Pet King

Chapter 892: Whale fall

Π was surprised, because Zhang Zi'an had not disclosed the idea of ​​going to the sea by boat at all.

I was surprised even Zhang Zi'an himself.

He is an occasional whim, in fact, he has no reason to sail a boat and go to sea. However, after seeing the huge giant whale, he developed almost irresistible curiosity. It must be known that the huge whale of that size is very dangerous to come to the offshore. An accident can be stranded. The real thing belongs to it is blue Deep sea.

What made him come to the sea contrary to his instinct for survival? Is it Shihua's singing voice? Or did it hurt too?

Since the content of Shihua's singing is to let the whale that has been killed in Northeast Asia take refuge in Binhai City, so in theory, it may also be killed, because he heard Shihua's singing and fled here. However, this brought a new question-Shihua sent the whales to the offshore waters of Binhai City, but did not let them approach the shore. The minke whale stranded before was an accident after injury.

So, that giant whale was also injured?

Based on the current situation, he has to be so skeptical.

When I glanced at the seaside, because the distance was too far and there were no reference objects nearby, the size of the giant whale could not be accurately estimated, but even at a rough look, it was at least ten meters in length and might weigh more than ten tons. Is an out-of-the-box adult giant whale.

Once a giant whale of this size is stranded on the shore, there is almost no way to get it back to sea in a short time, and it can only be watched as it dies. Even when it left the sea and ran aground, when it lost the buoyancy of the sea, its bones and internal organs were crushed by its own weight, and even the gods could not save it.

If it really risked approaching the shore because of an injury, it would be serious-it cannot be as fortunate as a minke to be stranded on the coast to be found and rescued. It can only wait for the wound to heal, or for someone to take the initiative Discover its injuries.

子 Zhang Zi'an has no mental impulse. He knows that it is very dangerous to approach a giant whale weighing more than ten tons by boat, and it may also be a giant whale that is unconscious because of injury.

Even if the giant whale didn't want to hurt him, as long as he accidentally turned over, he could be taken into the sea with a boat, and his bones and the boat could be broken with a flick of his tail ...

This is the case for the cricket body grade crushing, there is no room for resistance at all.

He was like an adult man facing a newborn kitten and puppies in front of a giant whale. The weight difference was more than a hundred times, and he just disappeared when he talked and laughed.

What's more, the weight of ten tons is a conservative estimate. It is not surprising to say that the giant whale actually has twenty tons.

As long as people with normal minds should not rush to touch an unfamiliar dog to prevent being bitten. The dog is still like this, what about a strange giant whale? Those with a good mind should stay away.

What's more, the only way he can approach the giant whale is an inflatable boat with an electric motor, which is provided for fishers to go fishing in the sea. If you don't need an electric motor to save money, you must paddle by hand ...

Even an oceanographer who specializes in cetaceans does not take an inflatable boat to approach an unfamiliar giant whale, which is a standard death act.

He said that, just let the giant whale live on its own?

I have a wonderful word called "whale fall", which means that when a whale dies, its body will slowly sink to the bottom of the sea, turning itself into nutrients, and feeding many underwater creatures.

A lot of marine life that grows on the sea floor and can't see the sun for life, they just depend on whale to make a living.

The whale bones are huge, and the whale meat is rich in oil, which breaks down slowly. It is estimated that when a giant whale dies, its carcass can feed many underwater creatures for years or even decades.

It is said that the speed at which cherry blossoms fall is five centimeters per second, so what is the speed at which the whale falls?

When a giant whale dies, it will not immediately sink into the ocean floor, but will float on the surface for a period of time. It will be eaten by seabirds, sharks, and polar bears. In the process of sinking into the ocean, it will also be caught by other fish I rip it in one bite. When I reach the bottom of the sea, the dead body will attract more creatures such as blind eels, sleeping sharks and deep-sea crabs, followed by setaria and crustaceans. Aerobic bacteria.

In the process, its flesh was shredded and decomposed to form "sea snow", which was blown by the current to spread farther and nurture more lives.

Each giant whale dies, and many new lives are born.

Even when the flesh and blood of the giant whale has completely disappeared, its grayish-white skeleton will stand on the sea floor for a long time, forming a weird and mysterious landscape. When human deep-sea submersibles enter the deep ocean for the purpose of scientific exploration, they often see forests of whale bones, like monuments to marine giants. Strangely shaped marine creatures roamed between the whale bones, hurriedly hiding under the disturbance of the lights of the submersible, stirring up the turbid sea sand from time to time.

However, due to whaling activities and industrial pollution, the number of giant whales is getting less and less, and the number of whales has also decreased. No one knows how many creatures in the deep sea that depend on whales have quietly disappeared.

Life is dead ~ ~ Life, sickness and death are the reincarnation of heaven, and people and whales are no exception.

The giant whale that Zhang Zi'an saw can also die, but it is not worth to die like this, it is not worth to die in the shallow sea. This is meaningless. Its final destination should be the distant deep sea, like other giant whales. Feeding all things-of course, this should be decades away, and whales have a long life.

So he wanted to go out to sea and try to find the giant whale.

If it is really injured or sick, he will try his best to help, even if his own strength is not enough, he can go to the new fisherman Ke Shaohui for help. After all, this should also be within the scope of fishery administration within. If this doesn't work, you can also go to Liu Ying, a local TV reporter, for help, and call on the caring people in the society to give money and make a strong effort to save the life of this giant whale.

Everyone picked up firewood and the flames were high. The strength of one person was small, and the strength of everyone was powerful. Even the stranded minke whale, without Lao Huang and Xiao Zhi's help, he would not be able to operate on it independently and return it to the sea. The caring people are always in the majority, and most people are awed by the beast and do not want to see it die with regret.

Alas, the premise of all of this is that it is indeed injured or sick, rather than coming to the shallow sea for other reasons, such as Shihua's singing. This requires him to confirm with his own eyes by boat. ...

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