Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1418: Toriya

Zhang Zi'an returned to the pet shop with Wuling Shenguang. The air conditioner was not opened on the road but the windows were opened. One is to save fuel. The other is to transport pets all day, including aquarium pets. It is inevitable to get some odors. Shut down in the summer. The windows are bad.

What surprised him a little was that Grandma Gu stood and stood at the door with a small pu fan, as if waiting for him.

"Grandma Gu!" He got out of the car, opened the shop door, and invited Grandma Gu to enter. "Why not go in? There is air conditioning in it."

In order to attract customers, the “air-conditioning open” sign on the glass door of the pet shop is unavoidable. The air conditioner in the aquarium next door is turned on more fiercely. The outdoor unit runs 24 hours a day. It is estimated that the electricity bill for this month will reach A startling number.

"Hey, grandma, I'm not hot. The fan is just right. I'm too old. The air-conditioned room can't stand it, and it's easy to get air-conditioning." Granny Gu explained.

Grandma Gu didn't enter the store, but Richard flew out of the crack of the door and landed on Zhang Zi'an's shoulder.

"How can you? Grandma Gu, you obviously live the younger!" He complimented: "this year 82, next year 28!"

"Grandma, I'm not 82 this year! Is he so old?" Grandma Gu touched the creases on her face in depression.

"I didn't mean that ..." Zhang Zi'an hurried away from the topic, "why ... are you doing something?"

"That's it ... The battle against the plague was temporarily ended with the victory of the people, but ... the batch of birds aided from sister cities outside the country was used for biological control of caterpillar-eating caterpillars. Grandma Gu took out a piece of material and put on reading glasses to take photos of this book. "The selfless assistance of sister cities must be kept in mind. These birds are not easy to breed, and considering the possibility of insect disasters in other nearby cities, and the resurgence of insect disasters in Binhai City, Possibilities, so our superiors have instructed us to try to protect the environment in which these birds live and breed, and to prevent them from being harmed. "

Zhang Zi'an listened carefully, but for a moment did not expect that this had anything to do with himself.

During the most severe period of the disaster, because some types of caterpillars have strong drug resistance, leisurely insecticides cannot take effect, so only other methods, such as new insecticides or biological control, can be used to deal with birds. The caterpillar approach is one of them.

Grandma Gu took off her reading glasses and glanced at Vladimir next to her. "Some people responded that many birds were eaten to death by cats."

"Uh ... you mean ... stray cat?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

If it is a stray cat, you must let Vladimir strictly restrain his stray cats. You must not underestimate the determination of the coastal city government that has become a frightening bird. Once it is determined that the stray cat is eating birds, you may think Ways to manage stray cats.

Stray cats are urban small animal killers. They kill all mammals, rodents, reptiles, and especially birds in the city without discrimination, so they are considered ecological disasters in many places.

Objectively speaking, part of the cause of this catastrophe in Binhai can be attributed to the fact that there are too few wild birds in the city to suppress the caterpillars in the early stages, but this situation exists in most cities of.

Grandma Gu nodded and shook her head first. "The stray cat is indeed a problem, but for the time being there is no good way. What we can do now is to find ways to keep domestic cats from eating birds."

Letting domestic cats not eat birds is a false proposition to many people. Isn't domestic cats kept at home? How can they eat birds?

However, in fact, only young people in the city tend to hide the pure-blooded cat Jinyawu at home, while middle-aged and elderly people, and cat owners living in suburbs and villages, are more inclined to scatter Raising is to let your own mixed-breed cat find food outside to eat during the day and go home at night.

With the exception of a few purebred cats that are not suitable for survival outdoors, it is not difficult for most cats to prey or forage outdoors, and they will hardly come back hungry.

Not only is China the case, there are more than 80 million pet cats in the United States, more than half of which are in free-range state, coupled with a considerable number of stray cats, which poses a serious threat to the living conditions of small urban animals.

"what do you mean……"

As soon as Granny Gu mentioned this, Zhang Zi'an guessed something, but still asked clearly.

"Little Anzi, grandma, I know that you know all kinds of pets like cats, dogs, and dogs. Do you have any way? This is a task assigned by the superior, and those very precious birds are eaten by cats, indeed It's a pity. "Grandma Gu said.

Zhang Zi'an thought for a while, "There are ways, but it may be more troublesome to resolve. You have to go from door to door to inform, and you can imagine that you will encounter resistance."

Grandma Gu raised her head, "If there is a way, I will handle the rest to grandma!"

"In fact, this kind of thing ~ ~ foreign bird lovers also have a headache, but later someone invented a collar for free-range cats around the neck, called birdbesafe, which is literally translated as bird safety. Not to mention the level of naming of foreigners is really intolerable ... "

"Quack! Birds must be better," muttered Richard, and flapped Zhang Zi'an's head with his wings. "You need that too."

"Which bird's collar is working?" Granny Gu asked curiously. "If it works, grandma, I will go from house to house to inform the promotion!"

"It should be useful. This collar does not affect the cat's feeding. It is different from the Elizabethan collar, but because the color is very bright and eye-catching, it allows the bird to see and avoid from a long distance." Zhang Zi'an glared with warning. Chad glanced.

In fact, the beneficiaries of this collar are not only birds, but any small animal that is visually sensitive to color can benefit from it.

"Okay, then, Xiao Anzi, please send the information of this circle and the purchase price to the street office as soon as possible. Grandma, I will immediately handle this matter." Grandma Gu immediately took the board.

This kind of collar is not sold in China, even if it is almighty Taobao, but it seems that it has no technical content. It should not be difficult to imitate it according to the picture.

Grandma Gu left wildly, and organized personnel to try it out across the street. Once effective, she would try to promote it across the city.

"Quack! As the only bird and intellectual representative of the pet shop, this uncle appreciates the collar like bird bian, don't you idiot plan to promote it in the pet shop first?" Richard said seriously, " Save Uncle Ben's life at risk. "

"What threatens your life is your own bird's beak. As long as you know when to shut up, no cat is interested in your life, and the meat is all bird feces!"

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