Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1529: Everything is ready

Lipitt made a mistake. When he heard the inside eyeline of the police station leaking news to him and saying that someone had made another report, he made an empirical error. He thought that the new alarm person would be like a bicycle girl, a testy veteran and others. Similarly, as soon as he gives an order, the security guards can quickly pick up the police from the nearby woods.

However, from daytime search to nighttime, not to mention the silhouette of the alarm person, not even the hair of the person who saw it ... This is not true, but a towel was thrown away, but it was impossible to tell who the towel belonged to of.

Knowing this, he would choose to calmly stabilize the policeman. When the police car arrived, the policeman would show up, and then ordered his men to seize the policeman ... but it was a little bit in front of the police. Trouble, because not all local police officers would bow to him, so he chose a more direct method, but was unexpectedly escaped by the police.

He only heard from the police eyeliner that the caller was Jeff. The accent was not like a local, so he immediately thought of the Jeff who entered the desert together and encountered him in San Francisco.

Jeff is a very common name, but he doesn't believe in coincidence.

In the final stage of the desert trip, Zhang Zi'an caused him a lot of trouble, some of which he knew, and some of which he speculated afterwards, and there may be things he did not know and could not think of.

In any case, the trip to the desert was a complete failure, and he was willing to gamble to lose, but among the failures, he believed that Zhang Zi'an only accounted for a small factor, mainly because he did not expect the ground to collapse in continuous blasting, and in golden Mysterious attack in the pyramid.

He never thought of revenge on Zhang Zi'an, mainly because he didn't want to enter China, because China did not open up to him and his organization network like the United States, but did not expect Zhang Zi'an to come to the United States.

Therefore, the eighth achievement of this Jeff of the alarm was Zhang Zi'an.

It's just that Lippitt couldn't figure out how Zhang Zi'an escaped. In the presence of so many security guards and two Dobermans, he disappeared like a ghost.

He is not afraid of Zhang Zi'an calling the police. Anyway, he will be treated as a false alarm in the end. He is only worried that the FBI will be alarmed. That is beyond his control. Therefore, Zhang Zi'an must be caught as soon as possible, and the news cannot be allowed to spread out of this forest.

He used to focus his search in the woods on the front side of the slaughterhouse, because only there could be a scene in which his men subdued the Mexican with a taser ... Is there a problem with the search direction? But other than that ...

He suddenly remembered the drone that had played a big role in the desert trip, and his heart suddenly became cold.

At the time, he and his men also wanted to bring the drone into Egypt, but were stopped by Egyptian customs. The scientific research team brought the drone smoothly because of the official endorsement of Binhai University, and it was always operated by Zhang Zi'an.

If it is a drone, it can explain.

During the day, he didn't expect it, and he didn't look into the sky at all. If he took a closer look, either he had caught Zhang Zi'an, or at least he could have forced Zhang Zi'an to escape.

Wait for tomorrow, as soon as the day dawns, he will readjust the search direction, be sure to grab Zhang Zi'an tomorrow.

What he didn't expect was that Zhang Zi'an had already boldly returned to the vicinity of the slaughterhouse again.

The slaughterhouse at night is very different from the look and feel during the day.

Zhang Zi'an looked down at the mobile phone, no signal and no network. It seems that Lippit has shut down or interfered with the telecommunications base station of the slaughterhouse in case he reports to the police again.

It ’s a pity that he originally planned to transmit the video recorded by the drone to the Internet, maybe he could attract the attention of others. If he did n’t call the police first but uploaded the video first, the situation might change, but he regretted it. That's too late.

At present, only four security guards can be seen in the slaughterhouse. They are all near the door, two are guarding the outside, and two are patrolling inside. In the event of an accident, they can take care of each other. Their hands are placed on the tassel around the waist. The enemy looked around with vigilance. The headlights shone brightly near the door. The main entrance was the key defense area of ​​the slaughterhouse. He wanted to make a frontal breakthrough unless he drove a truck to crash, but Zhang Zi'an did not have a car.

As for the other areas of the slaughterhouse, although there are no security patrols, various lighting measures make each place bright as day, and there is no dead angle in the field of vision. The surveillance cameras that are constantly swaying left and right indicate that there is at least one security guard in the surveillance. Under the circumstances, the security of the monitoring room cannot be lazy or lazy.

The biggest problem is the high-voltage power grid up to about three meters, which is the capital that security guards dare to pour out.

Even the super spies in the movie can be tricky to face this situation.

Seeing the situation at the scene, the elves shook their heads and thought it was unrealistic to go in to save people. Optimism, such as Vladimir, also felt that it was not appropriate to attack head-on. It is best to implement a tactic of harassing the enemy and make some sounds outside to draw the security out and break each one.

But the security guards are not fools, they may not be fooled, and doing so will reveal the fact that Zhang Zi'an is nearby. As long as these four security guards stick to their posts and get in touch with the security guards in the forest through the walkie-talkie, they will be surrounded by inside and outside. .

Zhang Zi'an nodded to the elves, saying that he would not act recklessly, so they can rest assured that he would never commit suicidal adventures without a certain degree of certainty.

He sympathizes with Mike and Meghan, and Fernando, but he lives with them, or has only one side, he can save if there is no way to save it, so it is not worth it to take his own life.

After a while, there was a rustle in the woods dragging across the lawn.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves turned back and saw Feimas' mouth curling a wire from the darkness.

He ran to him ~ ~ It had a mouth and the wires fell to the ground.

"There are still a few more volumes over there, and I'll go over them if they are useful," it said.

Zhang Zi'an picked up the electric wires and used the lights of the slaughterhouse to gauge the thickness and weight of the electric wires.

This is a roll of thin wire. You don't need much thick wire to power the surveillance camera. This is fine, too thick but useless.

"No, that's enough, you take a break."

The elves stared at him with all eyes to see what he was going to do with this coil of wire and whether it could turn decay into magic.

Unexpectedly, he even lay down to rest, put his hands behind his head, picked up the monocular night vision device and placed it on one eye, and observed the dark night sky through the green field of vision.

"What are you doing?" Fina couldn't help asking: "It's time to rest?"

Zhang Zi'an thought to himself: "If you want to break a special official, you should attack with fire.

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