Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: confusion

Single-parent families, especially single mothers, are under great pressure to survive in modern society.

China and the United States have different national conditions. After the divorce between the couple in the United States, the man basically has an additional mother. The woman can usually get a house and children and receive monthly maintenance, including double maintenance for the woman and the child. Maybe there are government subsidies and relief, the situation is relatively rich, and even if the property is fairly divided at the time of divorce in China, the woman can get child support at most, the amount may not be much, think Living on this is difficult, so it is bound to go out to work.

Everyone has a difficult experience. It ’s okay if the woman divorces quickly and gets married again, but if she was hurt deeply by the previous marriage, she ca n’t get out of the shadows late, or she ’s worried about her father. It ’s bad for the children, so if you do n’t plan to get married again, you can only take the children while you work, and it ’s normal to have no time to take the children to and from school.

Zhang Zi'an didn't know the specific situation of Xiao Celery's home. Maybe as he guessed, maybe he thought too much. The truth is that the husband and wife are 996 dual-employees, plus Xiao Celery doesn't like his father so much.

He didn't ask deeply, what could it be? What's the point of uncovering the scars of others and expressing empathy for things that you can't do?

But he can do at least some little things he can do.

So he changed his face and asked, "Are you ... someone in the house now?"

Little celery shakes his head.

"Then you can get in the house when you go back?" He asked again.

She stretched out a finger and bowed her head embarrassedly, "Yes, because I'm too careless and always lose the key, my mother replaced the lock with a fingerprint ..."

In fact, she is not sloppy, but just too lively, it is easy to lose keys all day long.

"So ..."

He groaned a little, Xiao Celery didn't have a cell phone, and didn't know whether the school had called her mother to notify her. It was impossible to come, at most, it was in the WeChat group @ everybody, how could so many students call one by one Notice ... besides, the teachers of the school are also anxious to go home in case the children of their own house are in danger during typhoon days.

During the talk, several elementary school students ran over the store door in excitement. They didn't know how dangerous the typhoon was. They only knew that they had at least half a day of vacation. Although the teacher left a lot of homework, they still seemed as if they were out of the cage. Bird.

"Little celery, if there is no one in your family, would you like to stay in my store for a while? Wait for your mother to come back after work, or call her and wait for her to pick you up?" He suggested.

Normally, it would be dangerous to leave a primary school student alone during typhoon weather. I do n’t know how fierce this typhoon is, and even if it is not dangerous, it will leave a psychological shadow.

"But ... the teacher asked us to go home immediately after leaving the school ..." Little Celery hesitated, apparently what the teacher said had a strong restraint on her.

"It doesn't matter, the specific situation and specific analysis, of course, the teacher's words must be listened to, but can not be generalized." He advised, "The teacher asked you to hurry home, you are staying at home with your parents, but your parents are not at home now, this It would not meet the original intention of the school and the teacher. "

At this moment, someone approached again.

"Master, I heard no, typhoon is coming."

Wang Qian, Li Kun and Jiang Feifei came back together. They originally said that the school's orientation work would last for one day, and it seemed that the typhoon came to an end.

The three of them are almost the same as elementary school students. I heard that the typhoon is coming a little and not afraid. The mood is mixed with excitement, especially Jiang Feifei. Her family is inland. I have only heard of typhoons before and have never seen them before.

Not only elementary school students and college students, junior high school students, high school students and some office workers also began to appear on the streets, rushing to their homes, all transportation is full, and even barely able to ride shared bicycles have been pushed out.

Under normal circumstances, the travel time of primary, secondary, university students, and office workers are staggered. Now all of them are brought together, and parents who come out to pick up their children because they are worried about their children, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets at the same time. , Confusion can be imagined.

Everyone was anxious to go home. The traffic situation was congested instantly, and the more anxious the traffic jams occurred. Some illegal activities such as snatching roads and running red lights were frequent. Some people blocked the road because of the road. Owners are arguing about parking because of a crippled vehicle. Small accidents such as you hitting me and hitting you are one after another. The sharp and loud horn sounds are one after another, which exacerbates everyone's anger.

Traffic police were dispatched to the streets to maintain order and diversify traffic, but this was tantamount to slackening the traffic. The traffic in the entire Binhai city was close to paralysis.

It was only cloudy in the morning ~ ~ The air was dull and there was no trace of wind, and now the sky was silently covered with clouds. From time to time, a strong wind was blowing dust from the south, blowing paper scraps and plastic bags on God.

"Little celery, look at it like this, it's too dangerous for you to go home by yourself. If you accidentally get hit by a car, just go into the store and wait." Zhang Zi'an advised again.

Wang Qian Li Kun and Jiang Feifei heard that there was no one at Xiao Celery's house, and persuaded from the side.

Little celery was finally moved, nodded and promised to stay.

Wang Qian and Li Kun talked about the upcoming typhoon and were about to go to the store. Zhang Zi'an called them and said, "You two are in Binhai and you should go home quickly, otherwise your family must be worried. "

The two of them didn't care, they said it was okay, just call the family, and the current traffic conditions are really not suitable for going home.

As for Lu Yiyun and Jiang Feifei, both of them live in other places, and they rent in the neighborhood opposite the pet shop.

Lu Yiyun came out of the shop holding Jasmine and asked nervously, "Mr. Manager, is the typhoon coming?"

"Yes, are you and Feifei going back to the rental house or staying in the shop? Did you close the windows when you went out this morning?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

They said that the windows were closed, but Zhang Zi'an considered that if the typhoon was very strong, the window glass might not be able to support it. After the glass broke, a lot of water would be poured into the room. Their appliances and digital products would be completely soaked with water.

So Zhang Zi'an asked Wang Qian Li Kun to follow them back to the rented house, sealed the windows with tape or something, and then turned off the electric gate, closed the gas valve, and packed all the valuables to high places, important documents and the like. Bring it with you and come back when you are done.

Wang Qian and Li Kun took the lead and followed two girls to run away from the pet shop.

Pet King

Pet King

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