Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: Application for Internship

This is an invitation from the Matthew Davis Cancer Research Foundation, inviting Zhang Zi'an to San Francisco to attend the foundation's 20th anniversary celebration.

The foundation also asked him to tell Cathy's story to more people at the ceremony.

Of course, as a foundation, obviously considering his identity as a Chinese, inviting him to attend can show the foundation's growing influence and the determination of people around the world to join forces to fight cancer.

On the one hand, Zhang Zi'an felt that this honor should be attributed to Cathy, and she suffered some shame for her, on the other hand, he also hoped that more people could understand Cathy.

He fluctuated between acceptance and decline. After all, there are still some small unresolved problems here in Binhai City, but suddenly I think that the origin of the American dog food seems to be San Francisco. If I go there, maybe I can answer my heart. Some doubt, this is tantamount to adding a heavy weight to the balance on the "acceptance" side.

Netizens during the live broadcast were curious, because when Xiao Xue's camera occasionally swept his face, they saw that he had a rare serious expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something important.

What letter was that?

From abroad, did he have any foreign relatives who died, leaving him a large legacy? Today, the lemon is going to be harvested ...

After lunch, suspect Y followed Aunt Li to choose cats, and she planned to adopt three stray cats.

Li Auntie gave her a lot of cat bags, cat food and wood dust cat litter.

But the problem now is that she is carrying so many things, it is impossible to go back by riding a shared bicycle, but she does not want to call a taxi in violation of environmental protection principles. In the end, she can only call an electric car running Didi.

She sat in the car, held up the note in Yang's hand, and pointed out to Zhang Zi'an, "One yard at a time, I will go back today, but I will call you."

In fact, she has 70% to 80% confidence. She feels that Zhang Zi'an is the owner of the pet shop known for her cat dancing. However, with the previous lesson, she realized that she was not ready enough. She will be beaten. Although she still does not believe that there is any way to teach kittens to dance without abusing them, her confidence has dropped from 100% to 99%, which may be like the environmentally-friendly reuse of sawdust cat litter. There is always something she doesn't understand in this world.

Zhang Zi'an shrugged and watched the electric car go away, reminding herself that if she didn't make a phone call but added his WeChat friend, she must remember to block her soft advertising for pet shops in her circle of friends.

Xiaoxue was relieved, and then hurriedly said goodbye to Zhang Zi'an, because she didn't say that she would finish her lunch before returning home. It is estimated that her mother had already finished cooking and was in a hurry.

Zhang Zi'an drove back to the door of his store and stopped, carrying a foam insulation box with packed lunches and roasted chicken breasts. Both the shop assistants and the elves were impatiently hungry.

"Master, why did you go? Did you forget that you still have a group of cute clerks waiting to be fed when you are full?" Wang Gan lifted the lid of the box and couldn't wait to **** a box of lunch and snorted and ate.

"The words" cute "are superfluous." Zhang Zi'an distributed the roasted chicken **** to the elves, and when he passed it to Fina, he put on rubber gloves for cat washing in advance, otherwise he felt his hands There will also be a scratch, and he does not need to interview for a job.

"what is this?"

Li Kun noticed Zhang Zi'an's invitation, and asked curiously.

It was too hot at noon, and people were too lazy to go out at this time. There was no guest in the shop, so Zhang Zi'an didn't hide it and said the invitation letter again.

Fina, who was burning in the hunger, didn't intend to let him off by delaying the royal meal, and the snow lion on the other side of the air conditioner on the other side of the air conditioner had already made a fierce cat down the mountain and wanted to punish Fina, but he said By the time of the cool, dry weather in San Francisco, they decided to let him go.

The humid and sweltering weather in Binhai City is driving them crazy. Although the absolute temperature is far below that of Egypt, the humidity of the water that can almost twist the water out of the air can't stand it. It can't leave the air conditioner for a moment.

In addition, everyone's body is full of sour smell, whether it is Zhang Zi'an, the shop assistants or the customers.

"Old ... San Francisco? Master, we have to go too! We do n’t take us to Los Angeles, we do n’t take us to Germany, we do n’t take us to Egypt, we should take us this time! It ’s summer! "

Wang Qian and Li Kun were about to cry without tears, almost kneeling. In the summer vacation, their wealthy classmates showed various photos of foreign travel in the circle of friends, which made them envious and jealous. They also wanted to go to San Francisco to take photos.

"I'll have a chance in the future. Besides, I haven't decided whether to go or not." Zhang Zi'an refused decisively.

Jiang Feifei suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked, "There seems to be a very famous aquarium in San Francisco?"

"Well, yes, and more than one."

When Zhang Zi'an ate, he roughly checked the map of San Francisco with his mobile phone and replied, "There are three aquariums in the San Francisco area. The first is the San Francisco Aquarium, but this place looks like a pit father. Generally, only tour groups will go. Second, The San Diego Aquarium, famous for its killer whale performances; the third is the Monterey Aquarium, which is a very professional aquarium and an important marine experimental base, where many researchers work. "

Feifei Jiang was envious, she had some thoughts in her heart, but she was embarrassed to say it, because it was really whimsical and impractical, and because she thought it might be too much trouble Zhang Zi'an ~ ~ but this The opportunity is really rare, and may even be related to her future life. If she misses it, she will regret it in retrospect.

"That ..." She stopped talking.

"What's wrong? Just say anything, learn the cheeky of these two second-hand goods." Zhang Zi'an pointed to Wang Qian and Li Kun.

Jiang Feifei made a few determinations and finally said, "Well ... if the store manager finally decides to go to San Francisco, can you help me ask the three aquariums, recruit international staff ... or interns? Any one can , I'm not picky! "

Zhang Zi'an was surprised. "Which three aquariums do you want to work or do an internship in?"

"Um." She nodded. "Actually, I want to find a job in the domestic aquarium, but because I'm not a related major, people don't even give me the opportunity for an internship, but I would like to try ... if those three It would be great if the aquarium accepted me for a short internship ... "

"No problem, if I go, I will help you ask." He promised, although this may mean that the store will be stretched, but this is her dream and should be supported.

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