Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1673: Habit

In the eyes of these strange people in the eyes of employees, this junior high school girl is obviously even more weird. She said with a closed mouth, what they do n’t understand, what kind of money, housework, stingy dad and so on. After cleaning, they finally seemed to understand something.

As a luxurious conference room on the top floor of the building, if some of these weird people smoke and rub their feet, the indoor environment can only be described as clean and dust-free. Besides, she wasn't cleaning, and cleaning wasn't her turn.

So what she wants to clean up ... what does it mean? It is self-evident.

These people are already confident enough. I did not expect that a junior high school girl was even more arrogant than them, and she wanted to wipe them out with her own power. Isn't this a dream?

As strong men who have come all the way to today, each of them has experienced at least two or three battles. The elves they bring are either fast and powerful, powerful, or both, and they will release toxins or discolor disguise. Either come to reality or come from imagination ... when swarming up, absolutely no one or any elves can resist the enemy.

Because they were too absurd, none of them were afraid, but they all laughed as if they had heard a joke, but their eyes became colder and colder.

The girls did not seem to know that the danger was coming, and followed them with a smile.

If she continues to irritate them, maybe it will cause human life, Li Yuanfei would not want to see that scene. After all, this is the headquarters of the group. It ’s not good enough to end it, so she advised: "Little girl, if you are here to make trouble You leave, this is not for you. "

Southeast Asians jumped out and laughed, "Do n’t you just worry about staining your house with blood? It's okay, let my Bailong swallow her, and no one will find the trace of her past here . "

Hearing the master's words, his white python spit out the dark red letterhead, raised his head almost to the ceiling, half of the cold body, the smooth snake scales shone with a metallic luster, and the ruthless snake eyes stared at her .

This white python is the largest of the elves in the field, not necessarily the strongest, but it may also be the fiercest one. The cold-blooded animal preyed without any mercy. With its size, it might have swallowed her alive.

Others, including Li Yuanfei, frowned, and unknowingly stayed away from this attacking white python to avoid being hit by the pond fish.

Some of them are chasing victory just for their selfish desires. They are not bad men themselves. The battle between the elves is fine. At least they did not intentionally hurt others. They let them watch this flowery little girl being jealous. The boa swallowed alive, and they could not sit idly by such cruel things.

Immediately, several people's faces turned discolored, and hesitated to stand up to stop this tragedy on the earth, but the result of the stand up might have to turn their heads on the spot with this Southeast Asian.

The girl was not scared at all, but whispered, exclaiming in surprise: "A big white python! Was it caught in a swamp in Southeast Asia? It looks like an albino Burmese python."

Li Yuanfei coughed and reminded: "You have time to leave now. This is your last chance. This python is so fierce. Once you launch an attack, I am afraid ..."

She smiled and waved with disapproval, "It's okay! Uncle Li Shentai just frightens and scares me, he won't really do it, am I right?"

Everyone's miserable eyes all looked at Southeast Asians in an instant. On this occasion, their real names were suddenly revealed, and they didn't want to hide their identity in the future.

Li Yuanfei was also stunned because the real name of the Southeast Asian was not on the list given by the elderly in white robes. Is he really called Li Shentai?

"I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!" Southeast Asians' faces rose as purple as a pig's liver, roaring and denying.

He has a grumpy temperament, but he is not known as a city government.

He pointed at her angrily, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth, "You ... you ... what do you think I wouldn't do?"

"It's very simple, because the python is terrible, but it enters the sage mode after it is full. It immediately changed from a Super Saiyan to a war five scum. It takes one or two weeks or even one or two months to digest it to be full Blood resurrection ... the battle is imminent, uncle Li Shentai, wouldn't you waste such an important opportunity on me? "She said playfully with blinking eyes.

Southeast Asians' bodies and expressions freeze instantly.

Others, originally out of fear of the white boa, were in awe of the three-pointers of Southeast Asians, but now this little girl broke the huge weakness of the white boa and looked at him ... it was different.

However, so many adults are not as calm and knowledgeable as a little girl, which really makes them feel ashamed.

"How do you know so much?" Someone asked ~ ~ because ... there are also two or two little snakes in my family, and I also feed them, so I have a general understanding of some snake habits. Strange. "She laughed.

Everyone looked at each other silently. Was her elf a snake?

If it is a small snake, 80% of it is extremely toxic, maybe a bite can make people stand on the spot.

Everyone's perception of her is changing rapidly, and she no longer despises her as she did at first, staring at her hands and feet, in case she suddenly puts out a poisonous snake-the python enters sage mode by eating one person, but a poisonous snake As long as the toxicity is strong enough, there is no problem in tipping everyone here.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The chubby white robe man was humiliated, and now he was in a good mood. He looked up and laughed wildly. "It turned out to be a waste with a full stomach and only sunbathing!"

"You ... what are you talking about?" Southeast Asians glared at Baipao people. "Dare you say it again!"

After the white robe man lost his love for the cat Emir, his character became more radical, and he patted his chest, screaming like a rogue: "Come, let your snake eat me. If you don't care, I don't care Anyway, someone will pick you up naturally! "

Given the white robe's body shape, if the white python swallowed him, he would have no appetite for half a year.

The Southeast Asians held back the anger, stared at the girls resentfully, and said resentfully: "Even if I don't eat you, I can have Bailong smash every bone in your body!"

"Will not."

Facing his verbal threat, she shook her head lightly. "This script is not written like this today."

"What you said is like our fate is already doomed." Li Yuanfei sneered, and he no longer regarded her as a weak girl.

She nodded earnestly, "Yes, your fate is all doomed."

Pet King

Pet King

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