Pet King

Chapter 910: Elven world

Shihua has only seen [Watermelon] once in the live broadcast room, but his arrogant face made her extremely disgusted, even if she did n’t give a gift to Bai Yan in the live broadcast room, why would she treat her like a life instructor? Pointing? She felt that she had begun bad luck since she encountered this id, and since then, it has been nothing easy!

Seeing this id again, she could not wait to slap him out of the screen and beat him, and then stripped her clothes and threw it to the store entrance to show the public ... However, the anonymity of the Internet made her unable to do so, only to stare angrily.

"The anchor looks so pretty! I think I need to change to a 4k display to lick the screen!"

"Oh! Every expression is used as wallpaper ..."

"Continue, don't stop!" [Old man is the wave] sends a hairy crab and leaves a message.

Shihua originally wanted to continue to be angry and made [Watermelon] scary with her eyes, but immediately smiled when she saw someone sending a gift.

It was also asked which city she was in, because she could not hear anything from her accent, it was completely standard Mandarin, and occasionally a few weird Koreans popped up.

She remembered Zhang Zi'an's admonition, asking her not to expose her city, not to mention her specific location. Otherwise, if she was discovered by the live broadcast platform, she might deal with her title. She did n’t care, but the problem was that others would She won't be able to get her money.

Shihua doesn't quite understand why these people are willing to listen to her reading fairy tales. In fact, the reason is very simple. There is no essential difference between listening to the anchor reading the fairy tale and listening to the anchor singing. In essence, they still look at their faces and voices, and whether they will sell cute. Although she doesn't sell cute, her face and voice are crushed.

She picked up the fairy tale book, cleared her throat, and said, "So, which fairy tale do you want to hear?"

"I just want to hear the anchor talk more. Anything can be done."

"Honestly I want to hear more horror stories. Now I'm at the rest station on the highway and need to be refreshed ..."

"Come on" Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness "!"

"I want to listen to" Bai Jie "... I rub! Why was it blocked?"

There was a lot of talk, but none of the audience mentioned it was a fairy tale, at least not in the fairy tale books she had read.

[Watermelon]: Aren't you the mermaid? Just read "Daughter of the Sea".

Shihua didn't want to ignore this person, and was going to scold him at the end of the live broadcast, but his proposal seemed to be approved by many viewers.

"Daughter of the sea? In which book?" Shihua flipped through the catalog of the fairy tale book at hand, and it was of course not to find the name. After all, she was holding the collection of Grimm's fairy tales.

[killme]: Is the anchor selling Moe? Although I haven't read it, I know I should look for it from Andersen's fairy tale!

[Momentary black]: This fairy tale is quite famous, but I have n’t read it. I only saw the Disney animated version, and I think it ’s more general.

[Death is coming]: In fact, the story itself is more general, it is nothing more than a prince and princess story, but the end of the tragedy is more alternative in fairy tales.

[Sour pineapple]: "The times have changed, and princes and princesses are no longer popular, and the overbearing president and Mary Su are popular ..."

[Dragon Knight Yin Zhiping]: I don't like Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. The fairy tales he wrote are all tragedies. What little girl selling matches, daughters of the sea and the like, why do you write tragedies for children?

[Two dogs]: Lying down! You still have a face to say to the barrage you just launched? Seeing your chapter on riding a dragon, I tore up the book!

[Dragon Knight Yin Zhiping]: Manually funny!

[Watermelon]: Actually Hai Hai's daughter is not a tragedy? I remember that Andersen left an open ending to this fairy tale, and hinted that the little mermaid had risen into the world of elves, which is much better than staying in the world and giving birth to a lot of bear children. Right?

[Wind rider]: Haha, the bear child must die!

Shihua noticed this barrage, although it came from the id she hated most.

"The Elven World?" She began to have some interest, and asked, "What is going on in the Elven World?"

Most of the live studios were men. Even after watching this fairy tale, I was not impressed, and even if the women had watched it, they only paid more attention to the final tragic ending of the little mermaid. world".

No one could answer her question, and the only one [watermelon] that seemed to be able to answer, at this time was silent again.


Shihua had no choice but to pull out Andersen's Fairy Tales from a stack of fairy tale books, and then find "Daughter of the Sea" from the catalog and turn to the corresponding page.

"It's so long! There are so many unknown words!"

She glanced frustratedly after a brief glance, thinking that reading this fairy tale was too challenging.

Of course, when she frowned, she had many fan screenshots to commemorate.

But [Watermelon] 's words aroused her strong interest, and she wondered what was going on in the so-called Elven World. Seeing from the barrage of the audience, this fairy tale seems to be a story about a mermaid, which is even more important to her. She did not see the ending of the Korean drama mermaid. At least this fairy tale definitely has an ending. ?

"Well, then I started to read ..." She cleared her throat again, and said at a stumbling speed: "In the distance of the sea, the water is so blue, like the most beautiful cornflower ... chrysanthemum petals ... "

When she encounters an unknown word ~ ​​ ~ she can only read the phonetic notation, plus she cares about the audience ’s reaction, she is not attentive, she will miss the tone from time to time, or she will miss it completely They frequently barrage.

However, it was precisely because she didn't read well that there were some errors in the score, which were highly comical in connection with the context. The most important thing was that she didn't mean something wrong. Her awkward and distressed expression just inspired the audience. Their desire to vomit, the density of barrage is very high, and people often give gifts.

Her timbre is beautiful, such as clear springs, such as flowing water stones, like leaves, and the tide echoes. The sound range is amazingly wide, and even the most discerning person can't pick up the fault.

To chant a fairy tale with such a voice and such a look, often makes viewers can't help but, even if it is the morning with less traffic, many people are attracted from other live broadcast rooms.

And herself, unknowingly immersed in the fairy tale, did not pay attention to the rapid growth of her fan base. Due to her concentration, she replaced herself as the protagonist of the story. Although she often misunderstood her voice, her voice had been injected into her feelings, and she was no longer as pale as she was at the beginning.

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