Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: Robe

"How am I?"

The next day, Zhang Zi'an put on a gown and showed it to the elves, asking for their opinions.

Today's Foundation celebration is held in the form of a dinner. Guests who are present are required to enter the venue in dresses according to the organizer's requirements.

This is the first time for Zhang Zi'an to wear a dress, because there is no need to wear it in China, and he does n’t pay attention to it. Even if there is a formal dinner in China, it is good for the guests to wear a suit and dress. If you do n’t wear a tank top and a flip-flop for dinner, it ’s already a treat for the organizer ... If someone really wears a tuxedo, it will make people look ugly.

But Western dinners, especially dinners on such serious occasions, may be embarrassing to foreigners present if they wear Chinese casual clothes or ordinary suits, as if the Chinese do not understand etiquette.

So for this dinner, he still had to spend money on dresses, which was one of the reasons why he was hesitant to come at first. He felt distressed to buy clothes that were worn only once.

"Ga? This is a dress? You idiot can make a mistake even with your dress? It reveals the fact that your IQ balance is insufficient!" Richard exclaimed gloatingly.

Because Zhang Zi'an wears this dress completely different from the traditional small western-style dress, it is more similar to the style of the Zhongshan suit. It has a dark collar pocket, but it is different. The material is satin, dark black, and Western-style pockets are inserted into the chest pocket Pocket towel.

Either Richard or Feimas, never seen such a small western-style dress, and doubt whether he was wearing the wrong dress.

"Close your beak! Do you think that only western-style dresses can be considered dresses?" Zhang Zi'an said with lip-slips. "Is this a Chinese-style dress?"

Before going abroad, he originally planned to make a western-style dress, but thought about it, at this dinner party, the men are all dressed in the same style, and he can't tell who is who from the back, and his handsomeness will be awkward. However, everyone decided to simply follow the style of national leaders at important banquets and order a new set of Chinese dresses, which not only obeyed the rules of Western-style dinners, but also reflected their own personality and taste. Paragraph, I dare not say that the style is ugly.

"Old age feels good, fit and generous, showing the temperament of my great country." Lao Cha praised, because this dress is like the clothes of progressive youth of its era.

Fina dismissed, "I can't understand why the formal clothes of modern people are so dark, and they look hot."

"Well! Stained old lady's eyes!" Snow Lion said spitting, "The old lady just wanted to know if the girls were wearing clothes that politely exposed the entire back and half of the thigh?"

"It should be the same, but what do you want to do?" Zhang Zi'an asked alertly.

The Snow Lion laughed twice and waved his paws a little, "The kind of clothes should be very thin, and you can't wear underwear, as long as the old lady pretends to accidentally cut the tie ... Oh!"

Zhang Zi'an: "..."

"But the old lady advises you not to dream big spring and autumn, round X can't go to you! When the old lady starts, you better turn your head or close your eyes, otherwise don't blame the old lady for you to wear women's evening dresses in the future! "The Snow Lion threatened fiercely.

Zhang Zi'an: "... it looks like it's time for you to go back to your phone and rest."

"Do you dare! Believe me, I'll hit you now?" The Snow Lion was so angry that it was so difficult to have an occasion where you can look at the backless girl casually, how could you just let it go?

When it chased, he ran around the circle. Anyway, his short legs couldn't catch up with him, and finally he was so tired that he collapsed directly on the carpet, but the cat revenge, it was not too late at night, it announced that tomorrow's breakfast is ham Add eggs.

Zhang Zi'an planned to wait for him to sleep and rush it to the balcony for self-defense. Anyway, the night in San Francisco couldn't freeze it anymore.

"Meow ~ The clothes look good." Xinghai ran back from the balcony and looked at his clothes.

"Haha, I love to hear those words! But Xinghai, you usually wear a dress ..." He laughed.

Doesn't Xinghai's black and white look look like a combination of a black dress and a white shirt?

"Squeak!" Pi applauds and thumbs up.

"Thank you." Zhang Zi'an moved his steps calmly, because the person who gave you the thumbs up may not be bragging about you, but may be aiming at you with an Italian cannon ...

Vladimir wasn't in the house and was always in a hurry. He had already ran out to establish the Safflower Club America.

The only people who were formally invited were Zhang Zi'an and Feimas. The Foundation knew that Feimas was the dog that became the film king of Berlin, so it invited him to attend. Other elves can only go invisibly if they want to go.

After trying them on, Zhang Zi'an put his clothes on the bed, ready to wear them at night.

"Quack! Where are you going today? Is it your long-cherished castro area with a rainbow flag flying? Find a white nerd with glasses or a black stick guy with a reggae head, or a Latin American artist with an explosive head. 'The ruler is longer, the inch is shorter'? But my uncle reminds him that the essence of the castro area is at night! "Richard flew over his shoulder and chattered again.

"I didn't visit Chinatown well yesterday, and I'll make it up today." Zhang Zi'an ignored its noise and turned to Lao Cha for advice.

Yesterday he drove past Chinatown and hovered at the entrance for a while, but ... unfortunately, the entrance of the Chinatown he arrived at happened to be a green roof gate. The plaque read "The world is public" and was dazzled by the sun. , Beautiful as a light, green panic.

In addition, the timing of going yesterday was not right ~ ~ There is a lot of traffic in Chinatown. Because the street is narrow and the car drives like a snail crawling, so I just strolled outside, did n’t go deep, and I could n’t bring old tea. It's a pity to go to see the martial arts hall in Chinatown, so I plan to make up today-of course, I need to change the entrance, and I can't pass under the green roof gate.

Old Tea nodded happily.

"You idiot, don't you want to go to Chinatown? Do you want to drop by the Italian city next door to watch a strip show? Then fire an Italian cannon?" But Richard had seen everything through.

Before waiting for Zhang Zi'an to clarify, it also said, "Quack! But Uncle Ben doesn't object, just Cantonese is the main thing in Chinatown. Uncle Ben happens to be learning Cantonese, which is exactly what he learned!"

Rarely it says a manager, Zhang Zi'an of course has no reason to object, but usually it is just superficial ...

Sure enough, it raised the volume, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Below, please, this uncle, please sing a Cantonese version of" Difficult to Swallow! "Swallow ... Ga!

As soon as he got a head, it was tucked under the pillow by Zhang Zi'an.

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