Pet King

Chapter 882: Not a minke whale?

Zhang Zi'an and Lao Huang Han talked a few words, but because the two's age, experience and personality did not overlap at all, they felt a bit speechless after chatting a few words. When they heard Xiao Zhi's shout, they turned around and looked at the same time. .

"What? Where?"

The old Huangba looked around his neck, but the sea was so vast.

"There! It's over there!"

Xiao Zhi blushed anxiously. He felt that his father did not believe in himself, and desperately pointed in one direction, shouting with jumping feet.

Zhang Zi'an also looked over, but Xiao Zhi only pointed out a general direction, and how far away was completely unclear. He stared intently for a while, his eyes were stiff, but he didn't see any minke whale.

The same is true of Lao Huang, who also did not see it and asked skeptically: "Where is it? Is it because you read it wrong?"

Since Xiaozhi saved the minke whale, the whole person has been in a state of excitement. He muttered the story several times with his mother. He mumbled while eating and muttered before going to bed. He even muttered a few words while dreaming. But unfortunately the minke whaled so much. Today I woke up to the beach again early in the morning. So Lao Huang suspected that his son wanted to see minke whales too much, and he was wrong.

"Really! Just over there! Who asked you to just talk?" Lao Huang's questioning Xiaozhi was very hurt, so he said angrily.

Zhang Zi'an didn't see it, but instead of rushing to deny it, he scanned the sea and asked, "Xiaozhi, can you see clearly? Did it surface and sink again?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head. "I saw water spray."

"Is it a jet of water from a whale?" Zhang Zian asked.

"Huh!" Xiao Zhi nodded.

Zhang Zi'an frowned imperceptibly, winked at Lao Huang, and called him aside.

Xiao Zhi still stared at the sea persistently, trying to wait for the second spray of water from the whale.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Lao Huang saw that Zhang Zi'an had something to say, and didn't want to say it in front of Xiaozhi, so he asked in a low voice.

Zhang Zi'an also whispered, "Lao Huang, do you think Xiaozhi really saw a whale?"

Lao Huang hissed and took a breath, and said in an embarrassment: "Xiaozhi, a child who rarely lied, I don't like to think he lied, but ... I don't really see any air column, you see No?"

"No." Zhang Zi'an groaned. "Actually, I don't think Xiaozhi is lying, but there is a problem ... If it is the semi-minor minke whale, we have seen the gas column sprayed by water, the gas column It is relatively thin and can only be seen when you are very close, but if it is so close, it stands to reason that the sea floor near us is relatively gentle, and it can't dive too deep ... "

Lao Huang listened, and didn't understand Zhang Zi'an's meaning at all, and had to smile bitterly: "Brother, what on earth do you want to say? Let's just say, I don't understand you!"

Zhang Zi'an had to explain in simple words: "I mean, either Xiaozhi was dazzled, or ... he didn't see the minke whale, but a bigger adult whale."

He tried not to doubt the possibility that Xiao Zhi was lying.

For further confirmation, he walked to Xiaozhi, squatted down and asked, "Xiaozhi, how far is the air column you see from the seashore where we are standing?"

"It's far away, it's almost over." Xiao Zhiyao pointed to the sea-sky junction.

Zhang Zi'an listened, preferring the latter-Xiao Zhi might see another whale. At such a long distance, the thin air column ejected by the minke whale may be difficult to see, unless Xiao Zhi has a pair of fighter pilot eyes.

"Brother, is the minke whale coming back to see us?" Xiao Zhi asked expectantly.

"Well ... it's hard to say, I think it might be another whale." Zhang Zi'an admitted frankly, "Xiao Zhi, you know that many whales have recently come to the outer sea of ​​our city, although most of them are small animals living in the northeast Pacific. Baleen whales, but there may also be other types of whales. "

"Yeah ..." Xiaozhi was disappointed, but asked curiously immediately, "What kind of whale?"

"It's not clear for the time being, you have to read it to know." Zhang Zi'an replied.

Therefore, Xiaozhi and Lao Huang did not fly the kite anyway. The kite seemed to be flawed, and always couldn't fly high. He sat on the reef with Zhang Zi'an, staring at the sea, looking for the whales.

A few minutes passed ...

Ten minutes passed ...

"Why not spray water? Is the whale swimming?" Xiao Zhi anxiously rested, stood up for a while, and sat down for a while. But it's no wonder that boys of this age have always burned monkey butts-they can't sit still.

Old Huang also waited a little impatiently, most of the time playing with his mobile phone, occasionally looking up.

There is nothing on the endless sea, empty, if it is not the waves still rolling, it is doubtful that a huge painting is in front of you.

"Be patient when you want to see a whale," Zhang Zi'an advised. "Whales are slow-moving animals. It takes a long time for a dive to come up for breathing."

Having said that, generally the minke whale's dive time is not so long, which makes him even think that if Xiao Zhi did not dazzle and read correctly, then the sea must not be a minke whale.

Minke whales can reach deep dives of 20 to 25 minutes, but usually they don't dive so long, only about 10 minutes.

Xiaozhi was like a trip to the zoo to see the tigers. As a result, the tigers were always anxious and disappointed as they would not lie in the tiger shed.

Lao Huang looked at his watch again and pulled Xiaozhi, saying, "Xiaozhi, let's go, don't wait, you should go to the English interest class."

"But I'm not interested in English!" Xiao Zhi twisted his body and said awkwardly, "I'm interested in whales!"

"Cough! This is not a question of interest!" Lao Huangban raised his face and educated, "If everyone else's children are on board, if you don't go up, you will be left behind, we can't lose on the starting line!"

Zhang Zi'an did not comment, only if he did not hear.

"I don't want to go to interest class ~ ~ I want to see a whale!"

Xiao Zhi sits on the beach with a buttock and pretends that his stomach hurts. He tried not to go to the English interest class, but Lao Huang resolutely refused to make concessions on this point and asked him to say anything.

After a long period of trouble, Zhang Zi'an still sympathized with Xiaozhi, but Lao Huang actually did the right thing—I have my own national conditions in Qing Dynasty, Xiaozhi doesn't understand it now, and will definitely thank his father in the future.

So he said, "Xiao Zhi, so, I'm waiting here, you go to the hobby class. If a whale appears, I will take a picture and send it to your father-so far away, whether it is through the eyes or through the photos Look, it doesn't really make a difference, do you say OK? "

Xiao Zhi is still reluctant, but there is no other way. ...

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