Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1507: Forest Search and Rescue

This forest hut is a brick-wood mixed structure, except that the fireplace is made of brick, most of the wood is wooden, and the walls are fixed by mortise and tenon. Although it looks rough, but Quite sturdy and practical, the most important thing is that the insulation is very good, warm in winter and cool in summer-although the redwood forest is not hot in summer.

The wooden house isolates the outdoor mist, and the fireplace dissipates the cold. Through the small windows, you can see the mist flowing slowly like white lava.

The firewood was beeping and burning, the kettle whistleed, and the low roar of the diesel generator outside the house was clearly audible in the quiet forest.

Sometimes unknown noises can be heard outside the door. Although it is clear that some small animals are running lamely, it is still difficult to suppress the wanton horror delusion that grows in my mind.

Without running water, you need to generate electricity by yourself, and there is no WiFi. Living in such a place may feel fresh for a day or two. Long time, loneliness can kill people.

It can be imagined that the person who lived here before must be a rude middle-aged single male in his forties and fifty years, a white man, who is likely to have experience in military service and participated in a local war, perhaps suffering from PTSD. Deal with.

And a middle-aged woman accustomed to living in the city in order to find her daughter to live here alone for more than ten days, really needs to borrow some courage from Liang Jingru. Maybe only mother love can drive her to overcome the fear in her heart to do it.

Zhang Zi'an's conjecture was confirmed by Mrs. Miller, who lived here was indeed a downcast middle-aged man who always wore camouflage clothes, and behaved like a soldier, but she was not clear about the specifics.

Mrs. Miller said that Meghan has become very independent since going to college. Many things have been decided on her own, and she did n’t notify her family until she started, including the ride and trek through a series of redwood forests on the West Coast. The same is true, when Mrs. Miller was informed, Meghan had set off.

At that time, although Mrs. Miller was a little worried, she didn't think about it too seriously. She and her daughter have driven by this road more than once on the west coast. I know that there are many tourists here, and there are some small towns scattered in the forest. It ’s not pure walking, so I did n’t advise after a few words, because she knew her daughter ’s personality, she would definitely do it once she decided what to do, and it did n’t help, but she asked her daughter to contact each morning and evening and report the schedule. , The daughter agreed.

At first, it was very smooth. Megan tried to keep in touch every day. Even if the signal was interrupted for a day because of bad signals, the situation would be explained in time the next day. So Mrs. Miller was slowly relieved and looked at her daughter ’s social account. She also shared the joy of her daughter with all kinds of interesting travel pictures.

However, the day Meghan arrived near the Redwood Forest Park, Meghan hurriedly sent a message that, in addition to reporting her location, also mentioned that she had found something interesting-this was not the first time she was on a journey It was mentioned that something interesting was found. Generally, you saw some amazing animals, such as bananas that are goldener than palms. They are about the same thickness as bananas. When you saw the picture sent by Megan, Mrs. Miller almost turned I spit out half of my breakfast ... so Mrs. Miller smiled and didn't take it seriously, but the next day, Meghan never sent a message again, and the third day, she couldn't make a call.

Mrs. Miller couldn't sit still and called the police, but the local police's attitude was more perfunctory, and she waited, saying that the signal in the forest was not good, and often the family of the camper called the police, but it turned out to be a false alarm after two days Field, this kind of thing is too common.

She hoped so, but she was still very panicked. On the fourth day, Meghan still didn't contact her. She drove here from a city in the central United States and appeared in person at the local police station to ask the police to take action.

On the fifth day, Meghan, who still had no news, finally paid attention to the police and began search and rescue work.

The search and rescue work did not progress smoothly, mainly because the forest has always been foggy, and sometimes it has rained heavily. In addition, the police have limited manpower. Even if helicopters are used and tourists and local residents volunteer to help, hundreds of people enter The forest still returned without success, but several people bruised, sprained, and fell to varying degrees during the search and rescue work, and even once shot their teammates as fierce beasts in the fog and accidentally shot them.

The search went on and off for two weeks, and the enthusiasm of the volunteers was wiped out. So did the forest inspectors, but the harvest was poor. They only found some daily necessities that could not be determined by Megan, but nothing else was found.

Police announced the end of the search and rescue operation because they thought Meghan had never been here, and Meghan's cell phone was last turned on by the sea dozens of miles away.

Public opinion reversed, Meghan's image changed from a healthy and cheerful outdoor sportsman to a liar-filled fugitive girl, and suggested that it was the single-parent family environment that caused all this.

Mrs. Miller couldn't explain why her daughter's cell phone signal appeared at the beach, but she was convinced that her daughter would not lie to her. Meghan must have encountered some dangerous things in this forest.

Without the help of police and volunteers, Mrs. Miller can only find her daughter's whereabouts by herself. Unless she finds a daughter, she doesn't want to leave here. Fortunately, a veteran who lives in the forest believes her and lends her house. She lived, carrying a rifle herself into the forest to help her find her daughter.

Zhang Zi'an was the second person she met who was willing to reach out to her after the search and rescue operation was over.

"Add another drink?"

Mrs. Miller finished what happened before ~ ​​ ~ The tea cups in her and Zhang Zi'an were also empty.

"Thank you! That veteran ..." Zhang Zi'an handed her the tea cup.

"His name is Mike. Although he doesn't like talking, he is a good person." She stood waiting for the water to boil.

"How many days has Mike entered the forest?" He asked.

Mrs. Miller thought about it, "Tomorrow is the fourth day."

Zhang Zi'an said politely: "Did he say ... come back in a few days?"

"He didn't say it, but he didn't worry about me, saying that he was familiar with the forest ... Honestly, I was a little worried for him now, but he didn't even have a cell phone ..." Mrs. Miller sighed heavily, "He doesn't seem to have a family. In the eyes of the inspector, he always likes to make troubles. No one cares about him."

Silent for a while, Zhang Zi'an and she both knew well, maybe it was time to consider the possibility that Mike also disappeared together.

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