Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1515: Wait for the deer

Richard was panicked all night, and found that he did n’t lack his arms and legs, and his urinary tract was smooth the next morning. He knew that the Oregon wood sorrel he had eaten yesterday had been cleaned out of his stomach, except that the **** was a bit thin today. , Without causing more serious consequences, then jumped alive again.

"Quack!" It flew to Zhang Zi'an's shoulder. "Are you an idiot not awake yet? Do you owe the deer money? Why should the deer chase you?"

The other elves were puzzled because Zhang Zi'an's words sounded incredible. If Fina could let domestic cats chase them, or Vladimir could let stray cats follow them, then everyone believed, but the question is why Listen to him?

Zhang Zi'an did not explain, because lion **** is better than Xiong Bian. While taking the time to pack his luggage into his backpack, he took out a small plastic can and put it on his waist. He patted the can with confidence and said, "Do you know what this is? It's a magic pot, second only to the existence of Aladdin's magic lamp. As long as there is this pot, the deer will obediently follow us. "


The eyes of the elves were all focused on this small, seemingly ordinary jar, but they could not see any way.

Not to mention other elves, even Lao Cha wondered, "Zi'an, are you kidding me?"

"If a monk does n’t slang, you honestly admit that you are bragging, no one will laugh at you, after all, everyone is used to it." Richard patted his head with his wings. "When will this uncle shave you? ? "

Zhang Zi'an waved Richard away. "No kidding. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Let's try and see if the deer will follow us."

Although the elves had a hundred doubts, he didn't explain, and they couldn't guess the mystery of this jar.

After setting off again, just like yesterday, Feimas walked in front, Xinghai and the owls were playing hide and seek around. The other elves either walked in front of or beside him, no elves were behind anyway.

Zhang Zi'an didn't notice that everyone was holding the trekking pole in one hand and touching the waist with the other hand calmly, and twisted the jar's body slightly about 90 degrees.

With his movement, a dozen small circular holes the thickness of a sewing needle appeared quietly on the top of the jar.

In fact, he did not have 100% confidence that he could attract the deer herd by this small pot, but this method is theoretically feasible. Old hunters in northeast China ’s forest areas also used this method to hunt deer, but it ’s not clear. Whether this method can be used universally in American forests, after all, national conditions are different.

Even if it does not work, there is no way to find the missing Meghan is the top priority at present, time is not waiting.

The elves turned back from time to time as they walked, not to look at Zhang Zi'an, but to look over him and look behind to see if a deer followed.

Zhang Zi'an pretends to be calm and has no idea in his heart. He didn't need to look back, if the herd came from behind, the elves would detect it in advance.

I left for another morning, and I ate at noon today more than an hour later than yesterday, because I can only find the stream to cook, which can replenish water and save the body water.

In addition, Richard's behavior of eating wild plants was not worthy of promotion yesterday, but it reminded him that there is no need to eat canned food. The forest is a big treasure house and there are abundant plant resources around it, including the ability to eat. of.

Therefore, while walking in the morning, he looked at the mobile phone while walking, and compared the pictures of edible plants stored in the mobile phone with plants encountered in reality. After encountering the edible plants, he collected them and put them in plastic bags, and waited for lunch During the meal, wash it off with a stream of water and cook it with the rice.

After cooking, Richard stared at the vegetable with rice grains in front of himself, doubting, "Ga? You're finally going to kill Uncle Ben?"

It had been bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope, watching every plant collected from the forest dreaded.

"These are all edible, don't you want to eat fresh vegetables?" Zhang Zi'an said.

Regardless of what he said, Richard justified his refusal, "Forget it, Grandpa Ben just eats nuts ... yes, yesterday's freeze-dried fruits?"

"No, I'm done." Zhang Zi'an let out his hand.

Richard exclaimed indignantly: "Cangtianga! Dadiqua! Why is this uncle so hard!"

Since it was not eaten, Zhang Zi'an had to pour its share of vegetables back into the pot, mix with the cans and stir, and then served himself and Feimas a large bowl.

In the light of Richard ’s previous lesson, Feimas was also skeptical. It was not for himself, but for Zhang Zi'an and himself that Zhang Zi'an was a pet shop and not a botanical garden. Obviously the nutrition is not balanced, but there is no need to take risks for balanced nutrition. In case of a mistake, shouldn't both of them be "served and died"?

Lao Cha knows some pharmacology, and laughed: "These plants can recognize two or three old ones. This is alfalfa, this is the flower of dandelion. They are non-toxic and can be used as medicine, but it's no harm to eat ... this is a plant like a sunflower It ’s the first time I ’ve seen it, including the Oregon wood sorrel of yesterday. I do n’t know where it came from? ”

Old tea is questionable, a plant with pointed leaves like arrows and bright yellow flowers resembling miniature sunflowers.

Zhang Zi'an explained: "Yesterday's Oregon wood sorrel and this sunflower-like flower are local specialties, which you can hardly see in China. It is normal for you to not recognize the tea ... I forgot the scientific name of this flower, anyway Around the mouth, the locals call it Oregon sunflower. If you listen to this name, you know that there is no such plant elsewhere. The leaves, fruits, roots, and stems of this plant can be eaten, and it is no problem to eat raw ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The open-minded old tea was suddenly taught, eliminating the doubts in my heart.

Feimas listened to him clearly and clearly, not like blindness, but also relieved the worry in his heart, and bowed his head to enjoy today's braised veal rice.

"It's kind of sweet, it's delicious!" It tasted, giving praise.

"Huh! Don't want to seduce Uncle Ben!" Richard jumped up, "What's sweet? Uncle Ben doesn't believe it, unless you give it to Uncle Ben!"

Feimas and Zhang Zi'an both protected their rice bowls so that Richard had no chance to get down.

After eating, he simply brushed the pot and bowl clean, and burned another pot of tea. At this time, the rice bowl became a tea bowl, and the hot water and tea were poured into the thermos, as he and the old Drinking tea in the afternoon, the elves who do not sing tea have another room temperature kettle.

He was busy by the stream, and he saw the elves standing up and wondering where they were coming from.

It's a deer!

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