Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1398: Choice

Seeing the deep and sad feelings between the mother and the child, Zhang Zi'an felt sympathy, so she volunteered to help the young man deal with the gray parrot.

Also ... he always felt that this grey parrot might be related to his sneezing constantly, maybe he was allergic to the parrot? But there are two or three ordinary parrots in your pet shop. Why is it all right?

The young man stunned, "How sorry ..."

"It's okay, I'm fine, anyway." Zhang Zi'an opened WeChat. "Add a friend, I will inform you of the process and results. If you are not satisfied, you can always go back."

"Thanks so much."

The young man was very helpless. Just a few hours after leaving the house, his mother was almost lost. It would be better if someone helped him deal with the gray parrot.

After adding a friend, Zhang Zi'an took the bird cage and arranged the black cloth outside, so as not to be seen by others on the road, he swaggered across the city with a gray parrot.

"Little purple ... pea yellow ..." the older woman muttered, staring at the bird cage.

"Mom, this parrot is not Xiaozi or Pea Yellow. Let's go home first. I will take time to go to other pet stores to ask." The young man persuade softly.

Zhang Zi'an interjected: "That ... If you want to buy a specific kind of parrot, it is best to go to a professional birdhouse. There are not many types of parrots in ordinary pet shops."


"Well, I remember there seems to be a birdhouse in Binhai, but I can't remember the name ... you go back and look it up on the Internet." Zhang Zi'an suggested, "tell the parrot you want after you go Be clear, or simply take your mother with her and let her choose. "

"Okay, thank you." The young man nodded gratefully. "I only know that there is a cathouse, but I really don't know there is a birdhouse. I will check it out when I go back ... now I go home."


Zhang Zi'an waved goodbye to him.

Watching the young man supporting the older woman disappearing deep in the alley, Zhang Zi'an thought that Zhuang Xiaodie might have been left out just now, and said without a word: "Have you ever seen a gray parrot? This parrot's size It's very big, and it can only be seen in the zoo. Would you like to see it? "

Then he raised a corner of the black cloth and let her watch the grey parrot.

The little black eyes of the gray parrot rolled around, and when they got used to the light, stared at Zhuang Xiaodie, he suddenly cried, "Same-sex, true love! Heterosexual, offspring! You two, nothing!"

Zhang Zi'an was so embarrassed that he quickly put down the black cloth and sneered: "This parrot doesn't know who taught it. This broken bird's beak should really be tied up."

Zhuang Xiaodie had already seen that this grey parrot was the elf called Richard, but the entire birdcage was covered with black cloth before, and she was not surprised until it called out. If it was late, Early detection, there are ways to prevent it from approaching Zhang Zi'an.

"You plan to put it ..." she said.

"Like what I said before, take it back first, then call the forestry bureau or zoo and ask them to receive it." He replied that this is also a normal processing procedure.

She nodded, no longer asking, this parrot could not stand up to any storms other than being cheap, and hurriedly tried to get Zhang Zi'an away. Its ability is also suppressed in the dream world. It can only speak a few words and short sentences, which is far from being as sharp as it is in reality.

Because he was reminded by the priest, Zhang Zi'an walked around the bird cage and often turned around to prevent the black and white kitten behind him from being lost.

However, he was afraid of what he was afraid of. After walking for a while, he turned around and found that it was standing still, staring at a remote alley next to him, and then he seemed to find something. Go in.

"Wait! Don't run around!"

Zhang Zi'an called it in the back, but it moved too fast and disappeared into the alley in a blink of an eye.

He stepped up to chase, but the empty hand was caught by the other soft and smooth hand.

Looking back, it was of course Zhuang Xiaodie who held him.

"It might be to find a companion, so give it freedom." She said, her eyes calmed and changed a little as she looked at her usual calmness and indifference. "It wasn't your cat at first, and other cats at least still feed You can touch it, but it doesn't even let you touch it. Such a cat is unfamiliar! "

Her voice was very sincere, almost speaking in a begging tone. A pair of bright pupils were covered with a thin layer of water vapor, which made people feel pity.

Such a girl with a face that looks like her face is in a soft voice, and few men can hardly refuse. This is a face-seeing world after all.

Zhuang Xiaodie is the most perfect blind date he has ever seen, and he can't even dream of believing that he will hold hands with a girl of this level.

She has a dignified and beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, a generous shot, and actively paid for the bill in Wuyin Tea House, but she is quite reasonable and does not even abandon his family conditions and ordinary work.

How many girls can find such lanterns?

Adding his blue eyes to his eyes is a blessing that can't be repaired in a few lifetimes, enough to brighten the parents' faces and envy others.

Since meeting her, she has never explicitly asked him to do anything, and even if she hates cats, she hasn't forced him to drive them away.

Only this time, she asked him not to chase the cat.

Only this time.

Of the one hundred people, at least ninety will agree without hesitation. Of the remaining ten people, nine may agree after weighing the pros and cons. The remaining one, 80% is a fool, or may like it. the man.

Her hands clenched tighter ~ ~ A slight tremor came from her palm, "Let's go back to the city center, I want to taste the food of Binhai, do you have any recommendations? I think Go to the park to enjoy the flowers, I want to go to the amusement park to ride the Ferris wheel, I want to go to the theater to watch the drama, I want to go to the zoo to see the animals ... I want to ... be with you. Let's go together, definitely very very happy ! "

The passers-by saw this scene, heard her begging, and shook their heads, sighing, and felt worthless for her. I don't know what this man deserves to keep, so a flower was inserted in cow dung.

An arrogant iceberg beauty suddenly showed a weak side, which was enough to be dazzling, and Zhang Zi'an was equally moved.

He lowered the birdcage temporarily, clasped her hands with her hands, stared at her eyes, and said calmly, "It is really not my cat. Maybe as you said, I will never be familiar with it, no matter how much I give. , I will never be able to touch its fur, but I do n’t raise it to touch it, I take it home because I like it, I like it, and I do n’t necessarily have to get the same rewards. . "

Then he broke free from her palm.

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