Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: Summer anorexia

The area of ​​the pet store is not very large, most of the space is effectively used, display cabinets and enough space for kittens are left. Now the store has three more adults who are not consumers, three are not Adults who stop giving off heat are annoyed by Zhang Zi'an when they think of the fast-moving electric meter.

"What else do you have?"

So he took the initiative to ask Zhao Qi, if nothing is said, if it's okay, go to your favor, don't stay in the store to dissipate heat.

Zhao Qi glanced at him, "You are too snobbish, don't you just buy something from you? It's an order for chasing off customers."

"How could I treat consumers equally?" Zhang Zi'an said suddenly.

"But we do n’t count as consumers if we do n’t consume, right?" She glanced. "Forget it, I do n’t want to stay too hot anyway, I just want to ask, the state of my family Lan Lan seems to be a bit wrong recently, You give an idea, should you take it to the hospital to see if this is after-sales service? "

"Oh, what's wrong," he asked, "you have to make it clear before I can give an opinion."

According to Zhao Qi, Lan Lan was fed by her a little bit fat, and Ying Short had rounded her head. By the time she noticed, Lan Lan's weight had already exceeded the standard. She knows from Zhang Zi'an that cats are too fat and people are too fat. But cats are more troublesome to lose weight than people. It is not possible to lose weight by exercise, especially a short and quiet cat such as British Short. Species, so you can only eat less.

Suddenly eating too much, and it is easy to cause the cat's stress response and fatty liver, so she is also very tangled, how to slowly lose weight for Lanlan.

However, in recent days, she has observed that Lanlan ’s food seems to have declined. The cat food that she usually eats often has some left. Does it also know that it is time to lose weight?

Lan Lan's weight did begin to decrease, and the speed was fairly flat. Zhao Qi was quite happy. She reduced her food intake, indicating that she was full. This was different from being forced to reduce her food intake, which would not cause a stress response.

The problem of food intake is resolved, which is a good thing, but she also found that Lanlan's water consumption has also declined, which is not a good thing. She asked Zhang Zi'an on WeChat, but because he has been out of signal in the Redwood Forest, when he received a signal and received hundreds of thousands of text messages, WeChat and emails, he could only pick up important responses, and put She and other customers' enquiries about pets were ignored.

"Lan Lan used to drink about 300 to 400 milliliters of water a day, but now she only drinks about 200 to 300 milliliters. Is this normal?" She asked.

"It ’s not normal. The hotter the weather, the more water you drink, the normal amount of water is 50 ml per kilogram of body weight per day. You can count whether you have achieved the standard. I think your family Lanlan is anorexia in summer, is it not mental? What's your temperature like? "He asked.

"Uh, it should be around 28 degrees." Zhao Qi wasn't sure. "But my house is not a central air conditioner. Some rooms are inevitably warmer, and some rooms are cooler. I ca n’t get cold, so I did n’t adjust it too low, and I went to work during the day. When not at home, the air conditioner is not turned on 24 hours, but the windows are open for ventilation, otherwise the electricity bill is used. "

"It should be hot. No big deal. The optimal temperature for cats in summer is 25 degrees, which is lower than humans, because they have hair, and kittens have a lot of activity. I adjusted them all to 24 degrees." He pointed to LCD screen of air conditioner cabinet.

"No wonder it's cold." Zhao Qi wore much more for sun protection. At first, she didn't feel the difference between the temperature here and the temperature in her home.

"Then my house should also be adjusted to 25 degrees," Tian Yi has been listening to their conversation, and hurriedly asked.

"Don't, the temperature in your home must not be lower than 30 degrees. The body temperature adjustment ability of the small milk cat is very poor, and the hair is very short, so it cannot be cooled." Zhang Zi'an promptly discouraged.

"30 degrees" Xiao Wang has a bitter face, men are more afraid of heat, 30 degrees in the summer can not turn on air conditioning, playing games are uncomfortable.

Zhang Zi'an asked a few more details and learned a detail. When Zhao Qi was at home, if Lan Lan couldn't finish the cat food, she would quickly clean up the rest of the cat food to prevent insects from being caught on a hot day. Cat foods are susceptible to moisture and spoilage when they are not exposed to insects.

But this is actually wrong. Cats were originally nocturnal animals, eating in the dark at night, just because they lived with humans, and barely adapted to human schedules. Cats do not have an accurate concept of time. Judgment is based on the light and darkness of the sun. In the summer when the sun is getting longer and hotter, their biological clocks produce deviations. They cannot eat cat food because they are full, but they think they have not eaten yet Time, or meal time has passed, so it is necessary to appropriately adjust the feeding time in summer ~ ~ or strengthen the indoor shading. When people are not at home during the day, even if they do not turn on the air conditioner, at least pull up the curtains and turn on the fans, and prepare glass or tile countertops without sharp edges and sharp edges, so that the cat can lie on its back when it gets too hot.

As for drinking water, cats do n’t like drinking water. It is also a big problem. At this time, you can only use catnip. Tear the catnip into small pieces and sprinkle it into the water. The better way is to make catnip yogurt and lactic acid bacteria break down the milk. The lactose in it is no problem even if it is lactose intolerant cats, and it is nutritious and delicious. Even humans can drink it, but it may not be able to tolerate that acidity.

"Wait a minute, my family Lan Lan doesn't seem to like catnip." Zhao Qi frowned. "I tried to use catnip to tease it, but it didn't respond, it didn't like the taste of catnip."

"This is also the case. Some cats don't like catnip by nature, but it doesn't matter. You can try other catgrass. Catgrass is not only catnip, but also wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa leaves, etc., try more. There are always things that cats can't stop, don't confuse them with wheat and barley leaves. "

Xiao Wang and Tian Tian worked hard to digest the conversation between Zhang Zi'an and Zhao Qi, many of which were strange to the two novice cat owners.

Zhang Zi'an has taken care of their feelings when speaking, and tried to make them as easy to understand as possible. They have to face small hardships to raise small milk cats. When the small milk cats grow up a little, they will not be taught by female cats. Facing the dilemma of inadequate socialization, not knowing how to collect paws, not being good at coexisting with other cats, emotional ups and downs, etc., and may not even go to the toilet by themselves. Patience is needed to teach them, and even if they are patient, they may not work After all, humans are not cats and cannot replace their mothers. They can only hope that the couple can persevere.

Pet King

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