Pet King

Chapter 907: Deep sea bottom

When the villa was suddenly empty, Shihua was very embarrassed and knocked on his head, thinking he hadn't awoken yet.

But the villa was really empty, and the noise before disappeared as if disappeared overnight.

The rich and powerful villa owner, the girl with a somber face all day, the chef in professional attire, cleaning, security, all disappeared, as if there had never existed.

The things in the villa did not disappear, including the big TV, still beautiful and neat, waiting for the owner to return at any time.

Shihua was at a loss at all, not because she had an affection for the family, but because the Korean drama was not finished yesterday, leaving her unknown ending to her heart and liver.

However, through watching these Korean dramas, she learned some social common sense. Although it is not necessarily correct, she did.

Maybe they are going out temporarily? For example, a string of relatives.

She waited patiently with her expectation.

One day has passed ...

Three days have passed ...

The owner of the villa still did not return.

As no one cleaned, the original clean swimming pool gradually covered with leaves and became less clear. When she woke up every morning, she had to bear to get rid of the leaves from her hair.

Later, it snowed.

The pool water became very cold, and a thin layer of ice would always form at night. In order not to be completely covered by the thick ice while she was sleeping, she had to crush the thin ice every day.

The owner of the villa still did not return.

She had to think about other possibilities. For example, they were on vacation in the warm south. This is usually the case for rich people. They will not return until the spring is blooming, and they may not return until summer.

The water in the pool was getting turbid.

She wanted to leave for a long time, and the reason she kept staying was because she wanted to know the final result of the mermaid named Shihua in the TV series. Although following the routines of these TV series, the male and female protagonists eventually became dependents. It's not that there is no blood plot between male and female heroes suffering from cancer ...

After watching these TV shows, they are basically the same routine, and guessing can also guess, but she just wants to see the ending, very much want to see, and even formed the obsession in her heart.

She also thought about taking the risk to leave the pond and enter the house, and continued to play the TV show herself. She had seen how the girl operated, but when she saw her tail, she knew it would not work. She didn't know that the girl shone brightly. Where the discs are stored, and the villa's glass door is locked from the inside and cannot be opened.

The snow fell, and the ice in the pond grew thicker and thicker, even to the point where she stumbled when she woke up.

So, she finally decided to leave, leaving this swimming pool where she didn't know how long she would stay, or she would be frozen into ice cubes together with the pool water one day.

The process of leaving was almost the same as when I came. I took the opportunity of high tide to get out of the swimming pool, opened the courtyard door, rolled onto the reef outside, and then slammed into the water.

The salty sea surrounded her again, strange and familiar.

The long-distance beluga did not leave her, but still hovered nearby, and soon came to her after hearing her call, holding her cold face on her forehead lovingly, and providing her warmth with her body temperature.

She hugged it tiredly, her eyelids became heavier and she wanted to sleep. She was always awakened by freezing in the swimming pool, always worried that she would be frozen into ice in her sleep.

She only slept for a while, just closed her eyes, she thought so, and then fell asleep instantly.

The beluga, whose voice was as beautiful as a canary, called her no matter what, she did not wake up, her mouth babbled like half-baked Korean, and her body was as cold as ice.

Beluga takes her downstream, swimming all the way to the depths of the sea, where there is no light, there is no sun all the year round, there is always a bottomless darkness, and the fish that live here are all ugly and scary. Look.

Occasionally, there will be a few light spots at this depth, but the clever and intelligent creatures will not be tempted to pass, because behind the light spots may be a large mouth filled with fangs.

Darkness cannot stop beluga, and its sonar system can ensure that it can find its way in absolute darkness.

It carried her downstream and swept deeper.

Finally, the sound wave encountered an extremely wide obstacle, reflecting as many as possible.

It emits sound waves to the lower side and is also partially reflected.

Beluga knows that she and she have reached the bottom of the sea.

The bottom of the sea, which should have been darker, was not as dark as imagined.

There are several winding dark red rays at the bottom of the sea, which are inactive craters. Lava gushes out of the earth's crust at a slow rate, is extinguished by the seawater, solidifies into volcanic stones, slowly seals the lava exit, and then is either renewed The gushing lava was pushed aside, or after a small submarine earthquake, the lava found a new exit.

There are abundant geothermal resources here, and there are strange underwater creatures living around it, strange enough to challenge human imagination. They basically have no eyes, and their vision has been degraded to a negligible degree. Most of them are human beings. Unseen, humans can never reach this depth without riding a submersible with a heavy shell.

Beluga took Shihua to wander over the lava, let the current heated by the lava touch her body, and at the same time carefully protect her from falling, so as not to be burned by the lava.

The lava outlet was blocked again, and the lava flowing from the bottom of the ground, with bubbles, gathered more and more underneath, and had to find another outlet. When a thin, fragile crust was found by the lava, a new small crater appeared along with a slight submarine earthquake.

During the shock, the ocean current caused a temporary disturbance.

Shihua also felt the shock in her sleep, and finally recovered her consciousness.

As soon as she moved, the beluga knew that she was about to wake up and slowed down, floating in the sea.

where is this place?

She tried to keep her eyes wide open ~ ~, staring blankly around the darkness, but she could see nothing.

The beluga told her that it was a deep ocean floor with hot lava beneath.

It wasn't until the warmth surged in like a tide that she realized how cold she was, and could hardly wake up.

She had been frozen in the pool for too long, even if she was an elf, she couldn't withstand the cold day after day.

It was the beluga who saved her.

If it hadn't been for her, she had become the first elf to be frozen to death ... or she might have been stupid.

In her sleep, she dreamed that she would become the heroine of the TV series, and instead of the ugly mermaid she was so ugly, she played her ending.

But when she woke up, she forgot the ending.

When the white whale took her to the surface and returned to the world under the warm sunshine, she decided to name herself Shihua.

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