Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1671: unknown origins

The old man in white robes used the power and financial resources of the royal family to collect some personal information of the remaining strong, but the information is not comprehensive, and some people have very little information. They only know the net names of commonly used social software, and some people have slightly more information. You can know the names in the real world and the blurry pictures taken by the surveillance cameras, and there are more detailed information about the people. This is generally information that is purchased from the losers with money.

Everyone who can be reached, the old man has tried to contact in various ways. Some people ca n’t help but do n’t return the information. Everyone invited is given a physical or electronic invitation. The content of the invitation is very simple. To a stranger, it was a fog, but the player knew it at a glance. The general idea was to bring the elf to the designated place to end the game. All the expenses of the journey were borne by the old man.

After the old man returned to the desert, Li Yuanfei got this vague list. He didn't do much. He just sent a message to their contact information to inform them that the location was temporarily changed to Shanghai because of an unexpected situation.

The information on the list is too vague, and some people's looks are blank. At most they only know their gender and approximate age range, so he is not sure if this junior high school girl is on the list.

Employees treat them as weird because most of them use glasses, hats, masks, hair dyeing and other methods to hide their true looks, and even use exaggerated makeup to make their faces unknown to their mothers. At first glance, it looks like a group of magic flurry dances, and only a few people arrive with their true faces.

Among the weirdoes, this girl who did not conceal her original appearance was particularly fresh and refined.

She wore a sailor suit and sat leisurely in the corner. Before Coke drank, she reached for the banana again. She ate deliciously and did not treat herself as a guest at all.

Is such a small girl one of the invited strong men?

There is a personal assistant Li Yuanfei at the door to check the invitations. Each invitation is special. Whether it is a physical invitation or an electronic invitation, there are corresponding secrets, such as a built-in chip or a private key, so as to prevent people from entering the venue. .

Li Yuanfei knows that people can't look. Some people are very young at a very young age, and they can show the fierceness that surpasses adults. If this girl uses her age, gender, and appearance to eliminate others' caution against her, then she suddenly shots. It's really invincible.

It's not surprising that Li Yuanfei didn't see the existence of elves near her. Not all elves are very large. Like those insects or small reptile-like elves, they can be completely hidden in the owner's clothes.

Others also noticed her at this time, each of them had a different time at the scene, and thought she was coming earlier, but she didn't take it for granted after a few glances. After all, they were here to do business, compared to this little girl, They care more about the mysterious character mentioned by Li Yuanfei and the chunky white robe man.

Li Yuanfei wanted to ask her to show the invitation again, but others eagerly asked about the situation of the mysterious figure, which forced him to put it aside temporarily. Even if she was beautiful and black, in front of so many In front of the strong, can the sky be turned?

These people have extreme personalities. They either yell loudly, yin and yang, or say no words. Fortunately, the sound insulation of the conference room is good enough. Even if it is lively in the room, it can't be heard outside.

He motioned everyone to be calm and calm, saying, "In fact, I don't know much about that person's situation at present. After investigation, I have targeted the city of Binhai."

Li Yuanfei didn't intend to hang around, because he didn't think it was necessary, his elf was strong enough, and he was entangled in all kinds of things, so he didn't have much free time at all.

Take a step back and say that even if he changes his mind one day, it is not bad to adopt a post-preemption strategy. When others fight for your life, he considers whether to participate and clean up the mess, as the case may be.

However, because the store manager of the food shop, he made a name for his company and Leshi dog food. The larger the company, the slower the information feedback from senior management on small matters, coupled with the deliberate deception of store managers and lower-level supervisors. When he and the senior managers realized that almost half of the stores in the country were selling Leshigo. Food.

This alone is nothing, it is nothing more than false public donation, and the use of company channels to obtain personal benefits. This kind of thing is too common in large companies. Anyone who has such a little power in their hands will often not let go of the company's wool. Opportunity, it is difficult to completely eliminate such internal loss. Besides, it is not a criminal case in which a person is greedy for millions of money. Even if the middle and high-levels know it, most of them will open one eye and close one eye. There is no fish in water.

It is not difficult to solve it ~ ~ As long as the company has a paper order, the manager of the direct store is strictly forbidden to sell products from non-company channels, which should be able to stop this undercurrent, but there is some trouble in the franchise.

This is just a trivial matter that is not a priority for the company, and some executives have suggested that it is better to block it. If this kind of dog food is popular, it is better to simply include it in the company's procurement catalog, so that the branch is cut off from the source. The manager thought of fleecy wool.

Other executives also agreed with this proposal, so they entrusted a third-party company to conduct a detailed analysis of Leshi Dog Food, and got a very good evaluation result. The procurement department smoothly negotiated with Leshi Dog Food's Chinese general agent. If it goes well, the prospects are pretty good.

However, there are gradually rumors about Lushi dog food on the Internet. Although most of these rumors have been deliberately spread by other dog food companies for competitive purposes, there is no wind and waves. This kind of dog food can reduce the cost so severely. Originally, people were suspicious, and some real consumers posted on the forum or tweeted that their dog's personality changed suddenly and died shortly after, which was suspected to be related to the replacement of new dog food.

Anyone who owns pets knows that domestic cat food and dog food, because of the considerable profits and rapid sales growth, are being torn between manufacturers. Various mercenaries have discredited competitors. Rumors are difficult to tell. Without conclusive evidence, no one can tell if the Leshi dog food is really a problem or if it is spilled with dirty water.

The company's negotiating team got a good offer and waited for Li Yuanfei to make a decision. As long as he signed it, Leshi dog food would be purchased in large quantities and become the company's main dog food product.

Li Yuanfei has been immersed in the pet industry for many years, and from the price of Leshi dog food, he was intuitively worried about the strangeness. Just when he had something to go to the United States, he made a request to visit a manufacturing factory.

Pet King

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