Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1410: 0 years in life

Zhang Zi'an's truthful answer made Zhuang Xiaodie figure out some questions that she hadn't figured out before, and even felt a sense of irritation, making her anxious to pat her own head and say a hate-why didn't you think about it?

The elves' dreams made him aware of the dream, so he began to act. He could have performed better and spent more time with his parents in the dream. For example, saying "goodbye" on the last day of the golden week, and editing There are other reasons to postpone it indefinitely-she has given him wealth and freedom, and has given him reasons.

However, when he discovered that the power of the elves was greatly weakened, and that he could not protect himself in the dream world, he decided to stop the play early.

That must have been a very painful decision. For the whole day of the third day of the Golden Week, he may be tormented by a dilemma, but on the surface, nothing was revealed.

Knowing all this, she had no regrets.

Zhang Zi'an waited for her decision, and the initiative was in her hands.

Zhuang Xiaodie paced back and forth, she was calm on the surface, but she was very confused at the heart, and she had a variety of thoughts, which caused her a headache.

Now that the sword is artificial, and I am a fish, Zhang Zi'an quietly winks at the elves, meaning that your dreaming purpose has been achieved, and it is time to leave first, because there is no meaning in your staying. The existence of this world is all in her thoughts. between.

Although the golden cat could not speak, it was obviously scoffing. It never knew what escape was, at least it would not escape in front of a butterfly.

The brown cat is calm, a look of Tarzan falling to the top without changing color, it is she who is strong by her, and the breeze blowing the hills.

The blue cat is fearless, death is not a meowist! It has long been accustomed to the idealism of this butterfly, and propagated the whimsical voices of the little butterfly dreams of Bulgioa all day long, and his unhappiness was nowhere to be vented.

The little monkey waved the tree branch stupidly, determined that he could not always sit and write a novel in the future. He should actively exercise and be as capable as the Monkey King.

"Quack! Fart! Fart!" The gray parrot slammed its hips, worrying whether it would fart and shit.

The unhealthy dumb girl was trapped in the car and the wheelchair could not be moved, which made her anxious and helpless.

The black and white kitten stared fiercely at Zhuang Xiaodie.

The white cloud dog in the sky looks like a silhouette.

None of them intends to flee without a fight, although they know that there is no hope of winning by half.

Zhuang Xiaomeng stopped and turned around.

"I'll give you another chance to choose," she gritted. "You can pretend that you don't know anything, and I can pretend that nothing happened, and just continue to live in dreams."

She didn't know why she proposed this plan, maybe she was very reluctant to end the dream.

Zhang Zi'an was surprised, but he quickly shook his head, "Thank you, but that's enough, no matter how wonderful the dream should be."

"why why!"

Her tone rose sharply, hersing exhausted to vent the anger in her heart, she had already been so wronged, but he was still so ignorant!

"Let go of your prejudices! Why do you have to be stubborn to think that the real world is better? Have you forgotten the discrimination, oppression, injustice and darkness in the real world? Or do you think that dreams are short-lived because you are afraid of death? Afraid of physical death in reality? "She asked loudly.

"Dream is different from the real world in time. Although in reality your body may only be able to support more than ten days, these ten days are enough for you to dream for hundreds of years! Every day in the dream will be very fulfilling, every day Extremely happy, every day will make you remember fresh and long-lasting ... In the dream, you can become a successful person unimaginable in reality, walking around every corner of the world, seeing every scene of the world, everyone will treat you With a smile, the whole world will add to your eyes. This is a courtesy that no protagonist in any novel, movie, or TV series has!

She calmed down a little, took a steady breath, and sneered, "But what about the real world? A hundred years of life is nothing but a big dream, Shaohua turns white, only in a flash! Reality is sweet, sweetness is only one of them, and the rest The next ninety-nine are all regrets, annoyances, sorrows, emptiness, pain, anger, tangles, regrets ... Which life is worth your hard pursuit? Don't say anything in order to experience a complete life, life is alive, who is Alive to experience pain ?! "

If she had vented the stagnation in her heart in one breath, her face became flushed with excitement, but she felt a lot more relaxed between her chest and heart.

Yeah, anyone who knows that there are tigers in the mountain and prefers to be a tiger mountain must be a fool.

It is also a century of life ...

On one side, parents are in the hall, red sleeves add fragrance, children are all-in-one, all diseases are intact, and everything is done, and when they are old, they smile with regret;

The other side is that giving is often not rewarded ~ ~ Trust may be betrayed, hard work and bumps against each other, and the threshold of success has just been touched, and you are seriously ill.

Only fools choose the latter!

Zhang Zi listened silently, without interrupting her or refuting, because her words were completely correct and could not be refuted.

He has no doubt that she can fulfill her promise. As long as she nods, she can give him a wonderful life that cannot be described by words, and spend a hundred years of dreams, becoming the happiest person in the world.

"So, I ask you again, and the last time, what do you choose-a magnificent dream, or a reality intertwined with misery?" She asked geologically with confidence.

Zhang Zi'an sighed, "I really hope to meet you sooner ..."

"What do you mean? Don't make a mystery!" Her heart moved.

"If in reality, I met you when I first returned to Binhai City, I would define the former without consideration, even if I know it is a dream. I can have a happy life for a hundred years. Does it matter if I dream? He smiled softly, and thoughts returned to last autumn.

"But now, I can only choose the latter." He said with regret.

"Why?" She couldn't believe it, was he a really stupid fool?

He turned his head, glanced at the elves first, then turned to the little girl and house girl in front of the pet shop, and two eloquent male college students.

"Because in reality, everyone is worried about me. If I just fall asleep and stay awake, many people will be sad for me. How can I leave them alone and get happiness alone?"

Elves, all the elves, whether tangible or invisible, suddenly opened their eyes wide, their eyes burst into unprecedented fiery emotions!

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