Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: Indiscriminate

After all, the ordinary wolf at the door was not an elf, and his understanding was limited. Zhang Zi'an said that he had taken the gesture several times, and it seemed to understand what he meant, and turned to run towards the forest.

Only Xinghai, Richard, and π went out with Zhang Zi'an-plainly the three most elves that could not be beaten. The snow lion chose to stay with Fina, which is fine, to save the emptiness in the rear.

He trot a few steps, and as he was about to leave the deserted village, the feeling of being peeked out again.

In the second half of the forest trip, this feeling has appeared more than once, sometimes strong and weak, erratic, and sometimes the peeping feeling is so strong that he thinks that as long as he turns around, he can see the true look of the peeper, but when he pays After all the actions, he still saw nothing.

He didn't want to cause extra psychological burden to the elves, so he never mentioned it, and there was no actual impact, so why worry about it.

It was similar to Vladimir's peep when he was in the capital at the time. He didn't feel malicious from the peep. Of course, it was different from Vladimir's test peep. This peep was more like a simple observation.


π Seeing his pace slow down, he gestured and asked.

"It's okay, let's go." He still buried his doubts in his heart, bearing it himself.

The wolf walked with them for a while. The more he walked, the more shocking he was. The surrounding thorns, weeds, and shrubs were overwhelmed to a large extent. Some places were stained with blood. Hair was everywhere, including wolf hair and cats. Mao, you can imagine the thrilling wolves that escorted Fina and Vladimir all the way.

They entered a small forest clearing, where the traces of fighting left were more obvious, and there was a pool of dried blood on the ground, the blood spots pointing to their way from large to small.

Obviously, this is where Vladimir was attacked.

But where did Fai Tu, Lao Cha, and the enemy go?

The wolf is sniffing on the ground. The smell here is too messy, and it has no professional training. It is not difficult to find the smell that can be pushed from the complicated smell, but it is difficult to determine where it went.

Richard just stunned the hero just now, and now he regrets it. After all, when he is following a large army, it can wave freely. After the sky collapses, it ca n’t turn to the top. Now there are only small troops left, and one is better than the other. This makes it feel His own life is in danger.

π was also very nervous, holding the stick tightly, his palms were white.

Xinghai is, as usual, seemingly not afraid, even in this small battlefield.


嗷嗷 ~ 嗷嗷 ~ 嗷 woo——

A faint wolverine came from some direction, and it didn't sound too far.

Zhang Zi'an breathed a sigh of relief. This should be Fa Push, right?

"Hey!" He snapped his fingers and greeted the wolf. "Is this the voice of your companion? Isn't it Fai Tu?"

He could hear the sound of Fa Tui, but howling ... He sounded similar, maybe Shihua could hear the difference, but she was not here.

The wolf moved his ears and looked a little embarrassed. After a few seconds, he ran forward in that direction and ran into the forest.

After another walk, the wolf went slower and slower. It tried to keep its nose close to the ground to look for smells, but its eyes became more and more confused, like ... it could not find the smell.

However, every time a faint wolverine sounded from the front, the voice was not high, and it was always not far away, as if to lead them forward.

This weird situation made Zhang Zi'an murmur in his heart. Could it be a trap?

But he had no other way to find old tea and Fai Tzu, and even if he knew it was a trap, he could only go forward daringly.

Walked for a while.



Babble babble--



There were faint fierce fighting sounds in front of him, as well as exhaled shouts due to aggressive moves.

It's Tea Master!

Zhang Zi'an's spirits refreshed, and it didn't seem to be a trap. Lao Cha was fighting fiercely with the enemy, but I didn't know what Fa Push was doing. I didn't hear Fa Push's voice.

Today, Lao Cha rarely encountered a well-matched opponent. Its strength may be slightly better than Emir, but Emir's moves are too weird. They are very different from Central Plains martial arts. Utilizing the flexibility of cat bones and joints, they are always unexpected Fight back and smooth out the disadvantages.

In addition, the old tea is still worried about the situation of Vladimir and France. It is expected that Emir must separate it from France. Maybe Mieza has restrained France in some way, so in order to avoid it and France. Pushing to change his opponents in response to changes, so he brought it here for a decisive battle-this is what he figured out after he came here. He wanted to return but was entangled by Emir. It seems necessary to defeat Emir to meet Faith.

Emile has a solid foundation, weird moves, slightly fat but extremely flexible, and he can't score in hundreds of rounds.

They do n’t stand on the ground like humans, and their feet are three-dimensional. From the top of the 100-meter-high mahogany to the rugged and dark rocks, their claw marks are left everywhere, branches, leaves, The weeds seemed to have been harvested by a meat grinder. Pieces of the grass were broken, and the straw pulp and sap flowed all over the ground, exuding a pungent smell.

All nearby animals, whether they were meat-eaters or grass-eaters, escaped cleanly, giving up the land to these two evil stars.

After two hundred rounds, Emil already knew that he had a certain gap with the opponent in both kung fu and experience. It was only a matter of time before losing the battle, so he pretended to be stolen, exclaimed, and fell from the top of a dwarf tree.

Lao Cha was anxious to meet with Fai Tu, and when he saw this, he immediately chased after the victory and cut Emir down.

However, Emil was lying on the ground obliquely. One of its paws hidden under his body had already been shoveled into the soil. When he saw the old tea approaching, the paw flew up, and a piece of sand and gravel flew his head to the old tea's head.


Lao Cha was shocked and angry, and the opponent ’s effort seemed to be a master class, but he actually used the tactics of the sandy and muddy eyes commonly used by street rogues to fight ~ ~ it immediately bowed his head with his chest, and the gravel cracked Although it was not captivated by its eyes, it knew that the enemy was a swindler, and the venomous counterattack would surely follow immediately, so it had no time to raise its head, and then quickly retreated, with its claws in front of it to protect the chest and abdomen. .

"^ * & Amp; $ Y @%) (* & amp ;!"

Unsurprisingly, Emil shouted a name in a language that old tea couldn't understand, and reapplied the trick of sneaking Vladimir's attack, stabbed his finger like a sword, and stabbed Laocha's chest. The Kunming Mountain Martial Arts in the Western Regions refers to the power of fame, which is freely translated as the finger of faith.

Old tea is prepared, but the area that can be protected by the two claws is limited, and it cannot protect all the chest and abdomen.

Lao Chaer listened to the sound of the sword breaking the wind, and he knew his heart, and turned his heart to one side, and his two claws were changed to offense. If the opponent did not withdraw his finger, it would be the result of both losses.

At this moment, he heard Zhang Zi'an imitate Emir's finger work and shouted, "Oh! Nima's light!"

He pressed the flashlight into Emile's eyes.

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