Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1547: Barking moon

After leaving Binhai City for nearly half a month, it is calculated according to the solar terms, and now Binhai City may not be as hot as before. After all, it is a seaside city, at least the sea breeze will not be too hot.

Have the shop assistants caused trouble?

Are pets sick?

Have you encountered any difficulties in your daily operations?

Have tropical depression clouds changed course?

Zhang Zi'an was worried about the pet store, and the elves also missed the comfortable beds in the bedroom on the second floor. Even if Vladimir, who always liked the floor, lay on the wooden floor, at least better than lying on the dead leaves, at least No bugs will crawl on the body.

They are all homesick.

In fact, the trip to Egypt was much longer than this time, but it was with a large number of people entering the desert together, and they had to abandon each other and had to help each other. They rarely felt lonely, but this time was different.

He and the elves didn't show up in their hearts. In order not to affect everyone's morale, they just joked about it, such as the electricity bill in the summer is about to burst, and whether the trio of electrician welders and carpenters have muffled to death again. some type of.

Talking, they all felt something strange tonight. Looking around, they found the reason.

There is a moon tonight.

It is cloudy during the day and still at night.

The moonlight is like water, covering the quiet forest, and sprinkle a layer of fine silver frost on a little open space in the forest.

And it's the full moon with unprecedented visibility.

Look up at the moon, and look down at your hometown.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves had some emotions in their hearts. They opened their eyes with different colors and stared up at the moon in Mazi's face, without talking.

After a while, the wind pushed a cloud over and slowly covered the moon.

The forest faded again.

Zhang Zi'an rubbed his sour neck and was about to speak, and suddenly saw the green fluorescence in the forest.

He paused for a second or two, immediately reacted, stood up and shouted, "Coyotes!"

The wind had blown away the cumulonimbus clouds and mist, but it was because of the wind that even the slightest wind gave the coyotes a chance to attack suddenly.

Neither the elves nor the herds noticed the arrival of the coyote, because the coyotes approached quietly from the headwind. They raised their claws and dropped their feet. They made almost no sound, even with a slight sound. Covered by Zhang Zi'an's voice, they were blown away by the wind.

If it weren't for the moon being obscured by the cloud at this time, the overly bright forest would not even make them aware of the coyote's green eyes, and may not be surprised until the coyotes are close at hand.

Laocha snorted, "The younger generation, how dare you attack!"


π grabbed the stick around him and prepared nervously to deal with the enemy.

Zhang Zi'an held the anti-bear spray and other elves jumped up.

At first, they didn't put their defeated coyotes in their eyes, but they didn't notice it when they saw the green eyes of the forest one after another.

What a special ... how many coyotes?

Zhang Zi'an picked up a burning branch and threw it at the junction of the open space and the forest. Several coyotes close by were suddenly illuminated by the fire.

Especially the ferocious black wolf dog, who stood first in front of him, exposed his fangs.

The coyotes knew that their whereabouts had been revealed, so they no longer hid, and appeared one after another, surrounded by several directions, the forest was full of the subtle sound of trampling on fallen leaves.

Every deer in the herd, including the head deer, shivered, and even lost the courage to resist, seeming to foretell a fate that is inevitable.

Zhang Zi'an's heart was beating fast, but he was not panicked, because in the worst case, he and the elves could not hide in the tree. When the sun came out, the coyotes would evacuate themselves, but the deer would be miserable.

"Quack? Quack? What's going on? What happened?" Richard cried afterwards, the more he couldn't see anything, the more he was scared.

Where is that American badger? Eighty percent of the attack tonight is inseparable from its vengeance.

Zhang Zi'an looked around with the night vision device, but the American badger seemed to be clever and did not show up at all, and has been quietly hiding in the darkness of the forest.

The coyote pack surrounded Zhang Zi'an and the deer herd, leaving only a few gaps on purpose.

He contemplates the situation. At this time, if the deer herd flees, he may have a chance to escape, but maybe this is a trap. The coyote pack surrounded them, and then deliberately left a space for escape, but there may be other coyotes prematurely, Waiting for interception.

The coyotes drooled their tongues and stared at the young deer and doe in the herd, burning in their eyes, and some coyotes stared at the elves unwillingly, treating the elves as weak and deceiving. Delicious meal.

After a while, the black wolf dog found that he had no intention of escaping, so he growled a few times, and the coyotes further compressed the encirclement.

Even if the number of coyotes is more, the elves are not afraid. The only headache is that if the soldiers are connected, the prion protein may take the opportunity to be infected. If not for this, old tea would have seized the black wolf dog and subdued the black wolf dog.

As long as the leader is subdued, the other Wuhe people will not defeat themselves.

"Master Tea, don't do it first." Zhang Zi'an saw the old tea's eyes burned, it seemed to be moving real fire, and he could take out the black wolf dog at any time, and urged him not to worry. He didn't want to make the old tea infect the prion protein.

"Zi'an, drag on, the situation is extremely unfavorable to us," said Lao Cha Shen Sheng.

The deer herd was terrified. The head deer couldn't hold back. They would run away in sight. If they ran to the tent again in a panic, and scattered Zhang Zi'an and the elves, the coyote would probably seize this opportunity to launch an attack.

Zhang Zi'an racked his brains and thoughts on how to solve this situation.

He thinks about it, maybe he can only find a way to get closer to the black wolf dog, and then use a taser to turn it down, so as to protect the elves to the greatest extent ~ ~ he tried to walk two forwards Step, immediately stopped by old tea.

"Zi'an, don't get involved in danger!" Old Tea said decisively.

The cloud before the moon was blown away by the wind again.

When the full moon was empty, the moonlight filled the forest again.

Oh oh oh

The black wolf dog yelled at Yuanyue Yangtian. The howling seemed to inspire the wildness in the blood of the coyotes. They all followed their heads and whistled, and they might swarm up the next moment.

At this time, not long ago, there was a long echo like a response.

嗷 嗷 嗷 嗷 ~ 嗷 嗷 嗷 ~~


The real wolf is not a coyote.

The coyotes swarmed suddenly.

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