Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1383: Dream stealing

Xiaobailai's pet shop is a last resort. It even feels like it has unknowingly got caught in the trap. If stray dogs didn't choose to pick up waste from the beginning, but continued their previous lifestyle, the situation may not be so bad now.

However, it ’s too late to say anything. Stray dogs have become accustomed to the way they work harder, more work, less work, less effort. They know that as long as they work hard to pick up trash, they have chicken legs to eat, but now they suddenly return to liberation another night. Now, let alone chicken drumsticks, no matter how much labor or less labor, even the reliable dog food can't eat.

Now the weather is hot, the food in the dump is rancid too fast, and there are poisonous sausages that kill dogs. In the past two days, several stray dogs have died because of poisoning or acute diarrhea.

They endured it for a day yesterday, and today they found that no one came to feed them, and the scene was out of control.

Even if Xiaobai's iron head is so powerful, it is impossible to beat the hundreds of dogs that swarmed up. Fortunately, some of his loyal men stood by it and helped him to forcibly suppress the riots, but this was not a long-term one. Policy.

Xiaobai was forced to helplessly and had to come to the pet store to check the situation.

It thought that this was a trap that Zhang Zian had deliberately set up. He set himself up behind the scenes, allowing the stray dogs to get used to the good life, and then suddenly turned their faces to try to beat him, but after arriving here, he found that this was not the case-- The elves frowned, while Zhang Zi'an, the key figure, fell asleep and didn't wake up. Even if it was arguing with Vladimir, he still fell asleep with his eyes closed.

"So what is going on here?" It asked.

Vladimir disregarded it, or the old tea with a kind heart told the situation to him.

"Do you understand? If it wasn't for you, he might not be so unlucky!" Vladimir blamed.

Zhang Zi'an was trapped in a dream, and he could not completely disassociate from Xiao Bai. After all, when he helped the stray dog ​​to solve the drinking problem, he killed a lot of caterpillars, which might be one of the fuses.

If it is normal, Xiaobai will definitely yell at each other, but he is in an awkward situation now. He ca n’t beat so many elves. There are still a lot of stray dogs waiting to be fed at home waiting for dog food. In addition, he already knows that he has wronged Zhang Zi'an Not only did he not set a trap, but he was in danger to help the stray dog, so he silently accepted the accusation and asked, "How long will he be able to wake up?"

No one knows this question.

Zhang Zi'an's status in the pet shop is very low, but he is the bond that links the elves, because the elves have only limited interaction with each other, they all have their own pride and have their own fixed territory , They are more respectful of each other, which is quite different from the mode in which each individual gets along with Zhang Zi'an.

So when he stopped working like a powerless machine, the atmosphere between the elves became subtle.

Lao Cha reluctantly assumes the leadership function by virtue of his high moral prestige, but it is far from being a substitute for Zhang Zi'an.

Feimas got up from lying down, looked around the elves, and said, "I thought about it for a long time. I think we have to start thinking about a possibility that he may never wake up again."

Elves actually occasionally have this possibility, but they have always avoided thinking deeply and are unwilling to accept it.

"Quack! Uncle Ben doesn't believe it! Silly people are always stupid! This idiot has been so stupid that he will never sleep like this!"

Scratching his head, Richard suddenly jumped, flapping his wings and falling to Zhang Zi'an's chest, scratching him with his claws, pecking him with his beak, pumping him with his wings ... but no matter what it did, he was always dozing off. .

Now they feed him to drink water and sustain his life, but how long can people survive without food?

In a few days, they will have to call the emergency number and take him to the hospital, but will the hospital make him awake? If not ... who would be willing to pay the long-term medical and **** expenses for his sleepless person?

Richard experienced death, never woke up after going to sleep, and almost experienced a second death, when he and the doctor pulled it back from the Ghost Gate all night.

Now he was facing death, and it could do nothing.

"Hey! Why don't you go and find a beautiful girl, and let her kiss him, he will wake up right away! It's all written in fairy tales, why do you keep waiting silly?"

Shihua shouted in the bathroom, and suddenly sobbed again and again, everyone didn't know why she was crying, because she always looked down on Zhang Zi'an, but today she released the fan pigeons, pushed off the already scheduled live broadcast, but did not Give any explanation to the fans.

"Cut! My mother still wants to chop him alive!" Snow Lion pouted.

Fina's eyes suddenly jumped to the bed, her head solemnly stared at his face, and said sternly, "Get up! Sit up for our palace! This palace has not allowed you to rest!"

π squatted in the corner, curled up, buried his head in his arms, like an abandoned child.

Vladimir clenched a front paw and cheered everyone on: "Punishment of the front and back, healing and saving people is the principle we have always implemented! We cannot let any enemy down, nor can we abandon any comrade! When we hope, if we give up, there is really no hope! "

Feimas nodded, "I agree, so I want to ask everyone, do you all want him to wake up?"

This was a really unnecessary question. The elves who were present, even Xiao Bai, wanted any of them to wake him up.

Everyone looked at it puzzledly, waiting for its next explanation.

"I think about it, we can't fully pin our hopes on the Xinghai." Feimas glanced at the sleeping Xinghai, remembering the encouragement of Xinghai in the mind-like world, "So, I want to use everyone's strength, Everyone enters his dream world and brings him back safely! "

It is no longer arrogant, since it can create another Xinghai and send it to Zhang Zi'an's dream, then why not send all the elves including themselves?

Xinghai can penetrate the dream world through a gap, so if we work together, we may be able to widen the gap.

"I don't know if I can do it, but I want to try it." Feimas said firmly, "But I want to remind you that there is a great risk of doing this. Once you die in the dream world, the real world The body may die with it ... "

"So what are you waiting for?" Fina interrupted it, looking up at it proudly. "Anyone who dares to betray this palace will impose punishment by himself, even if he escapes into a dream and hides. Can't drop it! "

"Unity is power!" Vladimir shook his fist in excitement. "Dream is dream. The world in dreams is undoubtedly the ideal world and will be crushed by the iron fist of materialism!"

"Squeak!" Pi patted his chest.

"Quack! Uncle Ben long wanted to go into this idiot's dream and see, which goblin was fascinated by him? Then Uncle Ben would wake him up with urine and tell him that a man should be a man!" Li Shouted Chad.

Lao Cha smiled a little, "The waves trace the rivers and lakes to remember the old tour, so life and death are different. In the past, the same robe has become ancient, the age is old, the matter of life and death has long been taken lightly. difficult?"

"Okay ..." Feimas nodded.

"Wait a minute! I want to go too!" Shihua cried in the bathroom. "I also want to see, I don't believe any elves are more beautiful than me!"

When Feimas asked Snow Lion with his eyes, the latter tilted his face and said, "Well, the old lady didn't want to enter the smelly man's dream, it must be very disgusting."

In other words, with the exception of the Snow Lion and the already sleeping Xinghai, everyone is willing to follow Feimas to enter Zhang Zi'an's dream world, even if they run the risk of falling into themselves.

Xiaobai sighed, knowing that they should leave, otherwise if they don't leave, they will definitely not be assured of implementing the adventure plan. After all, at present, it is difficult to distinguish between friends and enemies, and even it cannot tell whether it is an enemy or a friend.

It stared at Vladimir, saying meaningfully: "You know, peace is only temporary, and you and I will have a battle in the future."

Vladimir smiled dismissively: "Relax, I will come back, because death is not a meowist!"

"Good luck to you, then it's best to bring him back alive."

Xiaobai finally glanced at Zhang Zi'an and jumped out of the window.

It ran on the way back to the suburban garbage dump, carefully avoiding the few pedestrians and vehicles on the street, but repeatedly remembered the scene of the pet shop just now.

It suddenly produced irresistible curiosity. What was the charm of the man named Zhang Zi'an that would make those elf spirits willing to save him for life?

If possible, I really want to know more about him.

When he rested on the way, he climbed high and looked back at the pet shop that had disappeared into the night.

Femma's gaze swept through the eyes of each elf in turn, and their pupils reflected their eyes.

This time, I don't want to enter their mental world ~ ~. They don't need to understand their hearts so complicatedly, just take a piece of their spirit and will and send it to Zhang Zi'an's dream world.

It is also a good thing for the snow lions to stay outside. If the whole goes to sleep, who will take care of their bodies?

Feimas discarded distractions and focused on it.

The enemy is indeed the master of the dream, but this does not mean that it is invincible.

The elves other than the snow lion suddenly opened their eyes wide because they saw a weird scene-Feimas' pupils appeared in black swirls and kept spinning.

They instinctively want to remove their eyes, but they can't, the black swirls seem to have a strong suction.


An irresistible distress came.

The elves lay flat on the ground.

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