Pet King

Chapter 878: Old sailor

The back of Lao Huang and Xiaozhi's father and son went further and further. In the end, they could only see the goldfish kite carried by Lao Huang being blown up by the wind from time to time. Some people said leisurely: "It would be better if there were more people like this."

Zhang Zi'an turned his head and looked at the leading fisherman. He was in his thirties and was in a strong and prosperous age.

啊 "Ah, I haven't introduced yet. My surname is Ke, and my name is Ke Shaohui." He took the initiative to shake hands. "In fact, I can see that you were mainly treating the minke whale just now? Then the father and son helped?"

His eyes fell on Zhang Zi'an's sleeve.

Zhang Zi'an's two cuffs were stained with whale blood, and some blood spots were splashed on the clothes. It is estimated that they cannot be washed out. Fortunately, they are not expensive brand-name clothes.

In comparison, Lao Huang and Xiaozhi father and son had almost no blood on their bodies. They were clean, but were soaked in seawater.

At a glance, Tong Ming will know who is responsible for the work and who is responsible for calling 666.

"Without them, I would have no idea that a minke whale is stranded here." Zhang Zi'an said, also introducing his name.

"This ... if I'm wrong, don't go into your heart. Why do I think you are familiar? Have we seen it?" Ke Shaohui stared at Zhang Zi'an's face and looked at it suspiciously. "The name seems to be Have you heard of it ... "

Zhang Zi'an was sure he had never seen each other.

"Ah! I remember! You took the dog to Berlin to receive the award ..." Ke Shaohui suddenly remembered that he had seen the news of Zhang Zi'an while hanging out on the Internet.

Zhang Zi'an smiled and did not deny it.

"啧! No wonder you are so familiar with treating animals, and replaced by another person here, it is estimated that the whale died prematurely ..." Ke Shaohui pouted.

"Secretary! Are you there?" A voice came from the intercom.

绍 Ke Shaohui put the walkie-talkie to his mouth, "What's the matter?"

"I just received a report that a nearby fishing boat has touched the reef and has leaked. It is about to sink. Let us help out above. The situation is more urgent," said the radio.

行 "Okay, I see. You're sailing over the boat ..." Ke Shaohui said half, raising his eyes to the tugboat, frowning.

The fishermen on the tugboat were worried that the wound on the minke whale was cracking during the swim. They drove the ship and followed the minke for a while, and stopped until it dived into the sea without a trace and stopped. Now it is far away, only A small undulating black spot appeared on the sea, at least ten kilometers from the shore.

I drove the tug to the shore, lowered the inflatable dinghy, took Ke Shaohui back to the tug, and drove to the fishing boat crash site. This series of processes was very time consuming, especially the wrecked fishing boat was in critical condition and could not be delayed.

So, Ke Shaohui immediately changed his path: "You go immediately to assist the wrecked fishing boat, you don't have to come back to pick me up."

"That section chief ..."

"I'll take a taxi back home, and you hurry up." Ke Shaohui could not agree to give orders.

好 "Okay, then we go."

The tugboat's engine twirled the white waves, slowly adjusted its head, and drove in full force in the other direction.

Actually, the Minke whale just left without returning. Part of the reason should be that it was afraid of the tugboat. It could n’t tell the difference between the tugboat and the one that hurt it, but Zhang Zi'an didn't tell this part of the reason. Old Huang just listened.

When Ke Shaohui was speaking, Zhang Zi'an lowered his trouser corner and put on his shoes and socks.

After waiting for Ke Shaohui to put down the walkie-talkie, Zhang Zi'an asked, "Yes, you said something similar happened before? Can you tell me?"

"Oh, okay." Ke Shaohui nodded, "Many whales have recently come to the sea outside Binhai, do you know this?"

"I know, it was performed in TV news." Zhang Zi'an said with confidence that I might be the first to know.

"Well, our department is very busy recently. We always go out to sea with the experts sent above. Today the ship came late because of this reason ..." Ke Shaohui resigned helplessly. "The existing ship is not enough, and it was more than enough before. . "

"Expert?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

"Because these whales came inexplicably." Ke Shaohui said without any ambiguity, "The TV said it was because our city's pollution control was very effective. In fact, we all understand that it is not the same thing. We people are almost out of the sea every day We know better than anyone about patrols and pollution control. Of course, marine pollution has indeed improved in recent years, but it is far from achieving the expected goals ... We understand these things, and the people above also understand, so I have invited a lot of domestic and foreign Experts came and wanted to study what attracted so many whales in Binhai, but ... "

He laughed at himself, "Experts lined up and walked in line. The expenses were a lot. Various theories raised a lot, and it was said that the alien spaceship was hidden underwater in Binhai City, but No reliable one! "

Zhang Zi'an held back a laugh, saying that it was really hard for these experts.

Ke Shaohui continued: "The increase in the number of whales is definitely a good thing. The people above also support it and help the city develop tourism. However, some whales come with injuries and some are stabbed by harpoons. Some were injured by the propeller, and others were also injured. "

Zhang Zi'an cheered up and listened carefully.

Ke Shaohui looked towards the direction of the minke whale disappearing and said, "In the injured whale, there are not many lucky ones that can be treated like this minke whale. Minor injuries may naturally improve, but there is no way to heavier injuries. Some of them were rushed to the shore after being killed in the sea, their bodies were found, or some were stranded to the shore like this minke, but the discoverers did n’t know how to deal with them urgently, and they lost valuable time. He was dead ... "

"Of course, I am not shirking responsibility. There are also reasons for our slow response and action. Like my people, several of them are junior college students who have just passed the graduation exam. They will not teach anything and teach everything. Seasickness ... Why do you say that seasickness is admitted to the fishery administration? Isn't that adding to our obstruction? People say that they thought they were sitting in the office before they entered the examination ... "Ke Shaohui started to complain.

Zhang Zi'an can understand. In the past, Binhai City could not see a whale at leisure, and suddenly there were so many whale swarms. The under-prepared fishery administration must be busy.

"But I think you are very experienced?" He asked tentatively.

我 "I? I used to be a Navy." Ke Shaohui said proudly, "Let me take these college students, it is almost like a lion with a flock of sheep!"

No wonder ... Zhang Zi'an was stunned, and said that the skillful and delicate sailor knot could not be played by ordinary people, it must be from the old sailor's method, the other party's statement did not brag.

Ke Shaohui stared at Zhang Zi'an's face and said half-jokingly: "Yes, because of insufficient manpower, I heard that this year's fishery administration has expanded its scale and the budget has doubled to cope with the sudden increase in whale populations. Look at your age Should be in your twenties? Would you like to take the test? "

的 The hairy boys who just came out of the school are really embarrassing. He saw the stitches on the minke whale and felt that if Zhang Zi'an could be recruited into the fishery administration's team, it would be an instant combat force. However, he also knows that this is unlikely. After all, Zhang Zi'an can be considered a success, and there is no need to mix in the system, but he still regrets that there are too few such talents.

Unsurprisingly, Zhang Zi'an declined his invitation.

"Where did those whales get hurt?" Zhang Zi'an asked curiously.

Ke Shaohui thought about it, "The propeller is hard to say, because the propellers of all countries are similar. When the whale dives from the boat, if the dive is too shallow, it may be injured by the propeller. By the way, this year's fishing season is generally advanced. Then, the lifting of the embargo period has to be postponed. I heard that the above is studying how to compensate the fishermen. This is also no way out. However, there are not many fishermen who actually go out to sea to fish, most of them are cage culture, which has little impact. "

Zhang Zi'an nodded, and the fishing boats coming and going could indeed accidentally hurt the whales.

"As for the harm caused by the harpoon ..." Ke Shaohui groaned. "Although the greed and curiosity of a few Chinese fishermen cannot be completely ruled out, most of them should be caused by fishermen who poached whales in South Korea and Fuso. Our fishermen here do not have the tradition of whaling and eating whales. Even if they catch whales, they may be reported by the citizens with a sense of justice, so few fishermen in this city will do the kind of struggling and unpleasant ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Zhang Zi'an guessed a bit, but it was confirmed from Ke Shaohui's mouth, and there was still some emotion.

In fact, the Chinese people have a strong awareness of the protection of large wild animals such as cetaceans. In the past few years, a young baby minke whale died in a university cafeteria over Qilu. Immediately, students reported it to the media and relevant departments. .

"Besides, there are other whales that have no obvious cause of death, but after dissection, they found that their stomachs were stuffed with plastic bags and other domestic waste." Ke Shaohui sighed, "Maybe the fish is not enough, they only Being able to find something else to eat is one of the reasons why the fishing season needs to be advanced. "

子 Zhang Zi'an had not thought of this before, and it was immediately understood by Ke Shaohui.

The whale feed is very large, and after many years of fishing in the coastal city of Binhai, there are not many fish left. In order for these whales to settle in Binhai City for a long time, the city leaders must make every effort to create an environment suitable for them to live, but this cannot be done overnight.

Ke Shaohui looked at the waterproof watch on his wrist, "Ah, it's getting late, I'm going to hurry back, or others think I'm going to make a difference."

Zhang Zi'an was hungry early, pointed at his Wuling Shenguang, and said, "Would you like me to take a ride?"

好 "Okay, thank you!" Ke Shaohui was also polite and sat in the car happily. ...

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