Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: All in my head ...

Defenders such as guards who are brainwashed by suspicious dogma may not be afraid of tangible and qualitative things. Even if FBI special police come, they dare to do it real, but as long as they are theists, they will be afraid of themselves, especially ghost And the devil.

They were horrified by Shihua's vain and straight-singing song deep in their hearts, and the heavy gasp sounded like an old man who was about to die.

Firm atheists often fail to understand such fears, and they may be equally scared when they hear the song in the middle of the night, but they will not be so scared because they are afraid of people, not ghosts.

"Don't panic! Someone must be making a ghost!"

The chiefs of the guards calmed down and yelled at others.

What was most scared was the five executioners during the day, the sea in which they had thrown Megan himself, and they had fresh memories of her desperate and hateful eyes before her death.

"No! No! Boss! It must be the woman during the day! I understand the song, she is cursing us! Nothing wrong! She wants to come back to strangle us and drag us to the bottom of the sea ... or to drag us directly to the bottom of the sea Drowning alive! "

If these five humans sieve bran, they can't stop backing.

"Nonsense! There is Li Tianshi here, the lone soul and wild ghost dares to make a fool!" The leader reprimanded, in fact he himself was very guilty, because the song was too weird, and no one thought it could be sung by humans.

"Some of you, come with me! Let's go boating and see, no matter who is pretending to be a ghost, I will skin him and cramp him!" The leader ordered.

There are several wooden boats docked at the dock, tied to wooden stakes with hemp ropes, and drifting with the waves.

They also have modern yachts, but the yachts are not here at the moment, and they went to San Francisco to buy living supplies. Those farmers made cows, horses, and bran puffers, because according to Li Tianshi's teachings, they had guilt and business in the previous life. This life is for the previous life. Repayment of debts, and the guards and Li Tianshi and God certainly can not follow them to eat bran meal, after all, they are all tenth-grade good people, past life is not guilty and unemployed.

Without a yacht, they can only go boating to see what happens at sea.

After hearing this command, the guards are a little soft. If it is normal, on this night with no fingers, canoeing to approach the injustice of death, isn't this to death?

"Boss, let's just not hear it, or go tomorrow after dawn ..." Someone suggested, and got the unanimous support of others.

"Fart! Such a cloudy day, at least ten hours before dawn! Just let her sing for a night like this? Shocked Tianshi and God, who can afford me?" The leader roared.

The other guards were reprimanded for being speechless, being demanded by female ghosts and offending heavenly gods, and it was difficult to say which consequences were more terrible.

If it is a female ghost on land, you can also ask the **** cat to send the cat to investigate, but at sea, only these cannon fodder can come out.

No way, they had to bite the bullet and untie the boat, divided into several groups, each driving the boat towards the bay entrance.

The five big and three thick people are now like weak and windy girls. When they are rowing, they can't work hard, and they want to let other ships go one step ahead. Their own boat is behind. It is easier to escape if there is a danger.

There was a person on each boat lying on the bow of the boat, flashing his eyes, staring forward.

They are getting closer and closer to the source of the singing. Each of them is sweating, his heartbeat is almost as if a heart attack is about to happen, for fear of seeing something ... horrible things.

But I was afraid of something but something came again. Someone's flashlight suddenly hit a blurred figure on the surface of the sea, screaming in fright, and even the flashlight fell into the water.

He saw that there was indeed a woman in the sea. The problem was that the woman was not sitting in another boat or swimming on the surface of the sea, but ... the upper body was standing straight out of the sea, her hair fluttered, and she stared coldly at him. .

She ... stood like nothing in the sea.

They are very familiar with this bay. The bay is a natural haven. There are no reefs in the channel. It is impossible for anyone to stand on the reef and only reveal their upper body.

So how did this woman ... stand still in the sea?

As for her appearance, that person didn't come to see clearly, because she was far away and flustered, and she could only be determined from the color of her skin as a white woman, just like the woman drowned during the day.

It was scary and terrifying. His sudden scream frightened the others.

"What's wrong? What do you see?" The boss yelled.

"Ghost ... it's a ghost ... the woman turned into a water ghost during the day to ask for her life!" The man looked pale and pointed in the direction of the woman. He bit his tongue several times in one sentence, but felt bleeding after biting his tongue. No pain.

"Aren't you sure you're wrong?"

The others heard the chill in their hearts, flashing in the direction of his finger with flashlights, and the boat swayed from side to side.

However, they were one step behind, and the flashlight only shone on a large water splash, like a certain large animal sank into the sea quickly, and the singing voice disappeared at the same time.

"Did you see seals or manatees? There are many seals nearby, and there are also some manatees. I heard that the ancient sailors regarded manatees as mermaids. Are your kids all females? Do you think of manatees as women?"

The statement given by the boss seems to make some sense, but how can the singing voice explain it?

"It may be the cry of a seal or a manatee." The leader explained forcibly, but it was difficult to win the trust of people, because they heard the seal's cry a lot, and it was not the same as the song just now.

Just as they were in a dilemma, the song rang again, this time on the left side of the ship's side.

They hurriedly took a flashlight to take pictures, but still only caught the water splash.

Then ~ ~ Singing song one after another on the right side of the ship's side and behind the boat, and they were exhausted to follow the song and take a flashlight to shoot, like a gopher.

They reconfirmed that the song was by no means an animal's cry, but a language they did not understand.

What can swim so fast?

Even the great white shark does not have such a terrifying speed, unless it is ... the water ghost.

In the face of this weird situation, the boss finally couldn't hold it anyway, anyway, they came to the scene to check it, at least it was not a coward, and there was an explanation after returning.

So he ordered a retreat.

The guards were pardoned, and unlike when they came, they all exerted their energy to suckle and paddle backwards.

However, after rowing for a long time, the boat was motionless as if frozen in the sea.

The killer whale group has lifted several boats from under the boat.

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