Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: Templar Phantom

Something strange happened.

Father Yang has no doubt about the power of prayer. Prayer can make their voices reach heaven, but he does not know how the saints in heaven will respond to prayers, and the exorcism relics passed down 800 years ago. How will help them.

Today, he and several other people in the gray robe still gather in the company's basement, praying prayerfully, they don't care how long such a prayer lasts, and believes that the saint will not abandon this city named after him.

They sat around the statue, silently chanting prayers, and over and over again, there was only their buzzing prayers in the basement, very quiet.

I don't know who was exclaiming. The others awakened from prayer. At first they didn't know what was going on, but when they followed the eyes of the exclaimer, they saw an incredible scene.

The statues of saints and wolves have undergone subtle changes.

Originally, the saint's hands and feet and under the left rib each had a light red round hole-like scar, which represented the five holy scars that were gifted by God's favor.

The statue faithfully restored the five sacred marks.

Regardless of appearance, the wolf is just an ordinary gray wolf.

At this time, the five sage marks of the saint are fading and disappearing, but five faint red lines suddenly appear in the air, extending from the palm of the saint's palms, feet, and left ribs horizontally, respectively, to the gray wolf's four feet and left ribs. connect them.

When the five stigmas on the statue of the saint completely disappeared, the gray wolf's four feet and sacred ribs perfectly copied the five stigmas, and the red line in the air faded and disappeared, as if the five stigmas The body of the saint statue is transferred to the statue of the gray wolf.

Everyone stared at this vision that had never been heard before, with cold sweat dripping from their heads, their hearts filled with shock and panic. They wanted to ask others for help, and they hoped that they could tell themselves what happened, but everyone's expression All are equally dazed, including even the oldest man in gray robes.

Then, the gray wolf statue ... its eyes suddenly moved.

Yes, the eyes of this stone gray wolf statue moved.

At first everyone thought it was an illusion caused by light and shadow changes, but there is no natural light in the basement, and the lighting is completely dependent on artificial lighting. At this time, the lights are stable and there is no flicker.

Seeing this scene, even the gray robe man with the strongest faith could not help shivering.

What did their prayers call out?

Before waiting for their response and action, the gray wolf statue appeared a brief blur. Immediately after, a gray shadow detached from the statue and floated quickly to the elevator like invisible smoke. There were still five deep in the smoke. Red dot, pulling out five phantom-like red lines.

Because the speed of the gray shadow was too amazing, they could barely see that the gray shadow looked like a quadruped.

After entering the elevator, the gray shadow rose directly into the air and floated up from the ventilation window on the top of the elevator.

Father Yang, who was very young and full of energy, reacted first. He didn't wait to discuss with other people in gray robes.

Before closing the elevator door, he finally glanced at the gray wolf statue.

For some reason, the shape of the statue has not changed in any way, but it feels as if he has lost his soul and has no lifelike feeling as before.

Other people in gray robes are still immersed in panic and shock and cannot extricate themselves.


The elevator stopped on the first floor, and Father Yang squeezed out of the crack before the elevator door was fully opened.

"Where did it run to?" He shouted to the female receptionist at the front desk. "That gray shadow, do you see it?"

On the first floor, there were a few ordinary people who came to this trading company to really talk about business, staring at him with a nervous look, but he couldn't care much.

One of the female receptionists pointed to the door, "I seem to see ..."

Before she finished speaking, Father Yang rushed out of the door.

"What the hell?"

The **** who was basking in the sun scratched his belly and shook his head with a grimace, and next second his dirty collar was caught by Father Yang.

"Is something running past?" Father Yang shouted, shaking the tramp.

The tramp recognized Father Yang, because Father Yang had given him $ 20. Such generous people are rare now.

He grinned. "Want my thanks or my answer?"

Father Yang took out his wallet and did not count it. He pulled out a few banknotes and threw them out, "Come on!"

The tramp simply pointed to the right, "There! God knows what ghosts flew past me, like a ghost, or a shadow, I'm still startled, but if I can get money every time, I Willing to let anything fly past me, whether it's a **** ghost or something ... "

Father Yang didn't even listen to the crickets behind him, so he rushed to the right, spreading his legs, and the shoes that were not suitable for running stepped on the road, causing his feet to numb.

The tramp bent over with joy, the last time he was tangled between the haircut and the red light district, and finally chose a haircut and a full stomach, after all, to keep warm and think about it, it seems that God recently visited him and gave him money again. No need to choose, go straight to the red light area.

"What the hell? What country's money is this?"

When he picked up the pink banknote and stared at the strange old man's head, his face became distorted, and he felt that the deal had been lost.

Father Yang dashed aimlessly for a while, widening his eyes and turning his head as he ran, trying to find the traces of gray shadows. He was almost hit by the car, but he saw nothing in the complicated and modern city. Looking for a ghostly gray shadow here, this is simply a nightmare.

However, he did not give up, and continued to run forward until he was blocked by the wedding crowd ~ ~ Looking up, it was Grace Cathedral that appeared in front of him.

"Did you see ... some kind of gray shadow? Or something like smoke?" He asked rudely, holding a tourist.

"Baga!" The tourist patted his hand and turned away angrily.

He took hold of several other tourists or locals, but either they could not understand English or they looked at him as if they were looking at a neurosis.

It is not a way to find it blindly. The gray shadow may not have run straight, it has already turned and did not come to Grace Cathedral at all, but he does not want to give up. If he gives up now, this mystery will haunt him for life.

Zhang Zi'an's appearance interrupted his search.

He didn't want to lie, but he didn't know how to explain what just happened, nor could he explain why he came to the Grace Cathedral.


The third volume of the physical book has been officially released, and interested friends can go to buy it. The V group will still hold book donation activities, the time is yet to be determined.

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