Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1451: Entrust

"See it, those stray dogs."

Next to the artificial woods, Zhang Zi'an shook a pufan and shouted to him, and the other dog group resting on the open finger showed Suspect Y.

Suspect Y today wore a combination of convenient clothes, cotton short-sleeved shirt and cotton denim shorts. She first took the bus to the nearest station, and then came by riding a shared bike. The weather was hot and she sweated a lot.

She glanced resentfully at Zhang Zi'an ... The fan in her hand said that this man was really unkind, and she was so hot that she was sweating. He didn't say to help her fan, at least he should take the initiative to lend her a fan. ?

I did n’t see Zhang Zi ’s installation. You ’re going to ride the bike yourself. You have to be comfortable and comfortable. Can you take advantage of it?

"So many ... all stray dogs?"

When suspect Y saw the number of dog herds, she couldn't help but be surprised, because in her previous imagination, the so-called "herd" of stray dogs might be as many as 20 or 30, but the eyes were full of stray dogs The number is far beyond her imagination, almost making her doubt that this is a dog breeding base.

"Let's take a closer look."

Zhang Zi'an greeted, but she hesitated not to follow.

"Aren't there so many dogs in danger?"

She dared to stand naked in the downtown area and allow hundreds of people to watch, but did not dare to take a step closer to the dog group. She instinctively stood next to Wuling Shenguang, as if she might hide in the car at any time, even the gasoline she hated most. car.

"It's okay. Although they are all stray dogs, they also have pirates. They are ... atypical stray dogs that can help themselves," Zhang Zi'an explained.


"Well, they will pick up empty bottles. When they pick up more, I will sell them and buy dog ​​food to feed them."


Suspect Y couldn't believe his ears.

"Dogs are very well trained, especially this group of stray dogs, with a little guidance, will imitate the behavior of their leaders and eventually form a conditioned reflex-although they are not clear about the logic, they understand that empty bottles can be replaced Come and eat, that's enough. "

Zhang Zi'an confided some details to her half-truth. In the long run, he still hopes that someone can share his pressure. Although it is the heat of the summer, time always passes quickly. It's winter, and he has limited energy. It would be great if she could help stray dogs find a place to live.

He set an example and walked towards the dog herd. The dog herds were already accustomed to his existence, and now it was less than the usual meal time, and he did not react to his arrival.

Xiaobai had already ditched him in advance, ran to the other side of the road first, picked up an empty bottle, and put it back here.

The other dogs learned its appearance in an orderly manner, ran to the garbage dump to return an empty bottle, and then lay down again in the shade, rested with their tongues.

Suspect Y was stunned. Is this really a stray dog?

She had long suspected that he was the pet shop owner who trained cats to dance. Seeing this scene, she was even more convinced of her suspicion-although he said it lightly, why couldn't anyone else?

"I have to remind you that it is best not to spread the word you see, otherwise it will be known by others, and I don't know what kind of reaction it will be. I heard that there are so many dogs here, which may attract stray animal management centers. Maybe it will lead to mischief, do you understand? "Zhang Zi'an said.

If he were replaced by someone else, he would not dare to let the other party see the complete process of stray dogs without knowing each other, but for this extreme environmental protection and animal protection supporter, he felt that she would not preach to the outside world, Because that would cause trouble to these stray dogs.

Sure enough, after a little hesitation, she nodded firmly, "I see, I won't tell anyone."

Zhang Zi'an and Xiaobai glanced at each other and nodded secretly.

"Come here, come over and try, they won't bite you." He waved again.

She was brave and approached step by step carefully, and every step she walked, she watched the reaction of the stray dogs with fear. As each step closer, more and more intense food rot and sour odor and **** smell poured into her nose, which forced her to bear nausea, cover her nose and breathe through her mouth, reminding herself in her heart that the next time she came Prepare a mask, but it's hard to wear a mask on such a hot day.

Zhang Zi'an and Xiaobai have practiced with the dogs in advance, asking all dogs not to suddenly get up or bark loudly, so as not to scare her. Not to mention a woman like her, even when Zhang Zi'an first came, she was almost scared.

She was not a timid person. When she walked to the dog herd and saw that they didn't react too fiercely, her guts became bigger and bigger, and she tried to squat down and stroke the head of a native dog.

The native dog was a little irritable, and repeatedly thought of getting up, but was glared by Xiaobai, and lay down obediently.

Ooo ~

A few furry little dogs chased each other happily and ran not far from her feet. These little dogs were the group that Zhang Zi'an had just come here to come in and was born. Now is the most naughty time.

Suspect Y was attracted by these cute little puppies, bent over and squatted on the ground, hugging them one by one to tease. Compared to big dogs, little puppies are not dirty and have no odor.

While she was playing with the little puppies, Zhang Zi'an whispered to Xiaobai: "Are you sure you are not going to the United States with us?"

Xiaobai stared silently toward the east sea. The other side of the sea was the United States.

"I want to go to ~ but I need me more here, I can't leave yet." It regretfully shook his head. "If there is a chance in the future ..."

Zhang Zi'an nodded and comforted: "It doesn't matter, there is definitely a chance. We just went to Los Angeles last year, and this time San Francisco is not far from Los Angeles. When these stray dogs settle down completely, they will definitely go Opportunity in the United States. I also have a partnership with a cat house in Los Angeles. When the weather is cooler, I plan to visit them to train a new batch of puppet cats. "

"Okay." Xiaobai held out a front paw. "I wish you all the best."

"Thank you." Zhang Zi'an crouched down and shook his claws with it. "I shouldn't go too long ... during my time away, you need to be extra careful not to let stray dogs eat that American dog food. "

Xiaobai watched him, "This trip to the United States has something to do with that dog food?"

"How do I ... I have no evidence, but my gut tells me that I must go to the United States myself before it gets too late ..."

Zhang Zi'an sighed.

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