Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1706: balderdash

The rain has not stopped completely, and it is intermittent. However, compared with the previous storm, the rain has seen little witches. It was a typhoon that was difficult to rain.

Zhang Zi'an stood on the second floor and watched Wang Qian and Li Kun drive away the mother and daughter of Xiao Celery in an assault boat. Xiao Celery waved farewell until they turned the corner and no longer saw the pet shop.

As Wang Qian and Li Kun conjectured, the streets are now turning into rivers, and the assault boats ride the wind and waves, which is more eye-catching than driving a Ferrari sports car. The real Ferrari sports car is still sinking in the water because the chassis is too low.

The neighbors in the neighborhood saw the typhoon stopped, and their heads came out of the windows on the second and third floors. They just saw the assault galloping past, and the envy was beyond words. Everyone was trapped at home, and there were people on the boat. But they can come and go as they please. After all, even if it is a seaside city, they will not bring their own assault boats.

Occasionally, the assault boats of the municipal and fishery administration departments passed by and were busy helping people trapped outside due to typhoons or flooded houses. However, it was a sloppy job. Large boats could not come in, and small boats were not enough, except to save people. In addition, we should distribute clean drinking water and food, and use the loudspeaker to soothe the mood of the masses.

The otaku's mood is soothing, it doesn't matter if there is no water, no electricity, as long as the mobile phone has electricity and internet, but most people need more things to survive. It seems that the sky is going to be dark. It is too uncomfortable to spend the night in the dark. .

The typhoon came too suddenly, and it was inevitable to catch the disaster. Not everyone prepared in advance like Zhang Zi'an. After all, the aquarium was too afraid of power outages and pet shops were too afraid of being flooded.

With this experience, the next time the typhoon comes, Binhai citizens should not be so pretentious.

Zhang Zi'an and the shop assistants went back downstairs to clear the incoming sewage.

About half an hour later, Wang Qian and Li Kun returned, saying that they had safely taken the mother and daughter of celery to their community, and had been driving the boat to the door of the building. They were living in high-rise buildings, and the elevator shaft had been blistered. Coupled with the lack of electricity, this means that they can only climb to the top step by step, but this is also no way out.

Zhang Zi'an let the shop assistants go home individually, but now that the typhoon has stopped and the family members have received their information that they are safe, they are not in a hurry to leave. After all, Zhang Zi'an alone absorbs water and falls Water and the like are really troublesome.

It wasn't until midnight that the shop assistants left the assault boats one after another.

Since the city's sewers are blocked and the sewage cannot be discharged in a short time, the water level by naked eyes is only slightly lower than when the typhoon stopped. Even tomorrow, the sewage may not completely recede, so Zhang Zi'an told the shop staff, Let them rest at home tomorrow, it will not be used anyway, it is impossible to open the door to do business anyway.

When they left, he and the elves had dinner.

Cat elves eat all kinds of canned cats, Snow Lions eat raw burdocks, and Zhang Zi'an and Fatui Feimas eat self-heating rice that he bought online.

Not only the little celery mother and daughter and the shop assistants, the elves also realized something from the picture book story. As for what things, each elf felt differently, so they were extra quiet when eating.

Today is really a tiring day. Even Zhang Zi'an, a relatively young person, frequently leaned down to offer chrysanthemums and was so tired that he felt sore back and legs. After climbing to bed, he didn't want to move, and the black light was okay. Let's go to sleep .

You can't sleep safely when you sleep. You must get up every few hours to clean up the sewage, or you will wake up tomorrow morning and you will be flooded.

He set an alarm on his mobile phone and went to sleep almost instantly.

Just mortal! Read that you have been serving this palace for many days, and there is no merit and hard work, and this palace will not hold you accountable for your great disrespect ...

Zi'an, I have passed on all my life to you. Remember to study hard, it will be very useful in the future ...

Meow meow meow! Smelly man! It's a pity that my mother didn't turn you into a girl ...

Zi'an, thank you for helping me find my name ...

quack! When Uncle Ben is away, you idiot will definitely be lonely!

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and the situation still needs work!

Squeak ... squeak ...

A Ze'an ~ stingy ~ why can't you be generous with me once?

Brother, may God guide you.

Meow ~ Zi'an ~

In the dimness, he seemed to hear the voices of the elves, but he was too sleepy, and his eyelids seemed to be glued, so he couldn't open them.

He knew it was still late at this time, and it sounds like the elves should be sleeping, but why ...

Is it a dream?

This feeling is really like a dream, especially a dream like a ghost press, which is scientific sleep paralysis. I obviously feel awake, but I ca n’t even open my eyes and sit up.

what are you guys saying? Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?

Sleep paralysis usually occurs in two kinds of time, one is when you just fall asleep, and the other is when you are awake quickly. The common point is that during the half-dream and half-wake period, the brain that is not fully awake cannot control the muscles, so it will produce all kinds of terrible hallucinations.

He exhausted all his strength, struggling to be completely awake, but couldn't.

It's okay if the nightmare is completely awakened, but this is not a nightmare.

After a while-he couldn't judge how long this "for a while" was, maybe just a moment, maybe a few minutes-the sounds of the elves seemed to disappear, and the surroundings were quiet again.

Is it a dream?

His mind had just slackened, and an irrepressible sense of exhaustion struck, this time sinking into a dream.

The glue that stuck to his eyelids disappeared, and he opened his eyes suddenly, and this time he opened them very easily.

In front of ...

Excellent view.

Endless green ocean.

Hidden mist underfoot ...

He immediately recognized where it was, the summit of Hidden Mist Mountain-not the modern Hidden Mist Mountain.

To be honest ~ ~ he was relieved because he knew it was a dream.

Now that he knew it was a dream, he knew who pulled him into it.

Sure enough, when he turned around, he saw Zhuang Xiaodie, who was wearing Hanfu, sitting on a stone bench and staring out into the distance.

He has been to the dream world once and twice, and is able to perceive the dream faster and faster. There is still a trace of ecstasy in his heart, and ecstasy for his IQ.

"Yo! Did you eat?"

He raised his hand to say hello to her.

Zhuang Xiaodie did not answer this nonsense, and he was used to her high cold.

"I always feel that your work is getting rougher and rougher, this stone chair should not be here." He pointed to the stone chair she was sitting in, tone like Conan.

"Oh?" She finally responded and turned to look at him. "Do you think so?"

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