Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1644: Go alone

Door and window reinforcement and roof waterproofing are very basic decoration. It doesn't need to be gorgeous and only needs to be durable. Zhang Zi'an originally planned to go to the roadside to find those decoration guerrillas, but it was easy for Zhao Welder to recommend himself because Zhao Welder had Not reliable, but said by hand that the fish tank he built by hand and some furniture at home, Zhang Zi'an, have seen it with his own eyes, solid and sturdy.

Wu Dian further said, "Everyone of our factory retired workers is specialized in a craft. You do n’t need to be polite, just say hello to Xiao Zhang. What we do is not good-looking, but it is guaranteed to be durable."

Zhang Zi'an believed that if Wu Dian was able to work in the harsh and dangerous environment of the old factory for decades and then retired, he had several brushes in his hand.

So he no longer quits, agrees and thanks.

"Brother Zhang, I think you are also very busy. Why don't you go fishing with us? There are a lot of people and you can be energized!" Zhao Welder turned his eyes and invited him warmly.

Zhao Welder pondered that Zhang Zi'an had a wealth of knowledge and knew a lot of marine life. In the unlikely event that he caught any strange creature, everyone would not know how to throw it back into the water. Isn't that wrong? If Zhang Zi'an was there to help with the identification, a lot of things would be saved.

He listened to the co-workers, and the co-workers listened to other fishermen, saying that in the past few months, there have been some strange and rare fishes in the offshore waters of Binhai City. Occasionally, they can catch one or two strange fish, and then fish My friends' circle was on fire. I heard that a fisherman caught a fish that was too strange and was interviewed by a local TV reporter.

He believes that so many rare fish in Zhangzi'an store are probably like this, which is a profitless business.

"Forget it, you go, I can't fish, and I don't have a fishing rod." Zhang Zi'an retorted, he really can't fish, fishing is very patient, often sitting for a long time, he hasn't been busy degree.

"It's all right, we're all blind fishing, we're going to play together!" Once Zhao Welder decided to take advantage, he was as sticky as a dogskin plaster, and he wouldn't let it go.

"Xiao Zhang, if there is nothing else, you can come and play together. Those old folks don't care if there is an extra person. You can use me without a fishing rod." Wu Diandao also advised.

Zhang Zi'an is really fine today. The general customer clerk has already been comfortable. He returned to the store at most for a lunch break, not to mention Shihua returned to Binhai. He also went to the seaside every day to play a recording of her singing. I have n’t been there today, so I ’m going to the beach anyway in the afternoon, so I nodded and said, “Okay, but fishing is all right. I just want to go to the beach to relax, and just drop you off by the way, watching you fishing.”

Zhao Welder's thought was that as long as Zhang Zi'an promised to go to the beach, the rest didn't matter.

Zhang Zi'an had a car. He asked for the meeting place, and let the two go one step ahead, because they were riding bicycles or electric cars, and they couldn't squeeze into Wuling Shenguang.

He drove to the beach and was one step ahead of the two of them. After the three of them met, he quickly found the place where the workers' fishing team was active, because the activities organized by these retired workers had a strong wind of veteran cadres. I watched them pulling a banner from far away, saying the fifth sea fishing activity of a certain teammate.

The boat of the workers is a converted fishing boat, which may be used or rented on a daily basis. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer fish in the sea. Such small offshore fishing boats have gradually become useless and are leased by fishermen. Or sold, the price is not expensive, and it can be considered as waste.

Zhao Welder introduced Zhang Zi'an to several other middle-aged and elderly people, and then greeted him to join the ship. He was fired because he had an assault boat, and he still had work to do.

The coworkers urged Zhao Welder to get on the ship quickly and waited for the two of them. Zhao Welder had no choice but to board the ship with the workers and go to sea.

Most of these coworkers are novices in sea fishing. After following a few times fishing, they learned the general process and felt that it was more interesting to play with their brothers, so they set up a coworker sea fishing team.

Their boats did not dare to drive too far away from the shore, and they stopped at a distance where they could vaguely see the reefs on the shore, and the enthusiastic workers took out their fishing rods and sat in folding chairs to hang bait.

Wu Dian is okay. If he does n’t understand, he will learn with an open mind, but Zhao Welder glanced at it and found it very simple. There was nothing to learn.

Zhang Zi'an also inflated his assault boat and pushed Shihua's singing into the sea. He didn't dare to be too close to the small fishing boat of the workers 'team, because his submarine was rubber-inflated, and many fish in the sea had spines. These fish usually did not actively attack the submarine, but were injured by the workers' fishing hooks. It's hard to say afterwards.

He kept a certain distance from the fishing boat, and from time to time heard the direction of the fishing boat from the coworkers laughed or shouted ~ ~ It seems that fishing is really suitable for retired middle-aged and elderly men to play with Outdoor sports.

He watched them for a while while they were fishing. The safety measures of the workers were very good. Everyone was wearing a life jacket and a life buoy in the fishing boat. It looked quite standard. He didn't think there was any danger from such a near sea. After looking tired, lie down and play with your phone.

After another period of time, Shihua's singing was finished. He sat up and saw that the workers were still fishing in the same place, and Zhao Welder had the loudest voice.

Zhao Welder had very poor patience, and the sport of fishing was very patience, which led to the least number of fish he caught. Together with the novice Wu Dian, they had a good harvest, but Zhao Welder only caught a few small fish. Every time he catches a fish, it ’s like catching a treasure under the sea. He thinks that he has caught a rare treasure, but the fish he catches do n’t need to be identified by Zhang Zi'an. Workers know at a glance that they are too ordinary. .

Zhang Zi'an sent a message to Zhao Welder and Wu Dian respectively, and then waved to the small fishing boat, which meant that they had fun, he went back first.

Others said that the fish he caught was rubbish. Zhao Welder still didn't believe it. He had to stay and raise it in a bucket for Zhang Zi'an's identification. When he saw Zhang Zi'an going back, he wanted to stop but couldn't reach it.

After Zhang Zi'an said hello, he drove the submarine back to the beach, deflated the submarine, stuffed it back into the compartment, and then returned to the pet shop. What should be done?

That evening, he was having dinner with the clerks, and received a message from Zhao Welder, complaining that he was not interesting enough, how could he go back in advance.

I saw that the co-workers were very interested and did not return until the evening.

Zhang Zi'an tweeted that he had to return early in case of urgent matters, and Zhao Welder complained a few more words, and then explained that Tian helped him get the doors, windows and roof.

Pet King

Pet King

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