Pet King

Chapter 887: Ownerless dog

Zhang Zi'an heard the grandmother said that this Pomeranian was not bought by her, but she picked it up and immediately responded. This Pomeranian must be raised in the Aimeng pet breeding base, in Laocha and Feima At the same time that St. Peter was in love with Meng pets, he escaped with other cats and dogs, because he was sprinting with short legs at an early age, and soon separated from the army.

Laocha and Feimas also heard the grandmother's narration. Laocha turned off the TV, Feimas opened her eyes and listened with interest.

When Zhang Zi'an saw her grandmother talking dry, she asked Wang Qian to pour a cup of warm water with a disposable paper cup and hand it to her.

After the grandma thanked him, she carefully drank the paper cup, wiped the water flowing down the corner of her mouth with her back, and then continued to tell.

This white puppy is very pitiful. If he stays in the snow like this, he will be frozen alive after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

She had the intention to take it home, but felt that it might be a dog that was lost in someone else's house. How sad it would be if someone else came over and couldn't find the dog.

So she put down the sack full of empty bottles, held it up, put it in her arms, shielded it with her body, and stood there waiting for its owner to find it.

I picked up a sack of empty bottles early today. She could have gone home early, but for this puppy, she waited for an hour while standing in place. She kept shaking her feet by shaking her feet to prevent herself from being frozen. .

In order to fight loneliness, she also hummed her favorite Kunqu.

Although this road is remote and occasionally passes by one or two people, no one looks like he is looking for something, and hurries with his head down.

The grandmother is old, and her brain is not dull. She is not stupid enough to ask everyone if you lost the dog, but pay attention to observe their facial expressions and movements. If the owner of the lost dog, you can definitely see it.

The puppy was a little warmer in her arms, and hummed, as if hungry.

After waiting for an hour, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, and no one would pass by for a long time.

The grandma decided not to wait any longer.

"Guy, are you hungry? Go home with grandma first."

Because the puppy was small, she temporarily put it in her cotton-padded jacket pocket, put the sack with the empty bottle back on her back, and slowly walked home with a cane.

When she got home, she made some milk powder for it, and it mumbled and drank very happy.

After that, she simply picked up a small nest, and put more rags in the nest to make it warm and let it sleep in the nest.

She was afraid of the dog loser's anxiety. She wrote a note early the next morning and walked down the cold wind to the place where the dog was found last night, posted it on the wall, and asked the dog owner to call her.

However, one day passed, two days passed, and a month or two passed in a blink of an eye. The paper on the wall was blown off several times by the wind and removed by the sanitation workers several times. Each time she would paste it in time. , But the dog owner never contacted her.

Zhang Zi'an knew the reason, because the dog had no owner at all, but she didn't know it and was waiting.

During this period, the puppy grew up day by day, grew very slowly, and her relationship with her was getting better and better. In the morning, she reluctantly watched her go out, and greeted her back happily in the evening.

She is also happy. She has always been lonely. She finally has a companion, but occasionally she will be worried, because in the subconscious she feels that this dog is not her. One day the dog owner will come over and take it away.

Because she ran around for a living all day, she rarely had time to take it out. One day she was fine. When she took it out, she met a neighbor nearby.

The neighbor was surprised and asked when she bought the dog.

She answered truthfully, she picked it up, not bought it, and was waiting for the dog owner to find it.

The neighbours scolded her for being dead-headed and picked up everything, so why bother returning it? Why do n’t you pick up the empty bottle and return it?

She shook her head and said that an empty bottle is not wanted by others, but how could such a cute dog not?

When the neighbor could not persuade her, he changed his mouth and said that he would buy the dog for several hundred dollars, and said that the dog was a string, worth only a few hundred dollars, and selling the dog was equivalent to picking up empty bottles for how many days?

No matter what the neighbors said, she stubbornly refused to agree, either because she didn't think the dog belonged to her, or because she didn't want to sell it even if it belonged to her.

Another thing she was worried about was that the puppy grew too slow and didn't like to eat much. Seeing that other people's dogs are growing up every day, this dog is not as long as bean sprouts.

In addition, the dog is always lame, with only a few periods of time in the day being energetic, and at other times it is often slouching down.

She tried her best to feed it something she couldn't bear to eat, but it still had no appetite.

How can you grow up without food?

Recently, its condition has become more and more serious. Not only does it not grow up, it sometimes faints without warning. At first she thought it was asleep, but she didn't wake up even if she woke up, and she would wake up slowly after ten minutes.

She was worried and thought the dog might be sick.

The neighbor once again proposed to buy this dog for several hundred dollars, saying that she could not cure the dog anyway, so she might as well sell the dog to him, and leaving this dog in her hand would be a dead end.

The neighbor said this before, she didn't feel moved, but this time it was different. She also felt that if she kept the dog beside her, she might really die.

She knows that there are pet hospitals that treat cats and dogs, but the fees are very high, and she can't afford to cure them by the money she collects in bottles every day.

One night, she watched TV with her puppy at home. The TV was small and blurred, and she could only see the local station. The TV shows on local stations are old, just like her.

However, at that time, the local station had not yet started to show TV series, but was instead showing local news. There was a young guy who looked very spirited in the news in an interview with reporters.

From the reporter's words ~ ~ she knows that the young man is running a pet shop locally. It seems to be very famous. The trained dog has won a foreign film emperor, and by the way solved a poisoning incident caused by aquatic life.

If someone who is not interested sees such news, she may have changed channels early, but her small TV can only receive the local station, and she cannot change it if she wants to change.

Then, she was surprised to see what kind of show the young guy led a big dog with the reporter and came to the green field to perform live.

Maybe others don't recognize the green space, but she can recognize it because it is right behind her house. In other words, this young guy's pet shop should be separated from the old broken bungalow she lives in by this green area.

Out of her trust in the news program, she decided to visit this pet shop on TV. ...

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