Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: electric shock

Richard's ability is full-length in his mouth, arrogant and arrogant, but he does not know that the crisis has come-the owl's claws are very sharp. Once caught and taken away, it is enough to drink a pot.

Zhang Zi'an lifted his trekking pole in his hand. He originally wanted to scare the owl away, but it was crooked, and the owl was drawn solidly. It may also be that he treated him as a stone without precaution. He pulled it directly from the air anyway. To the ground.

Before waiting for him to turn over and take off again, Fina ran agilely and pressed a paw on it.

"Which demon is evil, dare to assassinate Uncle Ben?" Richard then reacted, and although he was afraid in his heart, he still wasn't idle.

Zhang Zi'an was lucky to be able to draw it, because the owl does not grow at speed when flying, but it grows silently, and it has been quietly approaching before the prey reacts. If not for a few cats who heard the slightest movement, he would respond. Definitely unaware of its arrival.

He put on his gloves to prevent it from being scratched, then squatted down and hugged it from under Fina's claws to observe carefully, and found that it was an endangered spotted owl.

This owl only inhabits the forests on the west coast of North America. It is seriously threatened by human activities, wildfires, and invasion of alien species. The number is decreasing. The United States has even issued a severe Northwest Forest Act to curb it to a great extent. Deforestation in northern California and Oregon.

As its name indicates, its white feathers have very regular brown spots, especially around the eyes. The spots form a ring-like ring shape, enclosing both eyes. When they are motionless, their body shape is like An obese quail.

However, it is strange that this owl is usually at night. It is daylight now. Although it is foggy, it is still daylight. Why did this owl attack Richard?

"Quack! You idiot hold this to Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben wants to give it some color to look at it!" Shouted Richard with a fake head.

The spotted owl twisted helplessly, grunting from time to time in the mouth of a hawk.

"It hurts." After checking, Zhang Zi'an found that the feathers on the inside of his wings were black and slightly sticky. With the rubbing of his fingers, he could rub out a lot of small black particles, which is carbonized protein.

"Quack! It seems that this guy was also hacked by thunder, so he stunned and attacked Uncle Ben. As a result, Uncle Ben was the king of the birds, and he was scared to the ground ..."

Richard chattered, but in order to conceal the shock in his heart, he saw the owl's claws as sharp as steel hooks. If he had been attacked successfully just now, it is estimated that his ornithology would read the file again ...

"Nonsense! How could the owl be struck by thunder?" He retorted.

"Why isn't it possible? For example, it was sitting on a branch and shit, and suddenly a lightning struck the tree, causing it to become incontinent with electricity, and it was exciting!"

"Hehe, you birds are banned ..." He was too lazy to continue talking about it. "How can it be that the inside of the wings is blackened by being struck by lightning?"

Richard couldn't answer, but didn't want to admit defeat, so he could only talk about him and try to change the subject. "Then why do you say that? Didn't he hold the candle steady while playing the wax?"

Zhang Zi'an: "... One day I will seal your bird's beak with wax!"

After a few chats, the other elves were quite curious as to why the owl was injured under the wings, so he speculated: "First of all, this is not a burn, but an electric shock. The voltage is high, but not to the level of lightning. So I don't think it was struck by lightning, but accidentally hit the power grid and was burned by high voltage electricity. "

"Grid?" The elf was surprised.

Zhang Zi'an nodded. He estimated that the owl might dive into the prey from the air while hunting in the fog, but was struck by the power grid when it passed the power grid—the inside of its wings might have hit the power grid, or it might not have I actually touched it, just rubbed it lightly, even a short distance apart, but because of the high humidity of the air, even if there is no direct contact, electric sparks are generated between its wings and the power grid.

Although the owl burned by electric sparks did not immediately die, it is obvious that the sensitivity of the flight has been affected, otherwise it is unlikely that he will be struck by a stick.

The importance of wings to birds is unquestionable. If the wings are injured, the hunting efficiency is severely reduced, and the brain and nerves may also be affected, so it will attack Richard during the day.

"How can there be a power grid in the forest?" The elves asked puzzledly.

"The power grid is the most likely option, otherwise I can't imagine anything that can get it. If it is a wire, the wire is generally covered with insulating rubber, and it won't be injured by touching it. As for the grid ... although it is a national park, But there are still a few areas that are private land, and the owner has the right to set up a power grid on the private land, which is different from China's situation, "he explained.

Even in the national forest park, the owners of the private land still have a fairly high degree of autonomy and even the right to log. There are only size restrictions. Small trees can be cut at will. If the tree exceeds a certain size, you must apply for it. Redwood absolutely It ca n’t be cut. Of course, there is no problem if you want to build a power grid.

However, ordinary people will not build power grids in private territories. They may hurt neighbors or their children and pets. Those who do so must be to hide some secrets.

As for the secret ... he and the elves thought of a venison slaughterhouse, or Lippit's secret base.

Anyway, this injured owl is unlucky. Since it was encountered ~ ~, we have to give it something to eat, and we ca n’t leave it alone, because there are only about three or four thousand owls left in the wild. , One less one, after all, there are not many silly prey like Richard.

Instead of putting down his backpack, he took a bag of dried jerky from the bag on Pegasus' back, dipped it in water and tried to feed it.

The spotted owl is probably hungry, pecks out its mouth without hesitation, and swallows the jerky down.

He fed it a few more, and it was like a smile, he didn't refuse to come, and soon ate up a bag of jerky.

"Guy, can you really eat, is this guy a pig?" Richard scorned. "Not even eating."

"Be careful, I want to let it go," he said.

"Ga?" Richard flew to Lao Cha, scared, and said almost: "Master Tea, our brothers usually have a good friendship?"

Lao Cha advised: "Save people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, since this owl hits us, it is because of our fate, if it is left like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to carry on, it is better to bring it Walk together."

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