Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1456: Tricky problem

Father Yang is eloquent. He described the process of a coyote attack by a young man who lost his foot illegally selling drugs as vividly as a witness.

Zhang Zi'an listened with great interest, and he kept asking: "How did you know so clearly what happened yesterday? Do you usually listen to overseas radio stations?"

Father Yang shook his head. "No, there is a priest who knows him in the neighborhood where the young man lives. Hear what he said, and I heard the recount."


Zhang Zi'an generally understood that although it sounds strange, there are often people in the United States who are doing illicit acts while teaching faithfully. They don't know how they usually deal with the teachings of God in their hearts and commit crimes in their own hands. Balance.

"Is that all right?"

"It's okay. After the coyote ran away, he painfully picked up the gun that had been dropped by accident. It was expected that the gunshot might have been heard. The police would soon come and simply wrapped his wrists and went away." Father Yang replied.

Unlike the employees of Binhai City's scrap purchase station, the priests' recounted things should not be too exaggerated and should be very close to the truth.

"Coyotes are flooded to such a point, and no one cares?" Zhang Zi'an said with emotion, this is the difference in national conditions. If it is domestic, it may have been a storm all over the city.

Father Yang regrets, "Things do n’t always sound like you think, and these coyotes should flow out of the forest park. The source is in the forest park, but in the forest park, hunting suburbs Wolves are illegal-not only that, even in downtown San Francisco, shooting or poisoning coyotes is also illegal. "


Zhang Zi'an was speechless.

Generally speaking, the United States is a legal country, and serious people are unwilling to take risks to commit illegal acts. Otherwise, expensive lawyer fees and prison disasters are waiting for you, not serious people ... and they don't care about the threat of coyotes.

Therefore, it is impossible to poison coyotes with drugs such as isoniazid.

Killing and not killing, it is really a headache to expect their conscience to find that it is unrealistic to leave on their own.

Father Yang said: "In my opinion, there are two possible ways, either to find the source of the coyote's sudden change in temperament, or to introduce the coyote's natural enemies. The former is not easy, the latter is not easy, and the effect is slow."

"Coyote's natural enemy?"

Father Yang nodded. "The coyote, the biggest natural enemy is not humans, but their close relatives. The gray wolves in North America have been almost killed by humans. Therefore, the territory of coyotes has continued to expand, from Mexico to the Arctic Circle, to the ground. Rats, as large as elk, are all their hunting targets. Previously, the northern valley of Yellowstone Park was also plagued by the presence of coyotes. Later, scientists reintroduced the long-disappeared gray wolf into the area. The gray wolf will prey on coyotes. Just like a coyote will prey on a pet dog, after some time, the coyote is completely driven out of the northern valley. "

This is a biological control method, but the coyote was expelled. The problem is that the gray wolf has been attracted again ... The gray wolf has more forks than the coyote.

As for the source of the coyote's mutation ...

Zhang Zi'an wasn't sure, but maybe it wasn't the sudden temperament that made them start attacking adults, but some other factor.

If those factors are not eliminated, even if the coyote is expelled by the gray wolf, the next problem is probably the gray wolf.

"Do you have any opinion on the cause of the coyote's sudden change of temperament?" He asked.

He felt that Father Yang's trip to the United States was probably related to coyotes, but he did not want to understand why such a thing should be done by the priest, which should be a biologist's thing.

Father Yang said cautiously: "It is not clear that food poisoning, water pollution, environmental changes, disease factors, human stimuli may all have similar effects on coyotes, and we need to investigate carefully before we can conclude ... sorry, When I say that, will it affect your interest in travel? "

"That's not true, I think it's interesting." Zhang Zi'an laughed.

"In fact, in San Francisco, as long as you do n’t travel at night, it ’s relatively safe. You do n’t have to worry too much, just be careful when you leave the city to play in the surrounding area, and try to avoid single-handed actions to avoid unnecessary accidents. Fr. Yang cautioned kindly.

"I see, thanks."

The conversation ended as the stewardess pushed the dining car to deliver the meal.

After the meal, they were upset, and they took a nap. Although they continued to talk after waking up, they did not mention the coyotes. Father Yang said some interesting things and experiences while studying in Belgium. The experience of traveling to Egypt picked some in response.

Unconsciously, this long-haul journey was nearing the end, and San Francisco was on the horizon.

The plane began to descend, and a brown ground appeared at the end of the endless ocean.

In general, this was a pleasant flight experience. Although there were no high-quality flight attendants, nor were they sitting next to young beauties, but not lonely.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Zhang Zi'an and Father Yang did not exchange contact information because both of them knew that if they wanted to find Father Yang after returning to China, they would just go to the church in Nancheng District, Binhai City, but for Zhang Zi'an That said, there seems to be no need to go to church.

So they all thought that this pleasant conversation was their first and last conversation.

After taking my luggage out of the airport ~ ~ Fr. Yang politely asked Zhang Zi'an if he would take a car to go to the city.

Zhang Zi'an saw someone driving to pick up Father Yang. They are two foreigners. Judging from his temperament, it seems to be Father Yang's counterpart.

He felt that this was not very convenient. They may have private words to say, so they declined the invitation tenderly and chose to take the cheap MRT.

In order to save money on this self-funded trip, he did not choose to live in a convenient but expensive hotel in the city center, but instead booked a slightly off-site bed and breakfast online in advance through Airbnb. It took a lot of time to choose a house. The general principle is that the location can be biased and the room can be small, but there must be enough privacy and it cannot be shared with the landlord.

After connecting with the landlord and checking in, he checked the room and found that it was still satisfactory. Then he released the π that needed to be written daily so that it could continue to write, leaving other elves on the phone temporarily, otherwise he would not want to sleep.

After a little packing, he fell into the bed, called the Matthew Davis Foundation, confirmed that he had arrived in San Francisco and would attend their celebration, and then began to sleep, turning over the jet lag as soon as possible.

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