Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1675: childhood

The top of the Star Group Building.

In order to prevent someone from choosing this feng shui treasure to jump from the building, the top of the building has already been closed. Even the maintenance staff need to get the formalities and magnetic card to board the top of the building.

The wind is so high on such a high roof, even if there is a sweltering wind near the ground at this time.

On the top of the building where no one should have been, there was a young girl who looked like a junior high school student. The sailor suit of unknown texture was hurled by the wind.

She stood on the edge of the building overlooking the bustling Shanghai market. The bustling traffic stopped on the road. Although her body was shaken by the wind, she was not afraid of the drop of 100 meters and the possibility of falling.

Behind her, a black and white kitten suddenly appeared, and she turned at the same time.

"Meow ~"

"Wow haha! Xinghai! Hold up!"

She bent over and hugged Xinghai and hovered above her head happily, but Xinghai, who had always been afraid of people, had no different reaction from ordinary pet cats at this time, playing with her affectionately. After all, it has been with her since she was born.

"Are you all ok? What are you doing? You need to say you must be looking for you!" She held Xinghai in her arms, sat down on the top of the building, and laughed hopefully "I want to go to this Look at the pet store of the era! "

"Fina must be mad at me, but it also likes me the most!"

"The Snow Lion is the gentlest to me, but I always suspect that it wants to lead me in some direction ..."

"No matter how naughty I am, Grandpa Tea always covers me quietly."

"Richard brought me a lot of joy in my childhood ..."

"Phimas is a busy man, and he keeps making appointments all day long."

"I don't know how many jokes are going to be broadcast on Sister Shihua's global travel broadcast ..."

"When playing mud climbing trees with π, the abominable dad said I was like a mud monkey!"

"Fatui is the most honest and always rides on my horse, hehe!"

"Vladimir and Xiaobai still fell in love with each other all day ..."

"Teacher Xiaodie ... I'm really scared of her, and always leave me a lot of unfinished homework ..."

"Ah! Also! Dad probably doesn't see it now. Sister Feifei is still a career-oriented woman who works hard and works well in the aquarium. Uncle Gan and Uncle ... never seem to find a girlfriend to marry. Plan; woo ~ I really want to get the signature of Sister Yiyun before her debut as a bl cartoonist ... "

Even for her, there is only one childhood, she can count on her childhood countless times, but can only experience it herself.

"Meow ~" It looked at her with blinking silver eyes.

"I know, it's not yet." She nodded regretfully.

As long as she is willing, she can see everything that has happened, is happening and is about to happen in the pet store, but "seeing" and "personal experience" are ultimately different.

Humans look at the ants crawling on the paper, and may feel that the ants are very poor. The unknown world that they have exhausted their physical strength and energy to see is clear to human beings, but just because they know the results, can they deny the fun of the exploration process?

People are not ants.

After work hours, fashionable red men and green women are pouring in various office buildings. Their faces are happy and distressed, and they are thinking about promotion or salary increase or love marriage. Maybe their lives are not flat, but at least they are full. Most of them are obscure in their lives, but obscurity is not the same as being inactive. They have tried and explored. This is enough. This is life.

"If I can't find you for too long, my dad will be suspicious. Go back first and say hello to everyone from my heart." She lowered Xinghai and stood up.

Xinghai raised a front paw and reluctantly said, "Meow ~ Bye ~"

"Bye bye ~" She also waved.

Xinghai disappeared from its place.

She knows that Xinghai came by using the opportunity to play hide-and-seek. Dad searched at home several times and didn't find it. He had already given up and let it be hidden away.

"Well, I should go too ~" she muttered to herself.

The next moment, she disappeared.

Almost at the same time, she appeared again.

It is actually not very accurate to say "the next moment" because her disappearance and appearance seem to have no time interval, but to her, time is not linear, and words like "next moment" have no practical meaning.

Only ants crawl from one end of the piece of paper to the other end by step. Humans only need to fold the paper to send it over.

One end is connected to the past and the other is connected to the future.

She appeared in a dark forest, surrounded by wild grasses and insects.

The bushes swayed and some small beasts and night birds fled into the forest with her sudden appearance.

The full moon is like a silver plate hanging high in the night sky, and a pit-like path traversed by people and livestock runs through the forest and stretches into the night.

She stretched out her hand and added a small piece of paper to her palm, but unlike a regular piece of paper, this piece of paper has only length and width, no thickness, and infinite thinness.

Blowing by the night wind, the paper suddenly began to swell—to be precise, unfolded.

It's like a three-dimensional greeting card ~ ~ When folded up, there is only one plane of the x-axis and y-axis. After expansion, there is another z-axis to form a three-dimensional object.

Paper became a mobile phone, at least something that resembled a modern mobile phone.

She tapped twice on the screen.

A white python appeared in front of her without warning, exactly the one in the conference room.

The white python curled up, vomiting a letter uneasily, and observing the strange surroundings. The climate here made it feel cold and stiff.

"Don't be afraid," she comforted. "This is your destiny."

But the white python is still scared, half of them are afraid of her, and the other half is the instinct of humans and animals who are afraid of death. Only iron-willed people and elves can overcome this instinct.

She caressed its icy scales, "It doesn't matter, if there is 'cause' there will be 'fruit', if there is 'life' there will be 'death'. If you are not recorded in the annals here, you will not become an elf. Becoming an elf is just a slightly rare common albino python, and you won't spend that time with Uncle Li Shentai in that interdependent and shared life. "

When it comes to Southeast Asians, Bai Python's cold eyes seem warmer, and he is no longer afraid.

It already knows the fate of its life, and it will die here, only then can it become an elf and be captured by Li Shentai.

Perhaps from a secular perspective, it and Li Shentai are both full-fledged perpetrators, but the days when he and he joined hands in **** battles and slaughtered and devoured other players and elves were extremely happy!

After a moment, he nodded and accepted his destiny.

It is willing to use death to achieve destiny, in exchange for the good time with Li Shentai.

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