Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: Friendship

Lippitt couldn't figure out how the power grid was destroyed, but he didn't believe in coincidence. At the same time when the power grid was out of power, Zhang Zi'an appeared and sneaked into the office to steal the laptop. How could this be a coincidence?

The slaughterhouse is a key part of his plan, and everything else can be replaced, but this cannot be replaced, and there is no way to resume operation in a short time.

His personal grievances with Zhang Zi'an began in the tomb of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. At that time, he felt that this person seemed a bit interesting, and he deliberately drew in, but unfortunately he gave up, and later went together because of chance The desert looked for the lost Golden Pyramid, and at the last moment he and his team were weirdly blocked, at which time he suspected that there was something weird.

This encounter in San Francisco is probably not an encounter.

He wondered how Zhang Zi'an alone managed to get so many guards. Did the guards' taser eat dry food?

In short, there are too many mysteries on Zhang Zi'an, and he can always turn the impossible into possible, which he cannot tolerate.

Lippit's eyes gradually condensed into a line, piercing the image of Zhang Zi'an that appeared in front of him like a needle.

This time, it is necessary to put an end to the long-standing grievances, and if he goes on like this, he will either be dragged to death or angry.

He coughed and waved the guard back, meaning he would take care of it immediately.

After the guard left, he put the full red wine glass back on the table, "You all!"

The guests and guests are different. The VIPs are all people with good manners. Seeing the guards quietly report private affairs to the landlord here, of course, it is not easy to overhear, so they chat and chat with each other, and burst out laughing.

As the landlord Lippit spoke, the VIPs also put down the wine glasses, their faces were full, staring at Lippit's face.

There were only a few guests sitting next to the long banquet table covered with white tablecloths. The banquet hall seemed very empty and quiet.

"There are some minor problems below." Lippit smiled. "Someone is messing up, and the waste guards of the wine sacks and lunch bags are uncertain, so I will be temporarily unaccompanied and continue to deal with it."

His tone was easy, but the guests were not so easy to fool. They all noticed Lippet's troubled face after guarding the letter, knowing that things were not as simple as Lippet's.

"Pete, I think you can tell the truth." An elderly man with a white beard in a robe said calmly, "Although our ideas are different, we respect different creators, and we have argued for this many times. However, the fact that we are allies will not change. Our common goal is to crack down on stupid Americans. Your business is our business. If you need help, you are welcome. Just talk. "

The senior's English is not very pure, with some non-native accents, and dark complexion, it seems to be a foreigner. He was low-key and not as eye-catching as the peregrine falcon resting on his arm.

"That's right! Pete, you heard the teacher's words, let's talk straight if there is something! Who's the trouble? Is it the same person who destroyed the slaughterhouse?"

Shouted another middle-aged man, also wearing a robe.

The middle-aged man is about forty or fifty years old, with a thick beard, a short body, and a big belly, but he is a clear fat man with clear actions.

The middle-aged fat man is similar in color to the seniors, but also speaks English with accents, but has a very hot temper. He slaps his mobile phone with pure gold diamonds on the table with a beard and stare, suddenly stands up, and almost puts the table in front Red wine glass overturned.

The third guest didn't say anything, and tasted the wine calmly.

Having lost most of his guarding power, Lippit now really feels constrained. Going to other places to transfer people and returning to the water can not quench the thirst. He needs the help of supernatural forces, so his initial speech was actually retreating. Don't take the initiative to ask, but wait for them to ask for help.

"Ah! Since everyone has a hard time, I'll say it frankly, too." Lippit sighed. "If I'm not wrong, it's the one who destroyed the slaughterhouse! I'm forgiving, but he repeatedly Sanfan opposes me, if not for him, maybe last time I would be able to open Cleopatra's sarcophagus and take out the eye amulet of Vagit. "

The senior sneered at the table, "Why is this heresy?

The peregrine falcon on his arm glared at Lipitt as he moved.

Lippit accompanied the laughter: "Of course you despise it, but the eye of Vagit is worthless. I have read a lot of ancient documents and think that this amulet may have a more important role ... and it may be to others Would be useful. "

Then he glanced at the third guest, who still didn't stand, but didn't continue to taste wine.

The senior groaned slightly. "Are you sure you have the amulet of Vagit's Eye in the sarcophagus?"

"I'm not sure," Lippit said vaguely. "I even have doubts about whether there are Cleopatra's mummy in the sarcophagus, but this is already the most I can think of hiding the amulet of Valgit's Eye. Somewhere ... "

"The woman's mummy is not there, where else? You think about it, it must be there." The elder's tone obviously did not agree with Lippit's judgment ~ ~ slightly shook his head.

Lippitt did not dwell on this issue much. The death process of Cleopatra is currently a facet of a book. God knows whether there are artificial secondary creations in that book ... that is almost certain.

The so-called history book authors are all doing this. Based on imagination, they describe secret conversations or secrets that should be extremely confidential and cannot be known by a third person. Historians in later generations are more outrageous because they have no other reference or other reference. I can only accept it helplessly, and treat it as a guide.

He sighed again, "Unfortunately, there were some unexplainable changes at that time, plus the trouble of that person. I was forced to withdraw just when I stepped into the Golden Pyramid. Even the Queen's tomb did not arrive, and I could not see Egypt The sarcophagus in the back did not open the sarcophagus with my own hands, and saw the true beauty of Cleopatra, and regretted it ... A few days ago, a team I sent back to the route, but did not find the place we once arrived, According to reports, the large terrain has completely changed, so I hope that the eyes of Vagit are not in the sarcophagus, so that one day there may be a chance to find it ... "

"Okay, okay! I now know that you are so hostile to that person, and have repeatedly made you eat, then we will help you to solve him once and for all, it is nothing more than a floating corpse in the bay! "The middle-aged fat man laughed wildly.

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