Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1684: Call

The area of ​​the pet shop is not too small. The environment on the first floor is complicated. Shelves and display cabinets are used. Every inch of space is used as much as possible. This is not a disadvantage in normal times. However, after a power outage, candles and emergency lights are out of reach. It was dim, there was a lot of shadows everywhere, and the sight was poor.

The sound of thunder, rain and wind was too noisy, and the elves couldn't sleep when they wanted to sleep, yawning boringly.

Kittens and puppies are very sensitive to thunder, one after another, and often thrilled by a thunder.

Zhang Zi'an took a flashlight to walk around the first floor carefully, then went up to the second floor and looked for it. The suspicion in his heart was confirmed-the other elves were there, only Vladimir was missing.

Vladimir's wound has basically healed and no bandages are needed, but the body has not recovered to the state it was in before, so Zhang Zi'an made it as short as possible to go out and wait to raise his body. After all, the body What is the capital.

The clerks were not there in the morning. He was busy dealing with customers. I remember seeing Vladimir. It should have stayed in the store in the morning. Later, due to the sudden arrival of the typhoon and Xu Zhuangzhuang's episode, he had no time to take care of it. Leaving the door on the first floor, he should see it.

"Π, did you see Vladimir?" He asked π, who had been on the second floor.


π nodded, pointed to the window, and gestured, meaning it saw π jump out of the window and ran out, just when the typhoon news came suddenly.

Zhang Zi'an understood that Vladimir might have helped the stray cats take refuge. It could not bear to stay in a safe place and let the stray cats take their own lives. This is indeed its style.

That ’s it, he has no other choice. It ’s not realistic to go out to find it in such bad weather. The storm wiped out all the smell and footprints and could n’t track it. And he believes that Vladimir can take care of himself and dare to fight meowing. The activist is not afraid of the storm.

Not only Vladimir and the stray cats, but Xiaobai and the stray dogs must also be struggling to survive the typhoon at this time. Unfortunately, he can't help this, and can only hope that they are lucky.

He returned to the first floor again. Wang Qian and Li Kun were still planning to play Mahjong. Lu Yiyun and Jiang Feifei were each brushing their phones.

The speed of the mobile phone network is very bad. Playing games will definitely be scolded by teammates and will drop segments. The Internet is barely okay, maybe it will be interrupted for a while.

"Master, mahjong? You won't even have mahjong in your family? It's too boring to play, and you can't even play the game. Just a few of us can make mahjong together!" Wang Qian and Li Kun said.

Zhang Zi'an was not in that mood. "You play, I still have something."

"I don't care, I can't play." Lu Yiyun waved.

Jiang Feifei didn't quit, but the three of them couldn't play, and now they don't even have mahjong.

Wang Qian and Li Kun are entangled, "What else do you do in this ghost weather? You help us find Mahjong first!"

π no longer needs to use his mobile phone as a hotspot to surf the Internet. He just came down from the second floor, took the mobile phone off by the way, waved them to shut up, and said to Xiao Celery, "Little Celery, what is your mother's phone number? You Do you remember? "

Little Celery nodded. Although she didn't have a cell phone, her mother told her to carry her cell phone number in case something needed to be called.

"Call your mother and tell her you're here." Zhang Zi'an opened the dial-up page, "I'll help you unplug."

Xiao Celery said her mobile phone number. After he dialed the number, he held the mobile phone next to her face.


The other party's phone rang a few times and was then connected.

"Hello? Who are you looking for?"

An unfamiliar female voice said pantingly, her voice seemed restless and rude, probably because the calling number was strange, and she thought she had typed it wrong.

The environment on the other side of the phone is very noisy, apparently outdoors, and the thunderous sound can be heard even on the other side of the phone.

Zhang Zi'an estimates that after hearing the phone ring, she first found a place to shelter from the rain and then connected the phone to prevent the phone from getting into the water. Maybe hesitated to answer this strange call.

"Mom!" Xiao Celery exclaimed, "I ..."

As soon as the words started, the opposite was almost screaming: "Little celery! Where did you go? I'm dying!"

Xiao Celery was frightened by her mother's tone and couldn't speak, and the more she couldn't speak, the more anxious her mother was.

"You talk! Where are you?"

"Hey?" Zhang Zi'an put the mobile phone in his ear. "Hello, it's Xiao ... Cai Xiaoqin's mother, right? Your daughter is avoiding the typhoon with me. Don't worry, she's fine, and she won't suffer any injuries. If you are convenient, you can come and pick her up, but if the weather is too bad, you ... "

Before he finishes speaking ~ ~ the other party interrupts: "I'll be right there, where are you?"

Zhang Zi'an reported his address and advised: "You must not force it, Ms. Cai Xiaoqin is safe here. I suggest you wait for the storm to pass. It is too dangerous to be outdoors now, in case you are injured ..."

Xiao Celery also exclaimed anxiously, "Mom! I'm fine. There are several brothers and sisters here with me. You don't have to rush here ..."

"Needless to say, I'll be right there! Don't go anywhere, little celery, just wait there obediently!" The other party hung up.

"Sorry, my mother doesn't like this ..." Xiao Celery apologized pitifully.

"I know, it doesn't matter."

The opponent's tone is rude and irritable, but Zhang Zi'an can fully understand each other's mood, pity the parents, and her young daughter stays in an unfamiliar place with a few strangers in such bad weather. Which mother would not Anxious? The more worried she became, the more she cared about the safety of celery.

He advised her not to come here for the sake of good intentions, because such weather is too dangerous to move outdoors. Maybe little celery is safe and she is injured instead.

She rejected his kindness and chose the former between her daughter's safety and her own. She would not be relieved without seeing the situation of Xiao Celery herself.

Maybe it's a better choice to call her after the storm has subsided, to ensure the safety of both parties, but she might be insane by then. After Zhang Zi'an weighed it, she decided to call her now and give her the right to choose give her.

She was anxious to see Xiao Celery and did not give him enough time to explain. Even if he called again, it was estimated that she would not answer it, and it was still dangerous to answer the phone in a thunderstorm.

No choice but to wait now.

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