Pet King

Chapter 912: East facing the sea to whale watching

Shi Hua was still immersed in the fairy tale plot, but when she heard the voice downstairs, she was curious. She knows that Zhang Zi'an basically goes to the beach every morning, and sometimes comes back half an hour, sometimes back later. This has become the practice of pet shops, but today seems to be different?

She pushed a slit in the small bathroom window and peered down quietly.

Li Kun heard the voice and came out of the aquarium next door. Zhang Zi'an's clothes were really wet, and his hair was close to his forehead. At first, he thought Zhang Zi'an was the first time he sailed out of the sea and unfortunately fell into the water, but it wasn't like looking closely, because if the water fell, his clothes would be completely wet, while Zhang Zi'an's clothes were only wet in the outer part, mainly concentrated on the chest and shoulder And now it's a little bit dry, not so much as falling into the water, it's more like rain or being splashed with water from your head.

He looked up at the sky. It's cloudy today, but it hasn't rained so far.

Jiang Feifei heard the news and came out. When she saw Zhang Zi'an, she immediately thought of the idea.

"Shopkeeper, are you ... blown by a whale?" She asked enviously.

"Ga ??"

Fei Fei Jiang just said one less word of "water" and was heard keenly by Richard across the distance.

"Quack! I heard that the whale is very big, and the volume is also very large, don't rub it! It's all the essence, beauty and skin care!"

"Master! Really encountered a whale?" Wang Qian and Li Kun asked in unison.

They knew that Zhang Zi'an went out to watch whale watching, but it was still a surprise to hear that they really enjoyed the whale. After all, the sea is vast and the rubber boat can't sail far. How can I just meet the whale?

Zhang Zi'an pointed to the trunk of Wuling Shenguang. "The other one will talk about it later. Let me put the battery into the house and charge it."

"Good sinking!" Wang Qian nearly flashed the battery, his teeth grinning to signal Li Kun to hurry up to help, the two of them pushed the battery into the house together, found a corner and plugged in the power supply to charge.

There are several familiar customers in the shop, and they looked sideways when they saw Zhang Zi'an, who was slightly embarrassed.

Zhang Zi'an took off his semi-dry and semi-wet jacket, took the hair dryer by himself, and blow-shaped the soft hair first, otherwise it would damage the image.

"Master, that hair dryer is for dog hair." Wang Gan reminded kindly.

Zhang Zi'an glared at him, "No one treats you dumb if you don't talk!"

Wang Gan stuck his tongue out and dared not speak again.

"Ga! Your hair and your body are wet, so be careful!" Richard slyly expressed his concern, raised one side of his automatic dog washer and said, "Would you like to take a hot bath? Little One hundred dogs, two hundred big dogs, and single dogs are free! "

There are several customers in the automatic dog washing machine in line. Some people come here to try the new ones. Some people are old customers. I feel that the automatic dog washing machine is convenient for bathing the dogs. . When they saw this, they said that Zhang Zi'an could be washed first, and their dogs could wait.

Zhang Zi'an flatly refused their good intentions, picked up a towel by the way, and threw it at Richard, covering it on his head, and stabbed it back.

"Manager, have you really encountered a whale?" Jiang Feifei couldn't wait to ask. She has purchased a life jacket online. If she can actually encounter a whale, she plans to apply to follow Zhang Zi'an in the future.

Wang Qian and Li Kun were also very concerned about this issue, and raised their ears to listen.

"I did meet," Zhang Zi'an admitted.

"Whale? Where can I see the whale?" Some customers also heard it, and were also curious.

There is no sea world in Binhai City, and even in the big cities where sea world is opened, those sea worlds generally do not have whales, only dolphins, and at most a few killer whales or beluga whales, in fact, killer whales are cetaceans. It ’s not too much to say that it ’s a large dolphin. It is not easy and expensive to see the real large whale in China.

Even the world-famous whale-watching destinations are not sure to encounter whales after you go. They often need to stay for a few days and wait patiently for the emergence of whales at sea. Some whale-watching destinations have also launched Money back insurance policy.

Zhang Zi'an did not disclose the specific location, and said casually: "It is near the coast, sometimes cetaceans swim to the shallow sea. Today, I have good luck and I just met."

"It's not just 'encountering', isn't it easy? The manager, you must have encountered a whale up close?" Jiang Feifei guessed, "How else would you be sprayed?"

"Well, whale is often a group of activities. Today, I encountered several heads at once." Zhang Zi'an explained unclearly. "And it was very close to my boat. They were shocked when they came out, and my clothes were The water they sprayed was wet. "

How close can we get wet from the water sprayed by the whale?

Feifei Jiang and other customers were very envious when they heard what they said, and they wished they were also present at the time, constantly asking for details.

Zhang Zi'an uttered a few words in a whisper, but it was not completely nonsense, but he had reservations to satisfy their expectations of cetaceans.

In the eyes of ordinary people, whales are fat and cute, and in most cases it is true, especially on television. However, encountering a whale up close in the real world brings a greater sense of shock than it does on TV, provided that you are not too close, otherwise it may be dangerous, and Zhang Zi'an is too close this time. UC Reading

In the era of information explosion, many young people did not pay much attention to the local news at hand. Many people did n’t even know that there were many whales in Binhai. After Zhang Zi'an mentioned it, “What? Thing? "

"Director Zhang, you should launch a whale watching business for a fee. Certainly many people are willing to pay as long as it is cheaper than going to a big city's ocean world or going abroad to watch a whale!" A customer suggested.

"Yes, anyway, everyone is going to watch whale watching just to take photos and videos to send friends to pretend. Is it impossible to distinguish at home and abroad at home and abroad? You write a few lines of English on your ship, pretending to be abroad Send it in the circle of friends, Beier has face! "Another customer analyzed sharply.

"I want to be the first customer!" Jiang Feifei raised his hand excitedly.

Really don't say that their proposal is indeed feasible, as long as the whales are summoned with Shihua's specific voice, the operation is not troublesome.

It's just that this matter is not anxious. We will talk about it later. Anyway, no one can grab business with him. Zhang Zi'an first has to solve the problem of the giant whale.

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