Pet King

Chapter 862: Make trouble

Zhang Zi'an's words were soft and soft, which made the girl stupefied. She thought that her requirements were very low, and she could buy a pet to accompany herself, but unexpectedly she ate a closed door.

The rich but not profitable boss in front of her also made her look impressive, even a dark heart seemed to shine into a thin ray of sunlight.

She wasn't angry or annoyed, she said from another angle: "Boss, please believe me, I really don't care what kind of pet, as long as it is a cat and a dog, and I will treat it well when I buy it back. It will not be passed on to others casually. "

Despite her sincere tone, Zhang Zi'an did not relax easily, but instead asked: "Guests, you might as well talk about your own needs and objective conditions. I will try to help you analyze, for example, whether the surrounding neighbors care about pets being noisy or renting a house. The house you bought, whether you have enough space at home, how your family or roommates are about keeping pets, whether you have enough time to spend time with your pets outdoors, whether pets are too intimate will interfere with your work and study, what is the financial situation, etc. The more detailed you are, the more accurate I can help you to analyze whether you are suitable for pets and what kind of pets are suitable. "

A series of questions made her overwhelmed, and she digested it slowly before answering slowly: "The neighbors are also raising dogs, so don't mind ... the house was bought for me at home, I live alone, and my family is outside ... space? This is a medium-sized house, and the space should be okay ... outdoor sports ... "

Speaking of outdoor sports, she paused, and then smiled bitterly: "I didn't like outdoor sports before, I like to stay at home, but I will try to go out and walk more. Well ... economic status ... economic status is OK Well, it ’s okay to feed yourself, and it ’s okay to feed another pet. As for whether the pet will interfere with my work and study, please rest assured that I buy a pet just to accompany me and stick to me all day ... ... "

From her description, she is actually very suitable for pets. She wants pets to stick to herself as much as possible, so dogs are more suitable for her, but she also mentioned that she doesn't like outdoor sports, which has some contradictions with dog breeding.

Many families, especially young couples or lovers, like dogs and have dogs. They usually have all kinds of intimacy with dogs, but they always push each other when it is their turn to go out to walk the dogs, and even cause conflicts and quarrels. After all, everyone is tired. After a day, everyone knows that it is more comfortable to lie on the sofa and brush your friends circle or play games.

If there is an elderly person at home, you can push the dog walk to the elderly, but young couples do not like to live with the elderly ...

The girl said that she didn't like outdoor sports, but emphasized that she would work harder to go out in the future. Honestly, Zhang Zi'an was skeptical of her statement. It was not easy to overcome the inertia of the house, and she would probably return to the house life after two days of freshness and be lazy to come out.

If she insists on keeping pets, Zhang Zi'an thinks that she is more suitable for cats. Cats are a more secure choice. Although no cat is as sticky as she hopes, it is better than placing bets on her pets. Since then, I have fallen in love with the option of outdoor sports, this chance is too slim.

After she said it, she asked with hope: "Boss, what kind of pet am I suitable for? Cat or dog?"

"Cat," Zhang Zi'an replied with uncertainty.

"Cat? Well, the cat is also good, I like it very much." She smiled and looked at the playful kittens on the floor of the shop, and looked up at the adult Abyssinian cat jumping on the shelf, and asked further. "What kind of cat do you have? Boss, what advice do you have?"

She promised too crisply, without seeming to disagree, but made Zhang Zi'an's heart more and more bottomless. Is anyone really raising pets so casually? I always think something is wrong.

"The price gap between cats is relatively large, there are thousands to tens of thousands, you can choose according to your affordability of the guests." Zhang Zi'an said.

"I won't choose, boss, please help me choose one." She shook her head very simply, and kicked the ball back again. "Thousands of dollars are fine, tens of thousands of dollars ... can still bear the teeth. , After all, not every day to buy cats. "

On the surface, Wang Qian, who had been eavesdropping on the ground, actually cried, meaning to choose the most expensive, and it is best to add some extra money. I ca n’t believe these rich second generations!

Zhang Zi'an saw that she was not like the rich second generation, no matter whether she was dressed or looks, but the conditions she gave were too broad, and she must find ways to narrow it further.

"Then, do you like longhair or shorthair cats? Longhair cats may feel better, but it is troublesome to take care of daily life, and the hair loss is serious. Shorthair cats are more suitable for the fast-paced life of modern cities."

The kitten's hair length is not very distinct, so he pointed to Fina and Snow Lion as examples, which caused Fina to stare fiercely.

"It's okay, I don't think it's troublesome," she said.

Even Zhang Zi'an was defeated this time. There is no way to take her. Is it really necessary to choose a cat to sell to her?

Wang Qian snickered secretly, saying that Master, you usually pretend to beat your face in front of customers. It's your turn to eat it today? I can't tell that this girl is really awesome ...

"Otherwise, have you heard of a slogan of adoption instead of purchase?" Zhang Zi'an had no choice but to sacrifice the final legality ~ ~ He never dreamed that he would use this sentence someday Amway others ...

She thought about it, "It seems like I heard it somewhere."

"If you don't have a special preference for breed cats, I recommend that you adopt one for free ... Adopting instead of buying has many advantages. Firstly, it can save money, secondly, you can reduce stray cats and dogs, and once again promote the development of social welfare. In the end, there is no harm without trading ... "Zhang Zi'an said with a finger.

He just said so helplessly, there was a certain self-deprecation and ridicule, but she did not expect that she nodded and said, "Sounds good, where can I adopt?"

"There are many channels for adoption. First of all, you can pick one from the outside. Now there are many stray cats outside. You pick one and take it to a pet clinic for deworming and vaccination. You can take it home after checking that you are fine. Or you can go to a special adoption agency, but I personally recommend one more place, which is the Lee's Supreme Cat Snack Bar across the road. This store has a cooperative relationship with that store. You can try it ... "

Zhang Zi'an has so many things, he just wants to rush out this hot potato.

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