Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: Forest Park

After breakfast, Zhang Zi'an still cleaned up the leftovers. After all, the homestay is not a hotel, and you can't expect room attendants or cleaners to clean up the chicken feathers.

Zhou Jing was resting at home today and did not come out for a run. She reflected on herself. Although work is important, she still has to do her best. It is also time to be desperate. It is the saddest thing to spend your life. If you are working, Something unexpected happened, how will parents explain to her newborn sister, who she has never met?

After Zhang Zi'an throws the trash, Lao Cha asks, "Zi'an, what's your schedule for today?"

Compared to other elves who focus on enjoying the fun of travel, Lao Cha is not eager to enjoy, it is more willing to do something that is beneficial to the people and society, no matter the people in any country.

"Well ... almost all of San Francisco's downtown area is gone. The rest of the neighborhood, like Stanford University or Silicon Valley, we also glanced at it when passing by, and there was nothing particularly worth deliberately ... so I Think, you can check out today, "he said.

Generally speaking, those who visit Stanford University are parents with children, so that children can experience the profound heritage and learning atmosphere of world-class prestigious schools. It is difficult to say whether this approach has any effect, but even if it is effective, it is not true for Zhang Zi'an. Meaning.

As for visiting Silicon Valley ... seeing those life winners who are not a few years older than him but driving a sports car with beautiful women will only make him jealous and separated from the wall, ruining the good mood of the day for no reason.

"Ga? Will you go back so soon?" Richard turned off the TV and fluttered his wings, "Uncle Ben hasn't had a friendly exchange with foreign friends in a simple way!"

"Oh! My mother will not go back, my mother will settle in San Francisco with her Majesty, and live happily with Her Majesty under the witness of the Rainbow Flag!" Snow Lion opened his teeth and danced against her.

The other elves were also reluctant, because the heat in Binhai City had not faded, so it was difficult to enjoy a few cool days in San Francisco, so when I went back, I felt uncomfortable.

"No, I said check out. I just don't live here anymore. Actually, I plan to ..." Zhang Zi'an pulled out a clutter of a map of California that I bought on the road yesterday, spread it out on the table, and swiped around San Francisco with my fingers. An arc said, "I plan to buy some camping equipment and drive into the forest park near San Francisco. One is to open the eyes, and the other is to try to figure out some problems."

In the morning, when he went out for breakfast alone, he swiped his cell phone on the way, mainly to communicate with domestic clerks, friends, and acquaintances to see if there was any new situation in the country.

He told Wei Kang of his suspicions, suspecting that the Leshi dog food contained venison, and the venison might come from prion-infected deer herds in North America.

In the past, his suspicion of this dog food mainly focused on the flora and possible toxins in it, but he never expected that the problem was with its higher content of protein than domestic dog food.

Wei Kang attaches great importance to the information provided by him, but the problem is that prion protein itself is a kind of protein, which is difficult to be isolated separately in various minced meat mixed in dog food, otherwise the detection of prion protein infected people will not be It is so difficult that a craniotomy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Wei Kang promised to communicate with the teachers in the Food Safety Laboratory of Binhai University to see if there is any possibility of further deepening the test, but let him not hope too much.

Sun Xiaomeng also sent a message saying that her clinic treated another dog with a strange disease, which was mainly manifested in disorientation and drooling. This was because Zhang Zi'an told her that if there were dogs with incurable diseases recently, follow the situation He shared it.

These problems are still second. People are selfish. Another problem that makes him even more worried is that a tropical depression cloud rises to the south and is slowly moving to the north.

In fact, the number of typhoon registrations in Binhai City is very small, and it is only once in ten years or twenty years that it is unlucky and often does not cause much loss. Most of the low-pressure cloud clusters generated from such a distance weakened before arriving in Binhai, or turned towards Japan and South Korea. However, after all, the pet shop is where his net worth is. Once he leaves home, many concerns will inevitably arise.

Worrying about a low-pressure cloud that is thousands of miles away is not necessary, and it is not necessary to end the trip back home because of it, so he did not mention this to the elves.

The elves jumped onto the table and looked at this map of California, but with their perception, they could only recognize land, green mountains, lakes, and oceans. As for the densely packed small characters, they were difficult to see, even if they could see them clearly. interest.

"Quack! Camping is always accompanied by car shocks and field battles. On the country road in California, there is a vigorous and disregardful of others' eyes ... 目的 ..." Richard uttered a verbal bluff and was told by Zhang Zi'an halfway Pinched its beak.

Lao Cha looked at the terrain around San Francisco and pointed to the dark green area and asked, "These are all forests? There are so many of them, so why don't we all want to go again?"

This is also Zhang Zi'an's headache. There are several forest parks around San Francisco, and they are all well-known, so he has a headache. The origin of the dog food on Loshi dog food is unknown ~ ~ He checked it there. It is a deep processing workshop. Chicken, duck, beef, and fish from all over the United States are transported there using cold chains to make dogs. Food products, and he wants to find places to do preliminary processing of venison, such as slaughterhouses.

Assuming that the manufacturer of Leshi dog food really uses the infected venison as he suspected, it will definitely put the slaughterhouse in a hidden place and keep it secretive.

Of course, there is another possibility. The manufacturer may not intentionally just use the venison of regular breeding, but do not know that these healthy-looking deer are actually sick deer. If so, the manufacturer itself is also a victim. .

California has a large number of national parks, among which it is famous for its dense forests. Generally, it is Yosemite National Park, Redwood National Park, American Red Shirt, Kings Canyon National Park, and Lassen Volcanic National Park. The most popular among tourists, with its magnificent waterfalls and various strange peaks and rocks, it is lingering, and the second and third are often confused because of their similar names and characteristics. As for the last one, mainly lakes and hot springs Famous.

These forest parks have different kinds of wildlife, including deer herds.

So which park is the slaughterhouse hiding near?

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