Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: Ancient not now

Different from Fai Tui, Lao Cha is in stealth today because it is worried that pets are not allowed in the tea house, and if there are other guests, seeing the pet hall and drinking tea with people may not be uncomfortable.

After entering the tea house, it carefully looked at the things and people who had been away for a long time, and could not help feeling a lot.

The older it is, the more it likes to be quiet. Wuyin Tea House is an ideal place for quietness. The ancient hermits often lived alone in thatched cottages in the wild mountains and wild ridges. One of the reasons.

The interior decoration of the tea house is almost unchanged compared with nearly a year ago, even the arrangement of chairs is the same, and the shopkeeper is the same as Xiao Er, as if time has stagnated in this tea house.

Lao Cha feels that even if he revisits the old land at this time next year, I am afraid it will still be the same set of ink painting.

Of course, if you use the eye-picking eyes in the eggs to evaluate, the shopkeeper and the store's Xiao Er have some slight physical changes, such as the taste of skin care products, the length of hair, and the eyes change with age. Already.

Fortunately, the years have not been carved into their faces, although it is a matter of time, after all, it is normal for people to be old, sick, and dead. Even if they do n’t have to worry about money for the time being, they will be carefree. Marriage point of life.

"It's delicious!"

A crisp admiration interrupted Lao Cha's contemplation, and he turned his eyes and looked at the back of that junior high school girl.

Originally, it was thought that the shopkeeper and the store's second child, who were in their youth, were eclipsed in the face of real youth. She seemed to illuminate the entire tea house with light. Skin care products.

"The shopkeeper, the tea you made is so delicious!" The girl admired. "Even the ancient tea saints, you can't taste such a delicious tea!"

Lao Cha smiled dumbly, and it turned out that he was a young man who was not afraid of tigers, and he really did not block it.

"Guests are famous, ancient sages, should I wait for them?" The shopkeeper laughed, but the praise from the customers made her very useful.

"I mean it! Many people respect the ancient culture when they talk about traditional culture. How can the ancient world be so good? No matter what is developing, technology is constantly improving, so is the tea art! Now that you have the tea, you may spit with a sip! "Although she was young, she talked loudly, and the big lapel of the sailor suit fluctuated slightly with her words.

Of course, the treasurer will not argue with such a young girl, but just smiles.

After hard work, Zhang Zi'an just took the menu into his hand, and nodded his head after hearing the words: "It is true. Those who braved the dragon liver and the brain in the ancient times have not tasted KFC and Fat House Happy Water. Modern science has a sense of taste. The research has been accurate to the molecular level, travelling back to ancient times with a bag of the cheapest chicken essence, and sprinkling a small amount of chicken essence with a pot of stew, and it becomes very delicious. Bacheng will be promoted as a chicken **** ... "

"Haha! The chicken **** is ok." The junior high school girl trembled while holding a tea cup.

"Are you ordering tea or nonsense?" The shop's second anger said.

"Don't worry, order right away."

Today, Zhang Zi'an is a real consumer, but who has let people offend others before? They have been vengeful until now ...

Some new varieties were added to the menu than almost a year ago, and of course the price is also more expensive-his memory is far from good enough to remember the menu price of a year ago, because it has been revisited once in a dream, not yet forget.

He spread the menu flat on the table, begging old refreshers to like it, and he asked for the cheapest refreshment package himself.

The old tea is slightly browsed, and the tip of the claw is used to point to the best Tieguanyin-now this is only the mid-range tea in the tea house. In the most high-end columns, the number "8" is too dizzy. 8 "fell down and became the symbol of infinity ...

"Another pot of Need Tieguanyin is needed," he added, seeing Xiaoxiao ditching away.

"Aren't you alone? Tea is included in the refreshment package. What would you order a pot of tea for?" Dian Er looked at him as if he was looking at a bun.

"The more I order, the more I take care of your business?" Zhang Zi'an answered solemnly.

Dian Er's lips moved, and he suddenly put his face to his ear.

Zhang Zi'an thought she was going to kiss herself, and said that the business in the store seemed to be bad, and ordering two pots of tea would get a fragrant kiss? Am I that kind of person?

He greeted his face and was about to say no, but heard that she whispered, "A police station has been newly opened at the foot of the mountain. If you dare to eat white food, I will call the police!"

After speaking, she turned to the counter without turning her head, and said loudly, "One pot of superb Tieguanyin, and one set of jasmine matcha tea set!"

"Okay! A pot of superb Tieguanyin ~ ~ Jasmine matcha tea set is just ready," said the shopkeeper.

Dian Xiaoer took a basin rack with three grids inside, which were a small washbasin, disposable soap and disposable towel. There was a stream of clear water in the small washbasin. Service not available when we came last time.

Zhang Zi'an sighed, no wonder the menu has gone up again. It turned out that the service has been upgraded, and even the first class of the aircraft does not have this service? Although he has never been in the first class of an airplane, the ancient nobleman and aristocrat probably did the same.

It can only be said that it is good to be rich, and what the rich can enjoy!

After he washed his hands, the shopkeeper returned the basin stand to the back, and heard a rattling sound. The pot of water that had been manually picked up to the top of the mountain was drained, and he heard a distress.

The craft of making tea by the shopkeeper is very ornamental, and at the same time, it is very scientific and rigorous. Use a thermometer to accurately monitor the temperature of the boiling water in the silver pot, so that the water can brew the tea at the optimal temperature. This is not something the ancients could do. Because there is no thermometer in ancient times, the temperature of boiling water can only be determined by experience and estimation. And even if the ancients also used silver pots to boil water, the silver content of silver pots is not as pure as that of modern silver pots, and the content of impurities is more — —Taste the tea to a certain height, any impurities may affect the taste of the tea, so the junior high school girl ’s words are not unreasonable.

The shopkeeper made the jasmine tea first, and the shop seconder brought out the matcha cake from the back kitchen and put it in a tray for Zhang Zi'an.

"Guests use it slowly," said Xiao Erdian, routinely.

The shopkeeper continues to brew Tieguanyin.

The cake is very delicate, but ... the portion is not enough, Zhang Zi'an feels that he can eat it in one bite.

At that moment, the junior high school girl suddenly said, "Oh! I forgot to bring money, is it OK to credit?"

Pet King

Pet King

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