Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1407: Hurt parting

"Ah? This ... why is this ..."

Parents are both surprised and sorry for this unexpected news. The seven-day golden week has just passed three days, and the fourth day is about to go?

For the return of their son's holiday this time, they prepared a lot of big fish and meat in the refrigerator, and they ate less than half. This ... this is about to go?

They are difficult to accept.

My mother tried to propose, "Well, just talk to the company and ask them to be comfortable. Just say you can't buy a ticket now, two days later ... if not, just one day later, go back?"

She really wanted to let her son stay for a few more days, even if it was one day. It's all night now, and it's too hurried to leave tomorrow morning ... For three days, it seemed like it passed in a blink of an eye. Did not say, there are still many things to do.

They originally planned to wait for Zhang Zi'an to recover from the tiredness of work and then closed for a day. The family of three went to the park, climbed the mountain, and ate outside.

If you knew you were leaving tomorrow, you could obviously make the past three days more compact ...

My father thought her bargaining approach was almost childish, but he didn't say anything. What if it works?

Zhang Zi'an can understand how they want him to stay for a longer period of time, which is completely understandable, because he is also the same. If there is a choice, he wants to stay for a few more days, or even longer, but ...

He was indifferent in his heart, but he resigned helplessly: "No way, there are not many people in the company, this time the order amount is very large, I am still a technical backbone, I ca n’t do it ... Boss promised, except for overtime In addition to the cost, after finishing these orders, I will make up for the holiday and may take a few days off on New Year's Day. "

Although I have a lot of opinions about the company's deprivation even during the holidays, the old couple was very happy to hear that the company can't do without their son, because this proves that the son is very prosperous, is important to the company, and is an important talent of the company.

The father sighed and said relievedly: "Since this is the case, there is nothing you can do. I hope that your boss will talk for the better. When New Year's Day breaks, I will come back for a few days. It will be two months anyway."

Zhang Zian Qiang Yan laughed and echoed, "Yeah, it's less than two months since New Year's Day. Now I take a few days off, and it's the same for making up on New Year's Day. Besides, there is overtime pay."

"It's freezing on New Year's Day, how can it be the same as it is now? It would have been better if I had a civil servant in Binhai City ... I wouldn't be a civil servant, and it wouldn't be a day when I should take a break." The mother was still worried. .

The father persuaded: "Forget it, the private companies are like this, the time is the boss, it's useless to complain anymore, but ... you go back in advance, and the date with that girl is also yellow?"

The mother was awakened by a few words. Compared with taking a few days off and taking a few days off, the more important thing is that the son and the subject have a good impression on each other. It is time to meet more hot and iron during the holidays. It is best to confirm the relationship. Down, the result was suddenly inserted horizontally, this ... Isn't this anxious individual?

"If you ca n’t do it, do n’t go back. I really do n’t believe it. What about going back two days late? Is n’t the company inseparable from you? See if they dare to drive you?” She raised her voice and said indignantly: “You Just call the company and say that you are currently traveling abroad and cannot return! "

In her opinion, the balance of work and marriage should obviously be tilted towards the latter.

"Look what you said ..." Father shook his head.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?" The mother said more and more angry, and seeing a good thing was going to be yellowed, she could not hold back her temper.

Zhang Zi'an rounded the field and said, "You listen to me, in fact, I have exchanged this issue with her today, and she happens to be interested in developing in a big city. It may pass in a few days. There will be time to meet there."



The mother's anger suddenly disappeared, eyes widened in surprise, because she felt that the progress of the son and the woman may be faster than expected, otherwise how could the woman be willing to follow him and leave Binhai? As for the rhetoric of deliberately going to the development of a big city, she is not convinced, otherwise she would not go early or late, but at this time?

The father also understood, and immediately turned his anger into joy.

Further things, they didn't ask any questions, such as where did they go?

The times are advancing. It is up to young people to solve the problems among young people.

Zhang Zi'an further clarified his arrangements to him. He plans to send the grey parrot and monkey to the forestry bureau tomorrow morning, and then he will not return and go directly to the station to take the high-speed rail.

The parents felt that the schedule was a little tight, but since he already thought about it, let him go.

The usual dinner was already very rich. Today, because he learned that he was leaving, it was more abundant than usual. They also made the dishes that they intended to eat the day after tomorrow. They could n’t finish a large table. He eats more.

After eating, the family of three sat and watched TV in the living room as in the previous two days ~ ~ I saw it almost midnight, much later than usual, and thought about going back to their bedrooms.

And those newcomers don't have to order to find a place to rest.

The next morning, the parents were surprised to see his bloodshot eyes and obvious dark circles.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, a little insomnia."

Zhang Zi'an barely squeezed a smile.

He was almost awake all night, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, not because he was not sleepy, but wanted to do as much as possible ... remember this moment.

"Sleep again on the train." The parents laughed, thinking he was insomnia because of the excitement of dating.

Things had been packed last night, the empty suitcase was stuffed with heavy local specialties, and snacks for him to eat on the road.

He ate breakfast very slowly, chewing and swallowing bite by bite, his parents had finished eating and brushing the bowl, and he had just eaten half.

"Hurry up and eat and hurry to the Forestry Bureau. Don't miss the train. Hungry before eating again." The parents urged.

They were reluctant to leave him last night, but today they began to worry that he would miss the train.

"……it is good."

He silently drew the remaining chops into his mouth.

"You don't need to clean the bowl, let's do it, you go out and try to get as early as possible." Father couldn't help but grab the bowl from him.

Every minute is precious, but he has no reason to continue to grind.

Luggage and bird cages have been placed in front of the store.

The golden cat, brown cat, black and white kitten, and little monkey gathered silently at the door.

He put on his coat, his sad face turned bright as soon as he turned around.

"Dad, mom, I'm gone, take care of you!"

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