Pet King

Chapter 920: Abnormal

Seeing the cracks in the glass, Zhang Zi'an did not respond for a while, and he said to his heart why the glass suddenly cracked. Did he just unknowingly stun the tiger's body and leaked?

Slap ... slap ...

The crack slowly spread in front of the two cats to the naked eye. At first, it only existed in the corner, and then expanded like a stalk. The glass was soon covered with crystal cracks. It was strange that it did not break. , At least temporarily.

"Hey? What's going on? What's wrong with the cats in your store?"

The customer asked loudly downstairs.

"This ... we don't know ..." Wang Qian and Lu Yiyun answered blankly.

Zhang Zi'an took three steps and made two steps. He rushed down the stairs quickly, and saw the cats and dogs in the shop trembled like a cataclysm. Some kittens shivered in the corner in horror, and some kittens were on their own. On the glass door, it seemed that they wanted to run out of the store, and the puppies in the display cabinet were desperately chopping the glass, and various barking sounds came and went.

Customers were shocked when they saw the sight.

I don't know who said "Lost! Isn't this going to be an earthquake?"

Animals are more sensitive than humans, especially some animals can hear the high-frequency sound waves from the earthquake zone deep in the crust, and the high-frequency sound waves travel very fast in the crust, so they tend to have before the earthquake Unusual performances, such as chicken flying, dog barking, mouse moving, etc.

Such cases have occurred more than once in history. People have seen abnormal behavior of animals collectively, realizing that an earthquake may be imminent, and rushed to a safe area, thereby avoiding major loss of life.

China is a country with many earthquakes. Many people present, regardless of age, gender, or age, have heard similar rumors. When they heard the words, they suddenly woke up in dreams, their faces changed drastically, and they could no longer afford to buy pets. Running outside like crazy, I was afraid that I would be crushed by the collapsed house in the rubble one step later.

Huh, the whole shop is almost empty.

Wang Qian and Lu Yiyun stood stupidly at a loss, wondering whether they should run outside with the customer.

Customers ran to the open-air streets and still dared not to relax. They each called and wanted to remind family and friends to leave the house. Several familiar customers beckoned at Chong Wanggan, Lu Yiyun and Zhang Zi'an. They also hurried out.

Zhang Zi reassured that Nima was a big deal!

He hurried out of the store and said loudly, "Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't spread rumors. You must go to jail 500 times."

Unfortunately, few people listened to him.

"Shopkeeper! Hurry up and let your clerks come out! It's time now, don't give up your life!"

"What rumors? I only trust my eyes!"

"Yeah! Didn't they all say that the collective abnormal behavior of animals heralded the earthquake? You can see for yourself what the pets in your store are like! Do n’t say, I will continue to call ... hey, my dad will not answer the phone, I guess I'm playing cards again, why is it really anxious to kill me! "

"No! It's the cats and dogs in the store that have eaten their stomachs in the morning ..." Zhang Zi'an bitterly wanted to persuade him, and saw Li Kun running away from the aquarium next door.

"Master ... Master! The fish in the shop ... the fish in the shop are jumping straight out! Please hurry and take a look! Is this a power leak or what's going on?" Li Kun said panickingly.

Zhang Zi'an didn't say much, and rushed into the aquarium with a short stride.

In the dark room, a few customers stared at the fish tanks in astonishment, and saw that the various fish and shrimp in the fish tanks jumped up like crazy, and the dumplings were almost the same as the dumplings. However, all of them may pop out of the fish tank and become dried fish.

Seeing this situation, Li Kun thought that some equipment had leaked electricity. But this doesn't make sense, because the instruments used in these fish tanks work under safe voltage, even if there is electricity leakage, it will not be so exaggerated!

Even those coral tanks without fish, the water ripples out of thin air, as if the seawater in the tank is shaking.

Zhang Zi'an was nervous, fearing that these valuable fish tanks would also crack like window glass, but the fish tank glass itself was relatively thick. It was strengthened to hold hundreds of kilograms of seawater, which was much stronger than window glass. There is no danger of cracking for the time being ... not for the time being.

After Jiang Feifei came to the aquarium to work, she learned a lot, but she had never heard of such a strange thing.

A customer heard the noise outside and said in doubt: "What's the noise outside? Did a car hit someone?"

"Walk and see."

Seeing Zhang Zi'an, Jiang Feifei opened his mouth and wanted to ask, but was interrupted by a wave of his hand. He has no time to be a hundred thousand why.

"Oh! What the **** are these bats? Why did they run out during the day?"

"Fuck! You can't go wrong, it's an earthquake, it's definitely an earthquake!"

There was a loud noise outside.

Zhang Zi'an rushed out of the aquarium, returned to the street again, and looked up along the eyes of others.

A group of bats suddenly flew indiscriminately like headless flies, bumped into streetlight poles and billboards and knocked themselves out of sight.

Zhang Zi'an suddenly remembered that there were bats in the green space behind the shop. Thanks to them, the trees in the green area were more grassy and more cat feces and cat urine, but there were not many mosquitoes and flies, so he was still very good at bats. Feel good.

However, what is confusing is that bats are animals that emerge day and night. Why do they fly out in the daytime and seem to lose their ability to recognize directions ...

Bats rely on sound waves to find their way and avoid obstacles. Their hearing range is as high as 2o hertz, which is ten times higher than humans' 20,000 hertz. So, are they disturbed by sound waves?

Customers who gathered on the street saw this situation and had no doubt in their hearts ~ ~ If only cats and dogs in pet shops had abnormal behavior, it would be strange for even the bats flying in the sky to appear strange. What reasonable explanation can be given for behavior if it is not an earthquake?

Zhang Zi'an was afraid that the incident would be too loud, and shouted, "Everyone calm down! Things are not what you think! You know, there are many reasons for abnormal animals, and they are not necessarily related to the earthquake!"

"So why do you say that?" Someone asked loudly.

Others have more doubts than beliefs in their hearts.

Fortunately, he is not the relevant department, otherwise the more rumors spread, the more people will believe ...

Zhang Zi'an knew that he must quickly eliminate the anomaly, otherwise he would not be able to take a walk today! ...

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