Pet King

Chapter 857: Mysterious source of poison

To this day, the enthusiastic neighbor felt that there might be a natural gas leak and did not dare to neglect, and quickly called the fire brigade and the emergency center.

Why call the fire brigade? Because every household is a heavy security door, if there is no fire brigade responsible for breaking the door, the first-aid personnel in the emergency center will not be able to enter, and the precious time was lost. This is the lesson of the blood brought by the natural gas poisoning incident last year.

After receiving the alarm, the fire brigade and the emergency center acted quickly, and immediately dispatched fire engines and emergency vehicles. They did not take long to pull the siren into the community.

My neighbor didn't go to buy breakfast anymore. He always waited at the door of Wang Mugong's house and sent his family to eat breakfast downstairs.

Firefighters and emergency personnel came upstairs with the tools, and the neighbor spoke a few words.

Upon hearing, the firefighters immediately arranged to evacuate the neighbors upstairs and downstairs, and carefully removed the door locks with tools in order to avoid more serious consequences caused by the natural gas explosion.

The thick anti-theft door opened, but strangely, firefighters didn't smell the smell of natural gas. Natural gas is colorless and odorless, but in order to let people detect the natural gas leak earlier, natural gas companies will mix the natural gas with malodor. gas.

Firefighters did not smell the stench, and the natural gas alarms they carried were silent.

Wang Mugong's family all fell to the ground. There were several beaches of vomit on the floor. Wang Mugong's condition was the most serious. His mouth was spit with foam and he was unconscious. His family was still conscious, but his whole body was weak and unable to move.

Firefighters at this time judged that it was not a gas leak but food poisoning.

The firefighters were also sent downstairs to wait for the firefighters. The firefighters ran into the house one after another and carried the Wang Woodworking family downstairs one after another, helping the rescuers to transport them into the ambulance.

However, the incident did not end there. The firefighters also developed symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. They were taken to the ambulance together with Wang Woodong's family.

Before the ambulance had time to drive away, the emergency center received a second phone call. The reporter also came from this community, from a different unit in the same building. It was Zhao Welder ’s family who reported that he had a tight chest and shortness of breath. Unable to stand, maybe a heart attack.

The emergency personnel were alert and felt that the situation was serious. After taking protective measures, they rushed to Zhao Welder's house.

At this time, Zhao Welder's consciousness had been blurred and he was weak. His family was in a hurry, but the emergency staff not only lifted Zhao Welder downstairs, but also asked his family to go downstairs for a medical examination.

His family did not understand the situation and almost quarreled with the emergency staff. After the first-aid staff persuaded them, they reluctantly followed them down for a medical examination. The results were normal.

The symptoms of Zhao Welder are very similar to those of Wang Mugong's family, and the degree is between that of Wang Mugong's family and firefighters.

After receiving information from the fire brigade and the emergency center, it was judged that this was not a simple food poisoning incident, it might be a suspected large-scale poisoning, or even a more serious incident.

So the fire brigade and the emergency center called the police.

After receiving the news, the police rushed over to block the scene at a speed of 100,000, and the situation of the organization was further expanded.

According to the feedback obtained from the emergency center, it is determined that Zhao Welder, Wang Mugong's family, and firefighters are the same poison, which is extremely toxic, but what kind of poison needs to wait for the test results, it is certain that this poison Extremely rare toxin.

I also want to know that the firefighters showed signs of poisoning in just a few minutes after staying at Wang Mugong's house. How strong is the toxicity?

The police urgently transferred the biochemical special police team and went all out to find the source of the poison and toxin.

Speaking of which, Shengke asked the police to have a SLR camera and let Zhang Zi'an look at the LCD screen.

Centec switched photos one by one. These photos were taken by the Biochemical Special Police Team, and the shooting location was Wang Mugong's home.

Zhang Zi'an saw that Wang Mugong's house was very messy, with all kinds of miscellaneous things piled up, almost no place to stay.

Older people are often reluctant to throw away useless old objects, and as a result, more and more things are at home.

Sheng Ke sighed: "This house is too messy, we don't even know what the source of the poison is, we can only look for it blindly, it is almost a haystack ..."

Because it is a densely populated area, and the toxicity of the unknown toxin is extremely strong, the special police team did not even dare to open the windows for ventilation, for fear that it would reach the nearby people.


Zhang Zi'an suddenly shouted Sheng Ke, "Captain Sheng, take two back."

Shengke didn't know what he found, and did as he said.

Director Chen stood on the other side of Shengke, staring intently at the LCD screen of the SLR camera.

Zhang Zi'an saw that this picture took a corner of the fish tank. The water in the fish tank was still clear, but all the small fish floated on the water and turned over his belly. He has been dead for a long time.

"What's wrong? What did you see, Xiao Zhang?" Director Chen asked eagerly.

Zhang Zian wondered, did the toxin originate from the fish tank?

But he couldn't be sure, because the toxin was so strong that it would poison even a few breaths. If dissolved in water, the fish in the poisoning tank is also normal, and it cannot prove that the source of the poison is the fish tank.

"Director Chen, Captain Sheng, don't know if Zhao Welder can speak now? If I can, I would like to ask Zhao Welder a few questions. Of course, Wang Mugong can answer better, but Wang Mugong is not awake yet, right?" He asked.

Centec immediately used a walkie-talkie to contact the police stationed in the emergency center.

"Welder Zhao has been out of danger and can speak." Shengke reciprocated and asked Director Chen with his eyes.

Director Chen nodded slightly ~ ~ Shengke handed the walkie-talkie to Zhang Zi'an.

"Hello? Is it Master Zhao? I'm Zhang Zi'an from the Aquarium of Qiyuan. I'm assisting the police to find the source of poison that has poisoned you. Please tell me what you did at Wang Mugong's house last night."

The situation was urgent, and Zhang Zi'an omitted the politeness, and made clear his identity and the purpose of the call in a few words.

Zhao Welder's hoarse voice came from the walkie-talkie, seemingly slumped, judging by two people with his usual loud voice.

"Well ... we didn't do anything ... Wang Mugong turned over the tank, took out the fish and shrimp in the tank, poured out the water in the tank, and planned to reopen the tank. I looked around, who knows how to get so bad ... "

That's what Zhang Zi'an waited for. He had to confirm that Wang Mugong and Zhao Welder actually turned over.

Turning over the tank means restarting the ecosystem in the fish tank and cleaning the fish tank.

Residents in some tanks may not be happy.

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