anything. As long as she stays with Zhang Zi'an, his reason will do all the work for her.


It wasn't that she trapped Zhang Zi'an in this world, but Zhang Zi'an herself was a cocoon.

This is a complete and self-consistent world, built on the basis of Zhang Zi'an's life experience and memory. The skeleton is his scientific knowledge and rationality. If it is replaced by a dream of a person who is ignorant of science, there will be many unsettling The real details, the dreams formed will not be so close to reality.

When encountering unexplainable things, ordinary people may be attributed to ghosts or supernatural forces, but Zhang Zi'an will try to explain with science and reason, so this world will be as unbreakable as the real world.

However, even if there is reason such as Zhang Zi'an, there is a loophole in his outlook on life and world, that is, the game "Pet Hunter" and the elves.

The existence of games and elves against his common sense.

He knew that cats and dogs might talk, he knew that there was love in the parrot's heart, and he knew that there might be mermaids in the sea ...

Without this loophole, no one could wake him up from a dream.

The dream world is too real, and the incident itself will make him uncomfortable, because the real world ... should not be so boring.

The Butterfly Elf knows this loophole, but cannot make up for it. She can't let the pet hunter game appear in this world, nor can she let the elves appear in this world. She can create similar and superficial things, but even May also awaken his true memory.

Fortunately, time will eliminate the loopholes for her. As long as there is enough time, she can create more exciting and interesting experiences to satisfy him.

The kitten knows what will happen next.

The phone will ring.

Ding Ding Ding Ding——

His cell phone suddenly rang, interrupting his meditation.

"Hello? Mom, what's the matter?" He saw that the caller ID was his mother's cell phone.

"Hey, Zi'an, where did you go to walk the dog?" The mother asked, her voice anxiously and rejoicing.

"What's the green space right behind ~ ~" he answered.

The mother was relieved. "Come back soon! Come back soon!"

"What happened?" He glanced at the playful puppies. They didn't seem to have exhausted their excess energy, and their feces hadn't been buried yet. But what's wrong with the mother's urgency? thing?

"Dad all right?"

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated. What happened to his father?

"Your dad? What can he do?" The mother murmured. "He's awkwardly bathing the cat ... You'll take the dogs back and change clothes! I'll tell you, I just hit Aunt Liu After a phone call, Aunt Liu said that the woman is very satisfied with you, but you have never contacted him again. A young girl cannot always lower her face and take the initiative to contact you, right? Aunt Liu blamed me for a long time and said that you were so old People, so ignorant! Seeing a pretty good thing almost blown away! "

Zhang Zi'an listened. What was happening to Zhuang Xiaodie and she was quite satisfied with him?

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