Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Chance encounter

"Mr. Tea, the mountain road is rugged and difficult, or should you rest in your mobile phone and wait until the top of the mountain, I will release you?"

Zhang Zi'an, Fatui and Lao Cha stepped out of the taxi and looked up at the hill in front of them.

Hidden misty mountains, which are not too high, stand up as if they were unchanged in the past. The mountains are covered with pines and cypresses, and the top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mists, reminding Zhang Zi'an of the redwood forest fog.

Today is still a working day, there are very few tourists around, even on holidays, there are not many tourists. After all, this is not a famous spot. It only occupies a corner corner on the tourist map of Binhai City. There are no places of interest on the mountain, and the characteristics are only one year. The seasons are full of clouds and fog. Who would run to such a place just to see the fog, and climb a mountain without a cable car?

There are only a few street vendors at the foot of the mountain. They sell nothing more than food, water, umbrellas, and travel shoes. These umbrellas and shoes are the kind of cottage goods that are known at a glance. What are Attic and Biaobao? For example, even the goods will not be so straightforward, it is estimated that only one-time use, wearing the mountain may not be able to wear the mountain.

Lao Cha narrowed his eyes and glanced at the mountains, and saw several white-haired elderly men wearing pure white exercise suits walking up the mountain with unswords, laughing: "No need, old age will not even climb this mountain. go with."

Just now these old people got off the bus with Zhang Zi'an. Probably because the bus is free for the elderly over 70 years old, they ride a car to climb the mountain every day.

"I didn't mean that ... Anyway, if it were me, I would rather be carried up the mountain." Zhang Zi'an shrugged.

"So you're a puppet!"

Someone suddenly took his word.

The French push didn't feel much, but Zhang Zi'an and Lao Cha were all together.

Have you met an acquaintance here?

There are no difficult customers in the store today, and the weather is getting cooler, so he proposed to go out and play, but Vladimir left the house early in the morning. Π was renewed because he took too much leave when he went to the United States. Feima Si is busy taking pictures with fans, Xinghai doesn't want to go to a crowded place, and the area of ​​the mountain is too small, there is no place to play hide-and-seek, and other elves are very house ... Asked for a while, only old tea and Fai Tui responded to him The latter was because of his first arrival, and he was curious about Binhai City, and was willing to go out and recognize the way.

Because he came out to play temporarily, he didn't have a big fanfare, he hadn't decided where to go before going out, and agreed to come to Hidden Mountain after getting in a taxi, so even the store clerks didn't know he was here, and the others didn't. Got it.

Those indifferent customers and netizens always have something to do with him, so he is very sensitive to this word, thinking that he has met an acquaintance again, and he still has some ecstasy in his heart. Now who is he?

The voice came from behind him. He was about to look back and see who it was. At this moment, a young girl passed him by, surpassed him, and held the phone near her mouth. The clear voice continued: "Should Work harder! "

It turned out to be on the phone, not talking to Zhang Zi'an.

Her hair was not long or short, she drooped to her shoulders, and was lifted by a breeze, covering the side of his cheek, so he didn't see her look clearly, but he was sure he didn't know her. Because there is no junior high school student in his communication circle.

Regardless of his former classmates, colleagues, or current customers and friends, most of the people he knows are adults, college students or seniors with a similar age, and a small number of elementary school students, but from the first grade to the third grade He is unfamiliar with both young men and women.

The reason is very simple. The school pressure from junior high to high school is relatively heavy, and teenagers of this age group do not have the economic autonomy, nor do they have the conditions to keep pets independently. Therefore, even if teenagers of this age group come to the pet store, they all follow When parents come together, very few come alone.

The girl who passed him by just now seemed to fit into the category of junior high school students in size, body, voice and skin, so he must not know her.

Unless she is a fan of Xiaoxue and has seen him in the broadcast room, it is difficult to say.

In addition, she is wearing a sailor suit and knee-high stockings. A certain mark is printed on her chest, which may be a school badge. Of course, this can't prove anything. After all, many girls will buy sailor clothes because they look good.

She complements this sailor suit with a youthful vitality, walking briskly towards the mountain road, and at the same time keeps her mobile phone at her mouth.

What makes Zhang Zi'an a little bit puzzled is that although he only glanced at it from a close distance, he found that the texture of this sailor suit seemed strange, non-cotton and non-linen, and shiny like silk but could maintain its shape instead of being soft On his body, he may be rare, but he has never seen clothes made of this material on his sisters.

In the blink of an eye, she had disappeared at the corner of the mountain road ~ ~ Zi'an, what happened? "Old Tea asked him out loud.

"Nothing, let's go."

Zhang Zi'an came back to God, staring at the back of a junior high school girl like this, he was afraid he would not be regarded as a pervert, but he was really just curious about her clothes.

"This is what you call the Hidden Mist Mountain? Sure enough, the mountain is exactly what it is called." Fai Tu has been looking around and seeing everything fresh.

A collar and a traction rope are attached to Fay's neck. Since dogs are to be fitted, of course, they should look like some, and they don't care about being tied up, because they live in the countryside, they are animals in the forest. When they come to the city, they must obey the city. rule.

"The air here is much better than in the city, but it is still not as good as the Redwood Forest." To be honest, Zhang Zi'an still does not understand why Fai Tui chose to leave the wolves of the Redwood Forest and followed him to Binhai City.

Because it is out of the heat island effect of the city center and lush vegetation, the temperature here is cooler than the city, and the air is fresher. It is a good place to summer and summer-if there is a cable car.

"It's okay, each has its own benefits." Fayui smiled easily. "I think there are too few people in the forest. Apart from sporadic hikers, only sneaky gangsters are good in the city. To reach all kinds of people. "

After arriving at the pet store, Fai Tzu had been squatting in the corner of the first floor during the day, and quietly observed the customers coming and going. If he saw a cross hanging on his neck, he would smile heartily.

It treats coming to the East as its own trial, and it also quickly likes it here, immersed in the novel culture and unique atmosphere, the only regret may be that people always see it at first glance It's a little scary, and Zhang Zi'an tries to convince people that it looks a bit fierce, but it's actually very gentle.

Pet King

Pet King

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